>character is over 30
>still lives with his parents
Character is over 30
Other urls found in this thread:
I’m just hoping to be alive by the time I’m 30.
>I’m just hoping to be alive
>character doesn’t stay up till 6 am then sleep all day
>character is 18
>lives alone
>I’m just hoping to be alive
this is normal in slavland
Married with Children told me it was fine. And i'm ok with that
My dad kicked me out when I was 17. I don't understand how anyone can live with their parents.
Doctors can’t figure out what’s causing all this abdominal pain...
I started drinking heavily to kill myself a decade ago and I’m still here but just look like shit
Post pics
These people don’t exist Irl right? I had friends in their mid 20’s hit a rough patch and have to move back in their parents house, I did from 22-23. 30+ year old guys don’t normally still live at home
I'm 31 and live with my parents, I'm also a kissless touchless virgin and never worked a day in my life.
cant remember last time I had friends, I think that must have been in 3rd grade or something
>americans kick their children out once they hit 18
traditionally people live with their parents, if your parents are decent there is no reason to not live with them. moving out is a Jewish, merchant meme to get you spending shekels on a place to live and get you disconnected, atomized.
It's time you let someone profit of you, isn't it?
bernie sanders lived as a neet with no job till he was 40
no my parents actually love me and like having me around. we get along I make dinners, fix stuff have my gf over workout in the back with my dad whos probably my best friend its great. Multigenerational households build stronger bonds
>character has given up
Post skin complexion on face. Alcoholics often have bloated faces and beer belly’s
latinos go as far as getting married and having the wife move in to his parents house
its different when youre rich
Your dad is a piece of shit that doesn't care about you. A lot of teenagers thankfully didn't have to endure the same as you.
I’m 20, worked my first job 1 month and half ago. It was 12 hour night shifts, great pay for someone my age but it changed my attitude quickly. Family told me I began to look sickly and got angry quickly.
It was a very demanding job, especially once they put me on “track” which was basically putting crates of of fruits onto pallets. I was always placed on oranges which was the heaviest and it’s supposed to be a 2 man station but since I was agency and they can fuck agency mules over they only put me on it. Was exhausted after 2 hours let alone 12.
>TLDR don’t work hard jobs because it isn’t worth the pay.
I never understood this. In Europe, the Middle East and I think most of Asia. People live with their parents until they can afford to live on their own. Not because they reach a certain age so they must be kicked out
Im an Italian in New York we live with our parents forever why is that weird to so many Americans?
what do you put on your za
>Italian American
You guys are no different from “irish“ Americans.
>have little to no knowledge of what life is like in the home country
>can’t speak the native tongue
>cannot relate to people who you claim to be
Americans treat their children like human puppy dogs until they become older and a liability/nuisance. The cuteness wears off, so they chuck them into the streets at age 18.
>I hate that I have no job and can't afford to move out and no partner to move in with
Every time
i hate incel neets so god damn much bros
Maybe because rent is $2,000/month? How the fuck do you pay that at 17?
crohns disease. you're welcome
>something feels stuck in my throat since 2 weeks
>painful when i swallow
frick i hope its not cancer.
Fuck. I really wish I wasn't insane so I could function in society and not end up like that.
Thats the idea man. With baby boomer bosses you do not want to be a good worker. Instead of getting positive feed back you get more work and promise of pay that will never come
This. I know a bunch of Chads living with their parents in Eastern or Southeastern Europe.
>mom cooks and cleans for them
>all the bills are paid
>if they work, all their money goes to bikes and cars
>party every day and still get women
Pretty much me but I recently turned 29
Have you tried not being a whiny little bitch? You’re getting paid to get ripped biceps. Just work on your core as well and you’ll be slaying pussy left and right, and in a home that isn’t your parents.
Only the shitty ones. I’m 28 and still live my parents. I make more than enough to live alone, but why? We’re family for fucks sake. I’m not going anywhere unless I get married to my girl. She hates it, but who cares lmao
Im anglo in canada so a lot of my friends families had this mentality that they need to move out but my parents were based they said stay here and go to school and save and dont worry about finding a home we can help you
fr they treat their kids like shit and kick them out and want them to take care of them when they are older
>not getting jew'd
asians are the same way
Nice, thats the way to go
yeah cause the kids can actually have a life instead of fending for themselves at 18
Im 35 and live with my parents.
Why would i ever move? Women arr crazy, marriage is a scam, rent is a scam, property is beyond my means and having children is torture. Ill just enjoy this life to the best i can, fuck societies expectations
My first apartment was 400 dollars a month. Even the one i live in now is only 650 a month. You arent looking very hard if you can only find 2k apartments.
>fr they treat their kids like shit and kick them out and want them to take care of them when they are older
The baby is either a mistake (oops I forgot to take the pill tee hee) or it is a fun and trendy item to show off to their friends until it grows up and develops a burdensome conscience. Sad but true.
It doesn't bother you that every time your parents look at you their hearts sink with dissapointment?
>yeah cause the kids can actually have a life instead of fending for themselves at 18
The system works, it's just that it makes people unambitious. Basically you stay with your parents and keep them company and when the time comes you take care of them and you get the house when they die. The downside is that you lose ambition and some people miss the window for starting family because they get lost in the inherent comfyness of living without a care in the world, basically in some limbo in which you are a young man. Then, you reach your forties and you realize you didn't travel, you didn't accomplish anything and you didn't get married so you either die alone or you rush into a loveless marriage just so you can have something.
very true, im in an area around toronto and parents feed their kids garbage and dont teach them any skills like cooking, cleaning, social skills or fitness and are surprised they dont wanna do anything or amount to anything in their 20s
I turn 30 later this year. I should probably move out of my parents basement soon. Really going to suck having to work 40 hours a week. I can't stand being around other people, even in my part time warehouse job right now I can barely handle the little interaction with other people that is required.
I'm not even socially awkward anymore. I just can't stand being around other people, everything people do irritates me.
what are you talking about multi generation households work, parents help you find girls and so do friends to fuck and date they also help you save and manage money. kicking a kid out at 18 and thinking hes going to make it is the ultimate boomer delusion
I have a job and pay my part of thr house expenses. The dog they got is better than grandchildren
Get a job?
>I'm happy that my parents hated me enough to make me start accruing debt for Mr. Shekelberg!
>mfw I am a Chad on this board.
I didn’t complain to anyone when I was there, I just quit. All I’m doing here was expressing how I thought about the whole experience
this is true people that rationalize their parents kicking them out is due to their parents hate of them
>my parents don’t like me!
>im too creative to work in an office!
>that job sounds boring and hard lol I want to be a video game tester
Only if they're shitty people or severely out of touch. I lived with my parents until 24 and got my first real job in another city. Most young people who move out at 18 do so voluntarily
my father straight up told me he would never kick me out, its all about your parents
What the fuck else do they have? America has no culture
You obviously don't live in California
>You obviously don't live in California
anxiety and poor diet in my case. high fiber diet rich in probiotics should help a bit
this, my parents are frugal as I am. "why the hell would you throw away rent money when we live in the same town?"
>never smoked or drank
>lived a healthy and physically active adolescence and young adulthood
>ate healthy foods
>hit 30
>all of a sudden adult asthma and rest of body starts falling apart, can't sleep, skin itching all over, balding
It's not fair bros.
avoiding the lowliest of vices isnt enough to become good, user. avoiding things is easy, the hard thing is striving for self improvement. i have been sinking lately, gaining weight, smoking and drinking more than before, and i feel disgusting. the solution isnt to stop doing these things, but to exchange them for good habits
>Live on a farm for the rest of my life
I hate it
Are you me? I had the same thing but mines gone away, I think its cuased by stress
are you vegan or what
Nope. Never even took drugs.
And still probably won't live past 60, let alone 80 like my grandparents.
World is pozzed, I blame environmental pollution.
I make probably the least out of all of my employed friends but the fact that I live at home and don’t pay rent to Shekelberg means I’m closest to a down payment. I save and/or invest 90% of my earnings, whereas my friends are usually spending at least 30% of their income on rent alone, never mind groceries, car payments, bills, etc. if you have the option I highly recommend it.
Shut up Michael.
>character works hard to move out, get a nice job, work out, and develop hobbies
>still friendless
Ideally you would live with your parents, grandparents, wife, children and other extended family.
Youre a loser
Get a roommate you stupid bitch I live in Santa Barbara for 700 a month
>character is over 30
>still lives
Getting kicked out after college was the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m engaged, own a home, got my dream job all because I was forced to mature rapidly. I would thank my parents if they weren’t pieces of shit.
Why the fuck would you
>still live with parents because I'm that fucking cheap and we have a great relationship
feelsgoodman. Don't take advice from normies about finances. They have been conditioned to be nigger cattle debt slaves.
>never smoked or drank
>lived a healthy and physically active adolescence and young adulthood
>ate healthy foods
>hit 22
>myasthenia gravis
it really isn't
>character works hard to get a degree in a valuable field
>can't even get an interview
how the fuck do you people get jobs
I'm saving for stuff
>character is over 30
>lives with parents
>is female
>the issue never comes up, ever
old boomer mentality from when america was prosperous enough for you to have a car family and house
Be non-white or a woman.
Are at least 50% of humans in the US miserable? Can I at least count myself as not in the minority?
They're social butterflies and know someone who knows someone. If you're applying through job postings on the internet you've already lost
>living with your parents past 16
Embarrassing desu
>Not buying an apartment at 4 and owning your own home by 6.
Why even live?
>tfw european neet
>tfw my father says that americans are truly blessed that they kick their children out of home when they turn 18
Depends on your parents.
Figured it was something like this. I left the city I went to school in because it was a stinking hellpit and don't have any connections.
I thought your 2nd post was gonna be "I don't understand how parents rationalize this decision" lol. You're fucked in the head
lol fuck off
not an argument
Hey that's me except loading shit into UPS trucks at the dock. I quit after three weeks since it conflicted with my schedule while I was in school full time and more importantly, they didn't give a single crap about safety... load load load! Your back be damned
Knowing someone who already works there. It's kinda bullshit when you think about it.
I didn't write desu, I wrote desu
Now I feel better about the terrible choices in my life and still being healthy at 30. I'm sorry for you though, user.
I hope you’re just trolling.
If not how did you fuck up in life so badly?
soon bros
Lol what do you do there. There are no jobs
Which country are you in, Russia?
Main character is 30 still living at home. I watch it when I'm 30 and decide, you know what, yea, this has got to stop. 6 years later still at home.
There still hope.
I started working at 27... for six months.. then didn't work for three years again.
Then at 30 i found a real job and rented a place.
>that guy whose plan it is to kill himself when his parents die and tries to play it off like a victory for himself
I'm almost 19 and I still live with my parents. That's fine, right?
Yes you dumb faggot. Save up for your future instead of screwing yourself by giving all your money to Mr. Nosowitz.
that is the worst of all
just get a job or hobby and he will be happy
I didn't move out of my parents house until I was 19. Couldn't wait to be on my own.
You have ten years of perfectly fine excuses (i'm studying, i'm finding myself), then you're offcially a loOOOser.
NO! You need to be out in the hustle and bustle of the city paying Mr. Goldstein his rent RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
I think I'm just gonna kill myself, desu. My brother has a kid so the bloodline will keep on living without me
bad idea, you still have to enjoy life the bloodline is there so that takes off presure but you need to change the way you behave and exist
>tfw only 7 more years till I'm 30
10-14 was the best age range for me, I want to go back
bollocks. life is destruction, it's not worth living for me.
>Still living at home.
>Laid off due to Corona-chan and can't find another job
>Might be homeless this summer.
Thinking about living out of my car, since no jobs available and I don't want to blow all my savings.
Life is all about early life, if you didn't have a good one the rest of your life will be really hard if not impossible. A bad starting place and bad parenting fucks you up entirely.
this is true, and im 26 and despite having a good life i dont enjoy it still a khhv and played professional football but just empty
Fresh cheese and quality extra virgin, anything else is sacrilege
I wish I had a sister and I could drink her peepee and eat her poopoo
fuck me, how long is this gonna fucking take lads? Any quick solutions that don't look like suicide? I can't do that shit to my mother
Lol why would your parents kick you out during these trying times
Hope I die in my sleep tonight if I'm being honest. Maybe not hope. I just wouldn't complain.
What’s your “real job”
I pray for that to happen to me every day but it never does.
It's fucked. Even Chad kills himself but user can't figure out how to make that part of his brain finally click even though user wants to die. user is 25 he for sure doesn't want to live past 35. If user could at least figure out how to for sure know he'll top himself off at 30 he could at least truly enjoy 5 years of cooming and memeing.
Haha lurk more faggot