Letter Thread

Write a letter to someone who may or may not read it. Last letter of your first names edition.

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dear op,
fuck you nigger
yo mama



I believe I will always love you, but being just friends is alright. You still help me. Maybe one day we can be more.


Dear J,

The weather is starting to get warmer which makes me think of you. It's almost a year now since we first met. I've never talked to someone so much or so deeply before. We even liked the same music and aesthetics, and had very similar ideologies; in some ways I felt like you were the male version of me. I want you to know that even though you have moved on from the friendship and from me, I still think about you a lot. I think about the days and nights spent camping and hiking, and long texts conversations back and forth. I can't understand the decisions you made but it is what it is. I miss you. I know you browse Yas Forums sometimes, I don't know if you browse r9k, maybe you will see this, I'm not sure, I wonder if you will think it's me.

From, C


Poop lol


I want to protect you. You seem so stressed and anxious or maybe you're just bored. I want to comfort you, talk with you, and learn everything possible about you. Too bad I don't enjoy talking to people in reality and rationally It wouldn't work out. You're one of my favorite people though from what I've observed.

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>I can't understand the decisions you made
What did they do?

How do you think they'd react if you told them this? That's the same feelings I have for someone I know as well.

I don't think it would go well. I'm pretty sure he's married and has a kid, though he doesn't wear a ring on his ring finger. I wouldn't want to ruin his relationship/family. What's your situation?

It's pretty convoluted and involves a lot of other people. I also don't want to tell it because if J did read this he would know for sure it was me who wrote the letter.

lel, both our first names start and end in the same letter. anyway,
can't get you off my mind lately. i have nothing to do all day now but im kinda glad my sleep schedule is destroyed because now we're basically sleeping at the same time and i spend less time awake missing you.
do you think im pathetic? i hope not.
- A

I want to punch you. But that's quite the deescalation from the violent revenge fantasies that have plagued me for months. It feels pathetic to say this, but I would throw myself at your feet again even though you can't properly value me. If you open the door just a crack, I will throw it wide open and force myself back in. Maybe you think it's disgusting that someone could be so obsessed with you. I've always heard that clinginess is only cute until someone you aren't just as obsessed with won't let go. I had time to step away from you, and I almost wish I hadn't taken it at all. I shouldn't have given up. I can't really believe you don't want the same things as me. But maybe I should try to accept it, given that you've thoroughly demonstrated your lack of will. I don't think I can love another person. If I can't, then why not attach myself to the object of my love again, even if it isn't fully reciprocated?

I'm sorry, K.

A lot has changed for both of us, and I'm sorry that our most recent interactions have ended in frustration.
I'm also sorry that I didn't respond to you or tell you goodbye. Maybe one day things will be better. I just want you to know that I still love you and wish you the best.


Sometimes I regret that we ever became friends and sometimes I wonder how much different my life would be if we hadn't. I'm not sure to this day, maybe it still would have gone to shit. I was always bound to be fucked up one way or another.
Regardless, I missed when we were kids and it seem like you actually enjoyed my company. After awhile I just felt like the laughing stock, and to some extent that's my own fault. I can't blame you for most of my problems, but I want to. In the end, I'm the shitty one of this friendship. Sometimes I think you really do care, but I don't think it'll ever be the same as when we first met. Sometimes I think I talk to N because they're just a better version of you and help me feel like I did when we were younger. I remember once I had talked to one of our mutual friends when I was in a really bad state, and I had told them I hated you. In that moment I really might've, I don't know. How can I still be your friend with all this closet contempt? I'm not sure. But I still wish I had never met you sometimes. Maybe then I could've been a little bit normal, maybe my quality of life could've been so much better. But I still know that's not true. I wish I had the balls to kill myself, but that's the worst thing I could do right now. No matter how many people I cut off and how much I improve, my mistakes will always haunt me. I'll always be the same piece of shit deep down inside, there's no hiding it. I wish I never met you
- I

I feel like this is directed at me lol
What letter does the recipients name start with?

A letter to all anons reading this,

Life may be shit, but I hope that everyone will make it one day. It's unfortunate that we all end up in here, but you're all still good bros. May this world treat you guys better.

-love, user

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Why don't you provide initials so I don't get baited.

That's dangerous. Does your name start with M?

Originally, it does not.

Oh okay phew
Glad I'm not in your psycho fantasy plot.

To S,

I'm sorry that I lacked the courage to tell you the real reasons behind lying to you and doing what I did. I mishandled things. Well, I fucked them up good, is what I mean. I really fucked it. We had a really good thing going between us, too. I know it could have worked out for us in the long run. We were two old souls and we could really talk to each other with ease. But, I had to choose, and I chose J.

I wonder how different things would have been for us if I never met J. I injected myself with that confidence and will, and I never could have expected to have had such success handing over the wheel to Hyde. I never should have given him the reigns, though. My desire outweighed my reason, and that is a Sin which I can never atone for. I should have told you about J, about how I fell in love with her. I should have told you that I was leaving you instead of just disappearing, sans explanation, like I did. I owed you one, but leaving town in the middle of the night was easier for me. And that's all I was thinking about at the time, thinking about me. I should have been thinking about you. It was a POS move. I still regret it, years later. I hope you found someone and are happy. You were a good girl. I'm terribly sorry.


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thanks user. you were always my closest friend. love you

To S

I still regret saying what i did during our argument. Ever since then it seems you cant stand my presence, I really wanted it to work but i can feel us drifting further apart everyday.
When we last got together with our friends you were alot more passive aggressive, if you want to break off with me just say it I cant stand these games your playing with me right now.
I've tried to put in the effort to try and get things back to normal and its frankly starting to drain me that you haven't tried contributing at all.


I hope this makes your depression and mental state worse but not enough that you actually kill yourself to be relieved from this. I hope all your friends leave you and your parents and everyone else in your family die. I hope you get involved in some accident and become permanently injured and causes you to be in pain for the rest of your life. I hope you develop some life-long illness. I hope the last bit of things that give you joy in life is torn from you. I hope every time you pass a stranger on the street they sneer at you. I hope you always catch your own reflection on things and it disgusts you. I hope you are filled with dread and terror from the moment you wake up each day. I hope you are filled with so much shame for being you that you can never look up when you walk again. I hope just the air above you feels suffocating and heavy and just being alive feels like poison.

I was putting a lot of trust in you when I said I felt suffocated and wanted more space. You know I'd hate to be called manipulative more than anything else, since especially I constantly have to responsible in cleaning up after you and your hysteria and massive victim complex. I'm just tired of all this.

Hey B,

Still wanna fuck you.

With Love,

What's so scary? Am I being too obsessive?

I came across a letter somewhere, it felt very personal. I enjoyed the tears at the end.


I'm still glad none of this can possibly be for me.

nicky boy,
i miss you still. i miss you over and over again. i just wanna go back a year, to when we talked all night and listened to david bowie. it was nice. i miss when it was nice.

I think that was my person honestly. It sounded like them.

The deleted post was your person? Or someone else in the thread? Who?

user, please tell me what did you mean by this?

>The deleted post was your person?
Yeah. Come back to the thread and talk to me.

Just tell me that you don't want anything romantic with me, so i can fuck off.
I'm taking responsability for falling for you even though we're friends, but please, I'm begging you, this incertiny it's hurting me.

didnt read the thread theme why the fuck would you it the last letter thats lame as hell. anyways this changes from c to d

things are going well, I want to ask you on a date I really do but I don't have the courage to. I don't want to destroy the dynamic we have going at the moment and even though it kills me to do so I can't bring myself to just ask you. if you feel the same I do I just want you to give me some signs and then I'll come


feelin fiiiiiiine how about you

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Fuckin' settle, m8.


Its Is fault and theres a lot of mormons

haha nice 1 user

Heard your voice in two separate places by chance, always stumbling into things you must want me to desperately find in your prayers or why would I even be compelled to look and aways seem to find that needle in the haystack. It was the only ones I listened to as well the only things I was compelled to click on, one in a trillion to hear THAT voice and one in impossible to find it again somewhere else, yet it happened.. This is insanity, who are you and why are we connected by threads the naked eye cant see.

Dear B,
Did i really hurt you? You know i never meant too... its been over 3 years but sometimes you still slip into the back of my mind. Was it all a power game? Why couldn't you have just dumped me and been done with it? I destroyed myself because of you. Ill never get that time back and your probably happy about that.. crazy ill never see you again . The few happy moments we had will be something I hold onto forever..


I love you to death

thanks user thatssweet of you.

Hazulvulit nezimo faranhia pe sempivemo halshanfax alo fongizlat opin dibog e umtaulet let futamay. Guierziv lentazit topo faruzah pe tek.

Hard for me to be sure on the spelling. Might be necessary to sound it out.

what is this? why couldn't you just have cheated on me like a normal sociopath instead of this? why couldn't you just have stolen from or demanded material items? why couldn't you have just made up lies about me? anything other than this could have been easier to digest. i really don't understand anything

Dear eggos,
You really confuse me a lot of times. I'm sorry I broke up with you. I didn't think you would be that hurt. But you were so controlling in a weird way. Talking to you get like walking on eggshells while carrying a massive weight. I could never speak the way I normally speak because you would always find a way to act as if I'm asking you. You say so many things yet also say the complete opposite. You're a massive fucking hypocrite. Yet, I still I hope you're doing ok in life. I really did like you, but being with you was so exhausting. I hope you're doing fine now.

Idk what to say I just think I have a crush on you and honestly can't tell if you have one on me. You're very hard yet very easy to read. You always jokingly talk bad about yourself but you're really cool. But I don't want to "ruin" what we have. I love being friends with you. You're a really great person and I hope the best for you in your life

That sounds like every person I've talked to from this board.

Dear father,
I don't love you, I think you are very much aware of this. I know you're trying to make up for everything you have done and are trying to help us become a better family but, I just fucking can't forgive you for all the shit you did. The only thing I'm glad about is that you never said a hand on my sister. But all the times you fucking hit me. The time you kept hitting my head and then slammed against the wall while jamming my head with a metal ladder. All the door you have done to my mom yet simply lied so easily. You're a fucking monster. I wish you were out of our lives. If you die I wouldn't shed a tear.. However, thank you. For trying to change for the better. I know you never fully will. Me and you are just like that. But you have shown slight improvement, and for that I say thank you for taking my mom and sister better. Sorry, but I just can't see you as a father figure.

Hello N,

It's been a few years since we've seen each other. Even more so since we've hung out. I'm not sure what drove our friendship apart, but I wish whatever it was never made itself present. If you feel the same, that's great, if not, that's also fine. I realize I may have been a bit odd, and my oddness may have even been daunting to you, and for that, if that is the case, I apologize. I wish we would be able to regather our friendship and be the best friends we once were, but I think we both know, at least deep down, that that's sadly not to be, for some reason. Last time we saw each other, you didn't speak to me besides saying "Hey," yet you started a brief conversation with my mother about how she's been, ignoring me completely, despite standing, quite literally, right next to her. That's fine, I'm not here to point fingers, and again, I realize my awkwardness and societal immaturity may have driven you away. And I truly apologize for that. I'm a different person now. I assume you are, too. I do wish we could rekindle our friendship, but all things point to it being lost. I appreciate the great times we had together regardless. I hope you, your mother, your brother, and your dog is doing well. And I hope your dad finally chilled the fuck out. And lastly, I'm sorry if I was ever oblivious to any calls for help you may have been trying to make, to me, or to our peers.

Your Best Friend,

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I just really wanted to say, if you ever see this, somehow, someway, if your assumption of who I am as "R," is correct, then please, try to contact me, if you have the feeling too.



I sometimes wonder what happened to you and how well uni is going. Normally I dont think of you at all. Too many things to do. Exercising all the time, repairing things, working, and watching things I want to watch eat up a lot of my time. You are probably fine though.



I'm sorry. I'm trying my best but I can't save all of them. Every victory is hollow and very failure eats away at me. I don't know how much more I can last before I just become one of them.


Sorry. I fucked up. I don't even think you know I like you. If I could find you again we'd absolutely be together, but you're a fucking ghost. I hate this. I'm sorry.

- E

What happened user?
Haven't been on this board in forever. Forget I have to make this original.

Dear S.H.,
I've been in love with you for years. I know you don't have any feelings for me besides platonic but I still can't shake you. I hope whoever you're currently after isn't gonna hurt you too much though, you're still a friend even still.

Dear E,
I know it all happened so many years ago but I don't know if I'll be able to forgive myself or you, it wasn't either of us, but it's so stuck in my head that I failed you and you failed me. We don't talk much anymore besides sharing memes, but I'd like to try to drink a beer with you sometime.

Dear B,
You don't know who I actually am, I don't know your actual name, but you've been one of the best influences on me. I really can't thank you enough and hope you can forgive all the times I've fucked up

Dear L, N, E, and way too many others I know,
Fuck you, you fucking suck, I can't stand you or your stupid political LGBT bullshit you give that entire community an even worse name

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There's so much that I want to say to you. Things that I haven't brought up in any of our phone calls. You see, I keep thinking back to our last moments together at Heathrow. You cried so much, but I couldn't produce any tears myself. I only pretended to cry. I didn't want you to think I didn't care or that I don't love you. The truth is, I love you more than anyone I've ever met. You are the driving force of my life. I'm doing everything I can to finish school so I can get back to you and stay for good. The problem is.... I'm afraid that I will fail. I'm afraid that our circumstances won't let us be together. It terrifies me so much, because I can't imagine living without you long term. I'd bet you have these fears too. I haven't brought it up because I'm afraid that speaking these fears outloud will somehow make them destiny I still have faith in us, though. I have faith that we will one day come back to Tintern abbey and sit on those stone steps where I first confessed my love to you. I've decided i want to propose to you there. I trust you will say yes.



I've wanted to get to know you for some time now.

I know you've seen me behave in a way that doesn't seem appealing or attractive, but that was long ago, and I hope you'd give me a chance now as I am not like the person you knew. People do stupid and idiotic things when they're young, but I've grown out of that person now.

I've very frequently looked back on how I behaved ever since I began to like you, and from that I have been trying to make myself a better person.

I want you to know the real me and I hope you would give me a chance to show that.

I'm telling you how I feel, so that these thoughts can finally be off my chest, and maybe so that I could finally move on from you, because quite frankly, it has been difficult for me to.

Maybe after the lockdown is lifted I would grow the balls to try and finally converse with you.

Know that I'm not asking you for anything, but if you do want to actually get to know me, let me know.


Everything is fucked, more than than things have been. But that's alright. I'll keep going. I've found enough drive to live.
But you could already guess that couldn't you?
You're not too concerned about my situation are you?
I'm not convinced
But that's okay. It's time to let go, to let the ashes be swept away by the wind. Maybe some day I can try again, when things aren't fucked.
I'm sorry for everything, and I still feel that I have no excuse. Even if you are willing to let me back.
Or were willing.
But it doesn't matter, because I won't let me back.
I genuinely wish you the best in life. You deserve it, you're great.
Though sometimes I wish that my/Ryan's acid hypothesis was right and you were just a figment of my imagination...
You're the best mistake I think I've ever made.

Dear a,

Last night I dreamt that we were together. I was able to feel you and hold you, and you accepted me. It was really pleasant, and it made me sad, because I know in real life you probably feel nothing like that for me.

Also, in the dream you seemed different in some ways, you dressed different and looked different, but I still knew it was you.

I woke up happier than I had been in months. I am so sad now because I want to approach you, but I can only guess you wont feel the same way and it will be awkward(and would I hate that).

Sincerely your friend,


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Get in here anons!


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Times have changed. We've known each other for what feels like forever. At least for me. We've seen the other grow a lot. I'm not the same person you met five years ago, and you're not the same either.
I'm glad we shared those times together, and I can only hope we'll share more.
But things are rough right now, for both of us.
You're struggling, a lot it feels. And the second worse part for me is that neither of us know how I can help.
The worse part is that you're going through this.
I'm struggling too, struggling a lot. Struggling with stuff I know you've had to handle in the past.
It's not fun, I can say that much.
Living every day like this, being in this state of mind every waking moment.
But it's alright.
Remember sisu.

I think one of the worst parts of my situation is that I'm unsure of whether or not I'll be able to tell you everything. I've only told one other about any of this, and even then I didn't tell them everything.
Don't worry about who I told, they're good. You know them.
Life will be challenging for the foreseeable future, but I don't worry about it too much.
Mostly because I know that I can rely on you if I need to.
That I can still confide in you when I've grown comfortable enough to talk about something.
I think there are a group of people in my life who I have not dedicated enough time to, have not developed a relationship enough with despite the fact that I would be better off doing so.
I think you were on that list for basically the entire time we've known each other.
But in this past half a year or so you've made your own list.
The list of people that sit in the deepest parts of my heart. The people that sit in the most valuable places.
And I think that list will be staying at one name for a while. Not unless things change a lot.
But don't worry, you won't be the only one there forever. I'll try and find at least one or two names to add to that list.
The names I can add are just very rare. And I really do mean very.
I love you