Explain to me again how women are the dregs of society and not men

Explain to me again how women are the dregs of society and not men.

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Check how many of these criminals had single mom's.
While not an excuse defs an influence

>why is the gender that's had pressure put on them to hide all weak enotions (sadness, insecurity, etc.) until the 2010's and THEN get told how inferior they are to women so violent???

Name. The. Problem:
Inequality towards the treatment of men.

70% black
>serial killers
60% black
80% black
>suicide bombers
0% black
>charged pedophiles
40% black
name the problem

those numbers are less than the numbers in the OP image. So, males.

a better question would be why is this the case?

yeah a specific subset of males sure. just a joke though i dont have any ill will towards black people

It's because of but OP justs wants to act like men are inherently shit even though that attitude towards men is why these numbers are so high

People are degenerate in general, woman are manipulative and men are aggressive, the same aggression in men also makes him protect his family and is the reason men are more driven to succeed meaning making up 95% of top CEO's and Nobel Laureates. If society was all women things wouldn't get done, laws wouldn't be enforced and the world would lack order.

Men are also respobsible for 99% of human developement in science, architecture, art and politics.
Women can't blame men for all the bad things in the world when they're just passive bystanders while men do everything

To be honest I was mainly shitposting too. Men are more prone to bad shit but that doesn't mean random women on twitter making gotcha statements can solve it.

males in the animal kingdom are generally agressive add to that agressiveness bad parents, being poor or just having mental ilnesses and it makes men go crazy.

the best solution in my opinion would be to take better care of our children, if your parents treat you like shit when you are a kid you're going to treat other people like shit, also if poor people didn't exist there would be a decrease in violence and crime in general.

Men who get raped are laughed at and never bother to report because of that
Two 15 years olds have sex, police arrest the male as a paedophile and let the women go free

it is mainly because women just do not do much. men are better at everything, even the bad things.

women would happily kill every last man and then ask "why is there nobody left to give me attention?"

Men aren't dregs, they're slaves to women

Person who gives BIRTH to all the above: WOMEN

We need to start tackling the female problem.

most of those issues would just vanish completely if women would just fuck

but r9k is generally against abortions

it isn't like men are doing this shit for no reason. all of this male violence is a symptom to the real problem.

I'm pretty sure that there is some societal backlash, such as the MeToo movement, that actively favors women over men without any hesitation since women are generalized to be always innocent, no matter how big or small any deviance they they may inflict upon. yet, women nowadays still complain about
>muh equality
> has a leftist and progressive thinktank that plays the victim card even though they're shooting the shots
>triggered easily and unable to undertake logical decisions

consider that men allowed feminism and degeneracy to ever exist and women happened to obliged to leech over what was necessary for their self interests. the only reason why women could be perceived to be the dregs of society is because they can get away with almost anything with little to no repercussions.

so to answer your statement, men become the dregs of society because they are outplayed over a inequitable system that instinctively favors women. men are now powerless, and quite frankly, women capitalizing on this inequitable system are consequently contributing to the continuous decay of morality.

Not the point. Women are literally the precursor to all evil.

thats not true. men took credit for 99% of everything. women create and men push you into the dirt and take it away from you

is this a biblical reference?

>thats not true. men took credit for 99% of everything

Aaaand source??

It is not, no.

then go start your own country with all women. women are a protected class, but they wouldnt be in an amazon society. its always feminism that escalates issues, fine keep doing it. lets just stagnate for another decade or two

>pulls an arbitrary exaggerated number out of his ass as a statistical datapoint
>refuted with a no u statement
>uhhh source for that number plz lol thats ridiculous?

Cool so you're pulling random shit out of your ass and projecting. Also I'm not that other person lmao.

Lovingly crawl back to FDS/Tranny hub

Correlation behind different then causation fallacy the post.

because women are cowards, they will never do the right thing because all they care about is feeling secure and avoiding confrontation

Show stats that are current and include full cross section of proportion of population or gtfo

>you're pulling random shit out of your ass
they simply used the exact same stupid number that the first guy used
>and projecting
i think you use projection as a buzzword because that post wasnt a very good example of projection at all

>makes an argument that refuting statistics is ridiculous

hah, then this explains that you aren't even trying to convince us that you're making any logical sense

women want unequal rights but also to be catered on. feminists cry "men baaad" then quote some percentages for attention. but they never say what they want, nor offer a solution, or offer anything beyond bickering and arguments.


>They refuted with no u!
>Ignore that i said no u first though

Whether it was good or not is irrelevant, it's still projection

Men and women are not enemies. We are companions biologically designed to help each other and anything else is brainletism.

As for our differences: Men are always on the top and bottom of any society. We're most prone to be homeless but also rich. Women are the moderate sex, by comparison. Anything else is bullshit. I don't believe we're the overwhelming majority of pedos either for a second. The whole woman teacher-fucking-students epidemic stands as testament against that.

i was going to ask "do feminists even know what they want?"

and i realized that they actually do - ya wanna bitch

The problem is a society which pushes men to make these decisions.

>As for our differences: Men are always on the top and bottom of any society. We're most prone to be homeless but also rich. Women are the moderate sex, by comparison. Anything else is bullshit.
based, but I see you have a good point.

>"HUMAN BEINGS" are so violent
>What's wrong with HUMANITY
>Why can't we ALL just be nice to each other?
Hey bitch: I hate men. I also I hate women. I hate everyone. That includes rapists, serial killers, shooters, suicide bombers, and pedophiles. What part of that do you not understand?

Almost there, now separate the races and see where it leads to.

>making people crazy
100% women

>just a joke though i dont have any ill will towards black people
where do you think you are

women are always someone's property.

Attached: 11db9a5e.jpg (518x442, 45.25K)

why is pedophilia on that list? considering she also lists rapists, I assume she doesn't mean child abuse when she says pedophilia but she means simply attraction to children. which is as much of a choice as homosexuality: not at all. so, why is it on that list?

How do you know it's the single mom's fault and not the husband who left in the middle of the night or cheated on her?

Except if this was true then males would only have become violent in the past decade, yet they have been responsible for the majority of violent ceime since litwrally always. You don't get to pretend this is secretly all just because of feminism or whatever

Men actually keep society moving. Women sit in the corner and drive men forward with the gift of pussy.

Deep down you love violent, dangerous men though. We make your pussy moist.

What do women create?

beat me to it
women are useless

>humans arent responsible for their actions, society is!
Men have zero functioning brain cells

Men are the active part of society, for good or ill. For all the violent criminals you'll get men solving those crimes and, pushing innovation in every field.

Women are a much more passive component of society. Things happen to them.

to categorize suicide bombers as "male violence" really shows fucked up femoids are.
also OP good bait, but people do not have to be nice to each other.

this thread is truly pointless

>Gets BTFO
>I-It was just a joke bro...chill

It actually shows how fucked up moids are, stay mad

"Muslim violence" is too problematic a statement for a woman to make. They have to adhere to societal norms.

Society is led by men so you just played yourself

Stop being such pussies and admit the fact men do violence. Men do everything.
Roasties have always been eternally mad they are a passive npc gender and always will be.

False statistics. End of thread