Why don't you support immigration? You're more likely to fuck an immigrant.
Why don't you support immigration? You're more likely to fuck an immigrant
can I borrow that one?
University, shoot your shot
What is her ethnicity?
And what is your height?
Promise you will put a white baby in that
Is she a thot that says she hates white men, but only fucks white men?
is that a sex doll? looks like one to me. and i dont think with my penis thats why
Cause most immigrants want to leave their countries, and most countries that people want to leave are shitty, and most shitty countries have shitty people.
Also, I don't find blacks attractive, and latinas are hot while young, but often turn into fat hags at 30.
Iranian (persian), 5'10
pcos, so no
she doesn't hate white people, although white guys aren't "her type"
She definitely comes from a shitty country with plenty of shitty people
>Iranian (persian), 5'10
wow lucky
What is pcos?
My country got over 2 million Venezuelans, almost 500k of them in my city. Do you think that made me less of a sperg?
Welp you're on my kill list you scourge of eugenics.
>Shoot your shot
Jesus Christ you're so cringe worthy.
I dated a hot Argentinan immigrant girl for awhile, she thought I was hot even though white girls all say I'm ugly I'm white, also she broke up with me but it was my fault
You're a gene pool ruiner and a dumbass. Who'd thought?
polycystic ovarian syndrome, she can't bear kids
all I did was walk up to her and talk to her, so legit you need to try
how tf did you land such a cutie also
fuck if only I still went, Im 23 should I apply for something seeing that Im a neet
Do it. My dad regretted not going for a long time. Start the process as soon as you can because you might like it bruv
I might try something to do with history or something see where that can take me
My best head was from an indian girl whos parents were from India. I can confirm this is a logical train of thought.
you see cuties all over the place. this one even has poor self esteem, believe it or not. amazing lay though
definitely. a lot of the time they want to rebel from their families too
Whats the first letter of her name?? I might know this chick
What's her breast size ? Seems insane
I do. As long as the influx of them, and birthrates of my own people keeps them being a small minority. Otherwise my country will no longer be my country
>bro just facilitate the destruction of your nation for COOOOOM
Dont take exotic food home it spoils easy and it changes the taste
Gotta get that nut bro, dont care that much more men immigrate to 1st world countries than women
>Why don't you support immigration?
Because this is MY country! Mine! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MIIIIIIINE!
nations are worthless desu
>You're more likely to fuck an immigrant.
there are almost no female immigrants in my country.
90+% of the immigrants are men. Some of these men file for family reunification and eventually get their wife/gf here, so the girls are taken before they even come here.
There are obviously some second generation immigrant girls, but these have already been corrupted by the west and are just as difficult to get in bed as white girls.
>tfw 6'3 and white with a deep voice and a thick pp
Where do I sign up for a chubby, self-hating brown gf? I unironically really want an indian or middle eastern girl.
to add to this, the only immigrants that we have in Europe are muslim and therefore extremely xenophobic. Like being disowned or honor-killed by their parents for dating a white guy level xenophobic.
I don't think americans understand how fucking lucky they are to have female asian and latina immigrants who share a fairly similar culture and are open to dating white men. I would absolutely support immigration if we had US style immigration.
She falls out of this
This. Tbh persians like in OP tend to be more laxed. Also west and central africans. (T. Had a nigerian gf for a while) but arabs, somalians, and pakis are fucking insane and should never have been allowed to come here. They literally despise western culture and that's not an understatement
Getting a blowjob ATM while she's riding my knee
Mf what is the first letter of her name
There are Christian arabs, user. They Don't really allow interracial dating and stuff either though. Same with assyrians. These two are atleast bareable to live along with however
The anti-immigrant people in this thread are right, immigration drstroys communities and OP's a racemixing degenerate, but they're making an error in thinking you should give a shit about a community that has rejected you and caused you nothing but pain.
So, if I get rejected by white girls my whole life, they decide I'm one of the minority of men undeserving of love and I simply have to learn to cope with loneliness and never being touched and dying without passing on my genes, and an Asian girl comes along and wants to give me all those things, I'm supposed to say "no" because it will do harm...to the people who harmed me.
You have it backwards. I have every right to want to see the West collapse.
>They literally despise western culture
Name one (1) [uno-ein-un-ichi] reason why this is not the best thing possible
But what do you do if you're white (southern italian) and immigrant women don't like you either?
Yes, this is a possibility, you faggots.
You get buffed and embrace Ancient Roman and European history.
Se vuoi parlare, dimmi il tuo discord, sono stanco della quarentena e non ho nessuno con chi parlare
Because it's the best place to live in on the planet and free speach websites like this would never exist without it you larping autist
b-but user i'm a paki and i don't despise western culture...
Exactly. But too bad Noah will have to come back because people destroy everything over and over and over again. The planet is the receding gum of a rotton tooth.
Why the fuck did you read only the two last words of the quote lol
>Name one
How about two.
First of all, hating the western culture means hating western people, which means you won't be able to have sex with them which was the whole premise of the thread.
Secondly, hating western culture means they actively try to sabotage any and all parts of it and resist any kind of assimilation. Like refusing to use garbage cans because they hate the west so much, stupid shit like that. Plus they refuse to work and steal, rape, etc. at a much higher rate than the locals.
But I certainly dislike a lot of the western culture when it comes to trannies and degeneracy and divorce rape, etc., so I see your point, but it just isn't applicable to this thread and this setting.
>Why don't you support immigration? You're more likely to fuck an immigrant.
No you're not. That's the problem. All the decent looking immigrant men that come over here will get average to below average looking white women.
All the decent looking immigrant women that come over will still only fuck Chad.
You may be right, but not everything is black or white. Someone may find an arabian cutie that's 80% repulsed to white culture, not enough to destroy everything in her path / act like a fucking ape and eventually marry some non arab that made the effort to convert to islam
>thing possible
Wtf are you going on about? What do you mean by this
If i lived in a 100% paki neigbourhood. Would my gf be able to walk home from the buss station late at night without a veil on?
Nah, that kuffar would get raped in a cold minute
shit bait, (You) denied
I'm honestly confused by your autism
>why did you only read the last two words?
What did you mean by this?
Yes. Don't support immigration; don't racemix; don't have casual sex. Don't you know? That's bad for society.
So, the society that rejected you, all the white guys who benefit from your suffering by monopolizing women, and all the white women who chose you as one of the few men who are denied love and human touch and the ability to pass on your genes and have a family, THEY will be hurt by you doing these things, so don't DO THEM. Do you REALLY want to hurt THEM?
absolutely. But that's a rare occurrence. And there are so many immigrant males for every female that dealing with the downsides of immigration doesn't outweigh the microscopic chance getting some arab pussy.
But if there would have been a fairly even split of males and females, and they shared roughly the same culture, like mexicans in the United States or the indians/chinese/filipinas in Australia, then I would be pro-immigration.
But minority women also contribute to the degeneracy of western society. White beta and omega males on the internet think they are somehow pure as opposed to white women. They are not.
It should be no secret by now that white males are constantly pushed to race mi with minority women. Reddit complains 24/7 that white males are oppressing minority women because not enough white males will date them and have sex with them and pay attention to them.
Post pics of erect dick please
can i see her milkers
I am fine with immigration from certain countries, but Those countries are developed fully and they do not send citizens over here any more, like Korea, Japan, and most parts of Europe.