Just a reminder, this is what women think of ugly guys


Just a reminder, this is what women think of ugly guys.


Attached: uglyincel.jpg (1043x782, 85.79K)

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the accounts are all verified women just so you all know

are trans allowed? bc I hate terfs, ya know

You're fucking stupid if you think real hot girls (not trannies or hamplanets) use reddit. They use instagram or snapchat

They aren't wrong. A lifetime of rejection and being treated like garbage tends to build up a resentful and some times dangerous mind.

nah, rule explicitly says that XY chromosomes are disallowed

so they confirmed terf retards

its just female nature
to want a handsome guy
guys like me just cant compete so there is no reason for me to be nice to them because it will get me nowhere fast

>referring to each other as queens
>brown hand clapping emoji
makes you really think

Yeah, while I can not confirm that I would be an asshole as a spouse, I believe it is true. There is no reason for guys like us to pursue relationships because of it, sadly, we would only hurt our partners and ourselves in the process. I think it is best we acknowledge that being alone is the healthiest option, and enjoy the extra time time with our friends, hobby, and career instead.

>thinking that retarded subreddit is all women
shyggy diggy

As in,represents all women

No even decent looking woman uses a website called female dating strategy. Who cares what fat and ugly women look like


That whole sub is a psyop.

I dont know why guys get their panties in a knot over this kind of stuff. Ugly guys really are like this, you guys talk about it all the time.

They are right tho
But this goes in both directions, usually the unattractive women are also the most jealous, clingy and obnoxious. Insecure people are just a general problem in this world and should be gassed

pretty easy to be a happy decent person that treats everyone well if you're good looking and everyone treats you well

What if ugly people have worse personalities and their looks just reflect that?

I genuinely hope with all of my heart that one day I view women with the same regard that I few pocket lint

This doesn't add up because woman are attracted to abusive men.

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>trash women are attracted to trash men

Color me surprised

Then why aren't incels/robots getting laid?

Because there's more than one type of trash?
Stop trying to over simplify women. They can be attracted to different types of trash.
One dimensional misogynistic ass

What the fuck, there's literally not one single comment disagreeing with it. That's fucked up. This is what women really think?

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Remember in like r/incels where people there complained about not getting absolute 10s?
This is the female version of that
Notice most of the posters there also post on trufemcels

Just proving their point.

You're mad about being generalized but are doing the exact same thing.

There's trash with confidence and pussy trash, incels are the latter

It's almost as if communities with a specific theme attract people with similar views

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>go to a subreddit that originates from trufemcels
>surprised its gender-hating pile of shit

Femcels is ok but r/incels HAS to go, sorry sweaty female safe space :^)

Reddit puts women on such a ridiculous pedestal its not even funny

Probably because they're the most important part of reproduction?

fucking idiot

True fact. And even if an ugly guy manages to get a girlfriend, knowing deep inside he can be replaced by Chad at any moment makes him more anxious since he'll have a hard time finding another girl.

if that were the case valuable commodities don't usually walk around and talk user

Unironically this. Incels try to play the nice guy card. That's what makes them even more unappealing to women. If rather have someone upfront about the fact that they are an asshole than be able to sense it as he pathetically tries to cover it.

This genuinely makes me sad. Is this really life? Is this really what I have to deal with?

>Insecure people are just a general problem in this world and should be gassed
What if I just keep to myself?

Yeah, because females don't go on shooting sprees

Didn't bother reading passed the op and first comment, but I dated an "ugly" guy from r9k. He thought he was ugly but I thought he was average and cute if he took care of himself. He got such a big ego from finally being in a relationship that he started text fucking any girl he could on discord.
I don't blame anyone for wanting to date up, but watch out for the warning signs of people who consider themselves ugly.

That place is one brutal redpill on females. I hate them so, so much. And I hate even more how much their wombs and asses attract me

Interesting. What makes you think this?

>cut off your penis 2 infiltrate women only forum kick bitches out and make it be about cars, football and anime instead.
Based as fuck

Some girls harshly judging men for undesirable traits makes you sad and makes you question life? When you're on r9k?

The difference is that woman perceive the MAJORITY of men as "unattractive" while men only see a small fraction of women as unfuckable

>implying they're wrong

The sub is based.

>That place is one brutal redpill on females

It's merely a redpill on the females posting on this board, see

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That subreddit of 65,000 redditors, just like the whole of r9k, aren't comparable to what actually happens outside.
>inb4 dating site statistics
Your post still doesn't explain why the user is questioning if this is really life just from seeing that reddit.

what percentage of men do you think ends up learning that women are much closer to instinct-dependent spawns of nature than philosophically valuable individuals at some point in their life? I honestly think a good portion, over 30%, of men never really internalize the fact that women are not individuals in the way men can be.

>women are not individuals in the way men can be.
Says the drone from the MGTOW hivemind.

Attached: seethe_incel.jpg (583x592, 67.25K)

Waste of dubs on shit bait.

>Waste of dubs
What the fuck does that even mean, zoomer?

Holy shit, the trannies are fucking seething. The one good thing to come out of that subreddit

I laugh at all these roasts getting pumped and dumped by Chad and referring to each other as Kweens.

Kek they're not even as radical as redpill faggots, but men do get triggered at even the slightest of misandry. Absolutely based women

>instinct-dependent spawns of nature
What's what the vast majority of men are, including you

Pretty much this, hatred and resentment doesn't just pop out of nowhere, they are almost always terribly misplaced tho.

Hate those who have treated you like garbage? Sure. But hate anyone who associates with them just by gender? Nah.

Unironically the way to solve incels and women haters is to just offer good experiences with them without it being just on pitty, being nice to someone who was mistreated by life goes a long fucking way.

yes, FDS is the a good sample of what general femalehood is like. Stay incel, retard.

Reminds me of anecdote from last year.

>meet girl
>she's in to me
>basically begging me to ask her out
>do so
>despite that she openly admits she's still going on other dates
>bored and lonely so I figure I'll give it a chance anyway
>decide if she's doing that I'm doing the same
>get on dating apps
>she sees me on there
>has a shit fit and stops talking to me

Women for you, lads.

>she shows a massive red flag
>ignores it
>shit goes south real quick
>"women amirite"
i mean fuck that bitch but what else did you expect user

Women are just as shallow as men when it comes to dating. The difference is that women can pick out desperate men

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Felt a bit sorry for her desu. That and I'd been out of it for a while and a bit of practice didn't go amiss. My take is she was just desperately lonely and clinging to her youth because that biological clock was ticking loudly.

Made her a selfish cunt though so I'm not that sympathetic.

ye i get what u mean, just be more careful next time, you might end up pissing the vindictive type that stalks you from that point on, one day you'll make it

women are far more shallow than men.

It makes sense though, humans are naturally kinder to more attractive people and less kind to ugly people. It can mold and shape them into being shitty people
But it isnt all ugly guys just like all handsome guys arent kind and a lot of people forget that each person is an individual rather than a stereotype

why the hell would I care?
They're all retarded mulattos that get ignored.
No woman who experiences love and compassion will browse a sub like this.
They're just incels who spout anger. Why would I expose myself to that?
I am a nice man and I am learning new things every day. These women are just a thorn in the side like redpillers and such.