I'm MTF, been transitioning for 4 years...

I'm MTF, been transitioning for 4 years, and lately I've been wanting to know how it feels like to fuck a pussy since I've never done it. I don't know why but the only attraction I've felt lately were for women and it's pretty raunchy and intense. I'm scared because all other trannies I've ever met want to get fucked by men or have girlfriends but never do anything too sexual with them, and I'm here wanting to roughly fuck another woman and nut inside her. What should I do bros? It all feels surreal.

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can you even get it up man?

I actually can and it works kind of well. I've been masturbating regularly so I haven't lost too many functions and it hasn't atrophied too hard. Progesterone also helps. No difficulties getting hard, or at least it's doable.

mayb u shud pound me instead bby

jk, I ain't a girl so...

I mean, if you want to do that then its ok I guess.
Just because you're a different sort of guy doesn't mean its off limits to you or something.

>he fell for the tranny meme
troomer destroyed by basic sexual attraction

you're not transexual, simple as
you fell for the AGP meme, and you seriously harm the trans community
fuck you

I mean it's basic sexual attraction sublimated into autogynephelia in the form of gender dysphoria, but more or less yes.

its never too late to detransition

detrans while you still can my man, i did and i'm living the high life. godspeed

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Go hire a hooker and see what its like. Maybe youll change your mind
Lmao what a joke. Mentally ill faggots gatekeeping other mentally ill faggots. Made me seriously laugh about the world we live in. Pretending to be a woman is cool, wanting to "pass" to maybe trick guys into something that leaves damage for life is cool but only as long as you do it for the same reasons as me yeah? You all trannies are the worst degenerates imo

Thanks user... that's reassuring to hear. I'm just scared I won't find any woman that is into a tranny like me. I look like a woman but urgh... I'm scared that women find it weird if I want to fuck them like this. I don't wanna come off as a creep, but I just really wanna plunge my dick in some pussy. I bet it feels great...
but i've been transitioning for 4 years and I live as a woman daily, I've even changed my name... is that not transexual??
but I don't wanna detrans just to fuck some women, that's just stupid isn't it...
I feel it wouldn't feel good with a hooker and I'd feel bad doing this with a hooker in the first place. There isn't any romance either and all, it's just pointless... I'd kinda love to fuck a woman and just kiss her while doing it... why am I so much of a faggot urgh...

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Ive been with hookers multiple times, lost virginity to one and i can say it is good. Not as good as real romantic relationship but still very good. I think its worth a try if you cant get it the way u want. Evem sort of an instincual bond forms with her once you fuck her. Surprised me after my first time

I am sure there are plenty of women who would be into you.
Not all of them obviously but some of them and there is nothing creepy about you having the kind of sexual experiences you want.
I've seen plenty of stories of women dating guys who came out as trans and they were very supportive and helped them transition and stayed in relationships with them.

I feel so dirty even thinking about that. I just cannot picture myself going to a hooker, having to tell her that not only I am a tranny but that I want to fuck her. That's just so fucking weird aaaaaaaaah... I would never live this down... fuck why can't I just be into men, at least I wouldn't look fucking stupid doing any of this...
>stories of women dating guys who came out as trans and they were very supportive and helped them transition and stayed in relationships with them.
But that's not really my case... I might as well be a woman with a dick now. I look like a woman and the women into me would probably be bi or lesbian and those people are not into getting dicked, are they? This is why it scares me so much. I just want to fuck a woman like this but I'm scared that none of the women that would accept dating me would be into this. It's just so hot to think about. I think I am hopeless... a tranny that wants to fuck people is like, so out there ;-;

I just wanna fuck some pussy god damn it... I'm so sexually frustrated.

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Wow intereating etical value system you have there. Being a tranny is cool, beautiful and nothing at all wrong or questionable about it. Eating estrogen, maybe chopping ofc ur cock later and doing other possibly irreversable damage to your body is ok but seeing a hooker is where you draw the line
And could you imagine how awful id feel if lets say i see someone who looks like a chick, maybe not a beautiful one but still, maybe even drag them home only to find out its a dude. Or post operation. Id flip my shit and never live that down.
You know id like to be a girl too to get all the benefets they do. Like get a ton of guys to orbit and give me money, make premium sc ett. But doesnt mean we can play pretend like children. You will never be a woman. You will never feel sexual plessure as they do. You will never have children. Life is tough but there are things you can and can't change.
I do find trannys gross. Really gross. Not only because of the fact that they are fakes like a chocolate cake that you bite only to end up with mouthful of shit but also idk wtf should be going on inside your head to go through with it and think its a good idea

user that is cool and all but all I want at this point is fuck a woman... I don't wanna do it with a hooker because I would find it too dirty and would struggle even getting hard in the first place...

what about fucking a dude

I'm not into men, otherwise I wouldn't be posting any of this :/

ok, well, either seek out the relationship you want or don't.
I don't know what else we can tell you.
be it a real relationship or a friends with benefits type thing its up to you to find it.

Well hey maybe some girl will find the fact that ur a tranny atractive. Some undecided bi chick maybe. I wonder tho what made you become trans?

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and should be treated as one. benzodiazepene can cure it. You are sick, user.

I'll try user, thanks for the encouragement, sorry for my faggotry
God I hope so... urgh... I just wanna discover all of this.
I became trans cuz I felt awful about being a guy and it was either seeking transition or killing myself. It went relatively okay, transitioned but it's only recently that I discovered I REALLY want to fuck some pussy, all of this is really horrible.
I'm feeling quite okay thanks for caring about my mental state user...

find urself a dommy bi chick to fuck the boy back into you

b-but I don't wanna become a boy again! Not like this!

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Don't stress about it. I guess it's safe to assume there are some freaky chicks out there, just go and fuck some vagoo.
>tfw I'm a male who turned 25 few days ago, and though a virgin NEET vers, switch and bi stuff all turn me on

Don't chop your dick off would be the prime strat

haha well you won't
there's plenty of chicks into transgirls as long as ur attractive (esp if andro)

People have told me I'm pretty hot actually (often dudes), I'm more on the fem side... but I enjoy acting a bit more masculine sometimes.
Actually I've never wanted to cut my dick off... I like my dick actually. I've had plenty of people telling me I wasn't really trans and that I was a sick fetishist for that, but I've actually learned to love my dick, in a weird way. I don't know. I feel ashamed sometimes. Is that weird?? I don't know anymore. I feel like I'm so detached of even the normal tranny experience at this point, I'm a fucking weirdo.

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eh you sound normal to me
only insecure sjwtroons push that trutrans shit
go dick a girl down see how u feel bout it

Good for you! Always wanted to join the Mobile Task Forces, what's your rank there?

that's reassuring to hear... I dunno, even on Yas Forums trannies are pushing this idea that you're not valid if you don't date men and don't enjoy being submissive and all... it's so awful that instead I want to do the manliest thing there is, and that is to fuck a pussy. I want it so bad, I sound like a fucking incel at this point and I feel disgusted... But it's also so hot to imagine myself fucking a woman roughly and make her moan. This is so many conflicting feelings at the same time and hard to really understand. Couldn't have I just been a normal faggot....
That's a thing from SCP right? isn't that thing for little edgy teenagers? i know I'm a faggot user but not that much....

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>People have told me I'm pretty hot actually (often dudes), I'm more on the fem side... but I enjoy acting a bit more masculine sometimes.
Again, that is fine. From what I'm hearing, it's all in your head, once corona is over. Just get out there and fuck girls. That's what I'd do. But then again, I'm turbo horny KHHV NEET.

I'll try that, thanks for being so kind to me user, I'm honestly so fucking horny I'm kind of losing my mind... how does it feel to fuck a pussy??

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oh, its you again. stop being a trender and ruining it for actual trannies

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It's the first time I post on r9k for years...

you know its not. you posted threads with that exact image or character multiple times shilling hormones

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It made for a fun game so idgaf

anone you know multiple people can post the same images right... I really haven't been here for years and i was coming here because I'm a massive coomer and I wanna fuck pussy really badly...

riiight even if you are saying the truth you are still a trender and fucking it up for the actual trannies

I'm sorry user urgh... I can't help it, I just really want to fuck a woman and shove my thing deep inside her, I feel like a dirty animal for this... I'm really sorry for making everyone look bad ;-;

maybe stop being a fucking coomer? what makes you feel like making this thread would help you? if you wanna fuck a girl, go find one that will. sign up for fetlife or some shit like that where that shit is accepted more

I like being kind, ngl... I hate rude posting without any context or reason.
>I'm honestly so fucking horny I'm kind of losing my mind...
You and me both. I'm always horny.
>how does it feel to fuck a pussy??
I wish I could tell you. Like I said, I'm a KHHV NEET.

stfu you tranny and give source now

You're in luck provided you actually pass. There's plenty of girls out there who'd do it with you. Just as long as you don't mind them being closet pedophiles, repressed lesbians or kinky bisexuals.

>maybe stop being a fucking coomer
I fucking can't I've been thinking about days about this and I'm going so insane I've started humping my couch I feel so dirty and helpless...
sounds like we're both incel faggots...
>repressed lesbians
really?? is that how it works? I doubt any lesbians would like to date me, repressed or not...

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thats actually pathetic, do you have no shame or selfcontrol you fucking cumbrain?
again why the fuck did you post here, did you think youd get someone to say "hey, i live across town and id love to fuck you uwu"?

I can't control myself anymore... I give up... I can't believe any of this is happening I'm too much of a horndog, I want to mindlessly smash and stop thinking so hard... this is so gross I'm just a gross dude even after all these years of transition...

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maybe its time to stop taking the pills then? please stop it

>That's a thing from SCP right? isn't that thing for little edgy teenagers? i know I'm a faggot user but not that much....
Imagine not being into SCP, one of the best and most unique examples of world-crafting in the modern era.
>Upon depositing fifty cents US currency into the coin slot, the user is prompted to enter the name of any liquid using the touchpad. Upon doing so, a standard 12-ounce paper drinking cup is placed and the liquid indicated is poured.

>I fucking can't I've been thinking about days about this and I'm going so insane I've started humping my couch I feel so dirty and helpless...
Welcome to puberty fa m. Go watch some porn and jack off and it goes away. Also try asking out that girl you like. Don't forget to give her a firm handshake. Go git 'em tiger.

This is an example of a woman. What a bitch, right? Well, get used to it. Don't let her bullshit intimidate you, just ask her out then tell her to fuck off and stop providing for her when she acts like this.

This is an example of a man. He'll shit on you all day for liking sex, white-knight virgins like frigid bitches have any worth, and say how he's not into sex but a deeper connection even though he only drools over fertile females. Same advice applies as to dealing with women.

It's good you have a healthy relationship with your penis. Best to keep your fertility as well champ. Heard some people talk about freezing sperm if you haven't already fucked it with the hormones. If you have please try to reverse it.

>but i've been transitioning for 4 years and I live as a woman daily, I've even changed my name... is that not transexual??
That's transgender, not transexual.
(((They))) confuse the terms on purpose.

>this is so gross I'm just a gross dude
You are you, fa m.
Idk if you're a man or woman but self-confidence is important for both, so get it either way!

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Kek. That term has lost all of it's substance IMO. Besides, realistically speaking it's not a question of: "Oh no, I can't get laid, WAAAHHHH POOPOO PEEPEE REEEE!". I just don't wanna put myself out there. I have other issues I need to work on first. If I want to fuck (which I do), I want to do my best to make sure it's a good and positive experience.
Kek, just bi.
Don't stress about it, user. You have a active libido, again... There is nothing wrong with that.


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At this point I look too much like a woman to ever go back, honestly...
I almost feel like I'm getting coached by some sort of big brother I never had... thanks anone... for some reason all of this made me feel better. Do you really think I can become a chad/stacy with women despite being a tranny? I'm so scared but at the same time it sounds kind of fun to tell myself this is what I could become...
I know it just really feels weird to have a peak of libido like this after all this time, it's scary, and for some reason I'm enjoying this while I should be massively dysphoric about it yet I feel good I feel gross about all this ;-;

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>At this point I look too much like a woman to ever go back, honestly...
im gonna have to call you out on that, by far most trannies dont look "too much like a woman" so youre gonna have to prove it. 10 bucks you still look mainly masculine unless youve had surgery, which might not even help

I'm not sure I want my face attached to a post where I say I want to mindlessly smash a woman's pussy and say really coomer shit, sorry user, feel free to not believe me, but for real, I hardly see myself going back to a dude at this point. Also I have big tits :/

tits can be removed
also if you really have decent tits, fuck you for wasting them on being a trender
and keep being in denial about reality you cumbrain

I didn't choose anything anone... I feel really ashamed of all of this... I didn't really choose that HRT made me grow kinda big tits too, they've just exploded after 2 years and a half. I don't want to go back to being a man even though I want to fuck pussy... I'm sorry for hurting you I'm sorry I can't apologize enough I feel I'm disgracing everyone...

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Again, you are thinking too much into this, user. :)
As long as you don't let your libido control your day to day life, you are fine. We have sexual impulses and sexual desires and that is fine. If you find women attractive and want to fuck them, then get some pussy.

What if you just fucked another tranny

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Where is this hash from?

>I almost feel like I'm getting coached by some sort of big brother I never had... thanks anone...
It's called game. I got mine from the hardcore PUA community.
>Game saves lives, and not just the lives of the person awakening to a red pill awareness. I know this firsthand from twelve years of private email testimonials and heartbreaking confessions.

If you wanna a lite version I saw a tranny post Jordan Peterson before. He's a flawed human with some dumb beliefs like everyone else but some good hybrid/purple-pill stuff he says well.

>with women
There's no such thing as women fa m. Every color of the rainbow, every year of wine, is unique in its own way. Some even don't want (or already have) children, although I would still recommend keeping your fertility... Women aren't attracted to physical things, just be both high-value and caring and you can focus on and get the ones you have a thing for.

>I feel I'm disgracing everyone...
As this has continued, I'll tldr the last response:
Women don't give two fucks what you look like (other than being hygenic/healthy), don't worry about that for getting them.
And as far as disgracing civilization, heterosexual men also don't give two fucks what you look like they just care that you are a productive member of society.

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at least you know what you are...
what kind of hrt regimen does that, legit question because hrt stopped doing anything for me after a few months

>looks dont matter
yea okay, this is one of the most stupid things ive heard in a while

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>There's no such thing as women fa m
get your levels checked, ask on hrtgen, etc

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wow thank you, great answers

Thanks, it's just, I feel like a fucking coomer right now, even when I fap and coom it just comes back really quick, I feel like I'm back when I was 13 or something, this is horrible... I'm starting to even save some images that look really hot from rule34 I am reaching really bad coomer states...
I wouldn't be opposed to it but I just want to feel what a hot tight pussy actually feels like... I bet it feels amazing.
Can I become part of the PUA community as a tranny? I feel like I'll never be a chad/stacy because of the very nature of what I am, I feel like I'm at the bottom of society in every single way.
I think it's because I'm on cypro AND prog. Prog really helps with the formation of tits but it also makes you severely horny... probably why I have these massive coomer peaks... If you're talking about estrogen then check out lena and stuff, I'm with an official endo so it helps, kinda...

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