2000s thread, robots? What was life like for you in that era?

2000s thread, robots? What was life like for you in that era?

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shit because I wasn't conscious as I was born near the start of that year

call of duty and anime.
the rest is a blurr

Is it super gay that I wish I would've been extremely online more back then?

I was marginally into vidya, but in retrospect I was kind of an introvert anyway, and felt like if I would've been more of a dork into computer shit I would've at least had fond memories of the internet's golden years.

Otherwise, my life, from what I can remember, was a lot of watching cartoons, playing outside barefoot, sleepovers with my best friend, sleepless nights playing Battlefront or early COD titles, etc. I drew a lot, I thought I was going to be an artist when I grew up lol.

It's still the 2000s you faggot

we meet again technicality fag.
you know what he meant.

>not anachroposting from the year 3182
lol get a load of this troglodyte

man, it was great. The internet was actually an interesting and weird place. It was before the consolidation into the big Reddit/twitter/tumblr/Facebook/etc. The independent forum was alive and active, and they each had their own interesting and unique cultures. NMA and team liquid were great back in the day. but independent forums have died in the years since then, to be replaced with the eternal September of the dumbed-down post-2007 landscape of the internet. True suicide fuel.

Television was still relevant. I still remember staying up late at night watching adult swim as a middle schooler. We were much, much less politically divided. Go back and re-watch the 2000 and 2004 democratic and republican primary and presidential debates. They're basically the same 2 people.

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an actual social life considering i was in middle school near mid-late 2000's. lived in a more urban area so literally just hung out with kids around and the block on my bike most summer days. didn't get real into gaming or back into anime until 2010 ish. actually being content with life was nice. after i moved away from those people, i havent said a word to them since. not one girl i "dated" in middle school has messaged me in any type of form. havent spoke to a female that wasnt customer service demanded in 6yrs. life fucking sucks and apparently im uninteresting as fuck.

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Less black cock so it was worse.

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I was alone and had no money
Now I am alone and have some money

remember Imesh? kazaa? napster? direct connect? remember streamload? mIRC was where all the action was as far animu and mango was concerned, the fansubs wars,
I remember having my own lil server on my shitty dsl line sharing new anime eps kek, Remmember when Torrents first came into the scene? basically marked the end for fansubbing, online manga readers would do it for the manga channels.

I don't even know if fansubbing is still a thing

nothing much really maybe just some more forced social interaction with school and what not.. tho the internet seemed way more fun back then, now it's here to just pass the time

fuck dude, i totally forgot about fansubbed stuff. Shit, I watched Death note in a fansub before the official english came out in like 2006. fuck me dude ancient fucking history.

sucked because I had to live with an arrogant bum of a father

Life was great in the mid-2000's, I was in middle school and going into high school. I lived in the suburbs with a lot of kids in the neighborhood to play with so on the weekends I would play outside until the sun went down. Can't think of a single weekend there wasn't at least one person to hang out with at any given time. Nights were spent with a combination of Halo 2 glitching lobbies with friends from school and grinding on runescape. Simpler times

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>What was life like for you in that era?
A lot of Diablo and age of empires 2. Ps2 was fucking ground breaking when it came out. Blew the dust off console gaming, which had become fucking boring. All RPGs moving to real time combat was a blessing. 3D GTA fucked the landscape up for a while. The era of free roam clones is over, for better or worse. It was still seen as weird for someone to not have internet then, just like it is now. Somehow DVDs looked fucking abhorrent when they first arrived. XP was a godsend. Those Macs with the plastic colours were cool. MP3 players were dogshit until the iPod got it right with the click wheel. iTunes was cancer. Winamp skins were cool. Pokemon was fucking everywhere and it was weird. I genuinely think it was bigger than the marvel stuff is now. Going to a HMV to buy meteora in the big city I drive three hours to get to is a feeling i dont think can be replicated nowadays since everything is much more readily available. This is a good thing, it was bloody annoying to drive half a day to get stuff. eBay was full of WEIRD SHIT. It was NOT the digital storefront it is now. Ironically Yas Forums was more "reddit like" in its humour, tone and maturity level. People went fucking BANANAS over the wii. That one shocked me quite a lot.

It was honestly a lot less different to now than you may think it was.

I remember reading an issue of Hot Tails online in the early 00s
and seeing hermaphrodites (futa) for the first time and having my mind blown.
So much classic cooming.

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The 2000s now feel like a completely different universe with a completely different set of rules.

straight shota was the bomb back then my man.

>Ps2 was fucking ground breaking when it came out
It was, but it was also the final nail in the coffin for arcades in the USA.
That was when home consoles finally surpassed/equaled arcade hardware visuals.

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My friend had a computer and a TV in his room when we were in middle school back in 2003 and I thought it was the coolest shit to be able to play PS2 and surf the net. I miss all my friends.

Same shit as you my friend, only it was in the basement and lagged like hell.

And the intro to this show, covered by simple plan I believe.

Keep in mind I was in elementary school/kindergarten at this time from what I remember:
Items not in the pic:
>baggy jeans & etnies
>Skater kids
>More sports jerseys
I remember noticing a weird shift in culture around 08, I was only like 9-10 then but I remember pop punk on the radio totally faded out, it was more EDM/house stuff like lady gaga/Katy perry. Cartoon Network was getting kinda lame with their shows (Johnny Test was fucking awful), same with Nickelodeon.

Anyone else pick up on that or is it just me?

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A lot of pop punk bands released an album in 2007 or 2008 and then immediately went on hiatus because the genre was dead. I think the labels saw it coming because they also mostly released an album only a year or two beforehand, with the latter being noticeably less pop punk-ish

How did the genre die out so quick I wonder? I remember that year so well cause its when popular music just started getting more shitty, until were left with white peckerwood looking white dudes slurring words on a sub bass with a couple bell sounds popping pills.

Anyone remember this girl from back in the day?

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Wasnt the company where the guy was getting his step daughters to pose for him?

Used to be super competitive in MvC2

MSS and Team Scrub were my favorite teams

Runescape, pokemon, and swim practice. If it wasn't for the adderall my childhood would have been amazing.

Emo and scene era was pretty cool.

>tfw fat teenage girls stuffing them into emo clothes that show off maximum belly and cleavage will never happen again

Whilst it was considerably uneventful, I still get nostalgia for it. Don't know why.
I was an austistic teenage loser in small town Australia.

Most of my good memories were hanging out with the 1 good friend I had who wasn't family, as well as with my cousins and brothers, and sometimes a few peripheral others. We mainly explored the various places around town, or went out into the bush and built cubbies ("bases") or played capture the flag.
Gaming-wise. I had a gamecube, and we'd often play 007 Nightfire multiplayer. Those were fun times.
When on my own, it was Super Mario Sunshine, Twilight Princess, or the Metroid Prime series. When I could, I'd get a hold of somebody's NES, super nintendo, or sega and play all of those old games.
I had a computer, dial-up internet, eventually broadband internet. I never played any online games outside of minecraft alpha in '09. I would have like to, I just didn't have the opportunity for various reasons.
Eventually, I got heavily into indie games. Not the scene, just the games themselves. I loved how raw and unprofessional they were. They just felt so personal. To this day, I still have a love of edgy, low quality MS paint graphics.
I started making my own with gamemaker, and did this for a hobby for a good 10 years. I never finished a project.
I don't play games any more. Not any kind.
Never had a gf. Had various teen crushes, asked them out, got rejected each time.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Chat up those girls if they dont have boyfriends and especially if they look depressed on their social media. Ive been trying to find my kindergarten gf but shes changed her name it seems

>diablo and aoe2
I was born in 2000 but been playing these since i was 3 and they have shaped me into the proud sperg I am today

You werent from Darwin were you?

No social media, no good internet. I felt more of a connection to the real world.

Nah. Born and raised in NSW.

Such a coincidence. I had an extremely similar childhood with a mate up here in Darwin.

Wonderful. I was in my teens at that time.

I'm 25 now so it was pretty comfy. Playing with Lego at recess, a turkey hunter in the woods caused the school to be locked down for 4 hours, I played Microsoft combat flight simulator and played outside with toy soldiers almost all the time. I was happy then. My life dropped to shit at age 17, came back to decent around age 20, and since I started working full-time it's just been garbage. Adulthood is penance for childhood, repaying your debt to society. Life isn't worth living past age 25.

Jokes on you faggot im playing OSRS in 2020

Grew up in a poor family in rurar bumfuck nowhere. Don't have to say anything else.

Warez and pirated content were commodities to be traded in high school, since shit was not as easy to come across as it is now.

i was 9 when the new millenium hit so i spent my youth and puberty era in the 2000s. moved from west to east coast around 2004 and had to adjust to the more busy attitude of people here. i had a hard time making friends. i missed the beautiful weather of san diego and riding bikes and swimming with my friends every single day. the latter half of the decade i spent making new friends in middle school and high school. i was a churchfag at the time and spent a lot of time with my church friends and swore i would never smoke or drink or drug forever. life was complicated but simple even during those complicated times and each problem really only had one or two solutions i could easily figure out after a day or two or back and forth thinking. i miss it, just like most people miss their youth or the past.

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this. shit like nickleback would always be jamming on the radio. now its 100% rap crap autotuned twerk music

>The internet was actually an interesting and weird place

Why is everyone keep saying that? Did I really miss out so much?

>inb4 zoomer
I was born in '91
But I've never knew many websites except weather forecast, hotmail, youtube and the il-2 and fs2004 forums. I think it wasn't until 2010 until I started to gain interest in "internet culture".

not him but 91 too and i guess we may have just missed out? i spend a lot more time outdoors than on the internet til i was in college i think so i never went to forums or whatever. the only memories i have of using the internet before that would be gamefaqs or bearshare/limewire/kazaa to download ill labeled songs and porn

Is that a Dell Optiplex?

punk had been in the main stream at that point for a while, it was its time

it did make a small comeback around 2011-2015
with bands like neck deep and real friends

i think its gonna come back ngl, bands like mom jeans i feel could come back into the main stream and wash this rap shit away

I liked how you had tons of options for communicating with people. Forums, irc, msn, aol, etc. Now it has just boiled down to three or four big names. Reddit, Instagram, Snapchat and Discord. Everything else has died down.
I really enjoyed spending a lot of time on forums, just lurking and talking to other people. Making friends, enemies, having drama every once in a while.
Or maybe my glasses are too rose-colored.

>Battle front 2 on PS2

Quite alright. Mostly played outside with my bmx and scooter, and watched alot of cartoons. Even though I lived somewhere quite rural there was always kids out to play and hang round with. Had a ps2 but not alot of games, and we didnt have internet until 2007. When that came along, I remember watching weird al, happy tree friends, and David Firth animations. The early to mid 2000s were great. People were friendlier, music on the radio was alot more tolerable, and even the weather was nicer. 2008 was a real turning point, probably due to the recession. In 2012, things went even further downhill cause smartphones. Yeah they had been around for like 5 years before that but now they were affordable to everyone and were as powerful as a PC.

Just tons of Battlefield 1942/Vietnam, WC3, AoE 2 and Diablo 2 after school every day. I had a group of 5-8 people who played the same games so all those years just blurred together into one big afternoon. Nowadays it's AoE 2 DE after work, still have 3-4 people who are up for a game now and then, boosted by the homeoffice pandemic. The main reason I stopped getting into multiplayer though is all that faggotry with accounts, xp, unlockables, leveling etc. It's too bloated. Whenever I finish work and eat something I think: ok should I boot up Battlefield 5? Nah maybe tomorrow... or on the weekend. 1942 and Vietnam were just double-click, join server, start shooting. Even in WC3 your "account" was just a random nickname you quickly typed in, then join a game, start building.

And as fun as multiplayer was, the best part was unplugging the mic and just diving head-first into Resident Evil, Silent Hill or Metal Gear Solid.

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Does anyone else love 2000s alt rock/pop? Im talkimg blink 182 and sum 41. I love their music.

How about we go back earlier in time, the 90's.

Computer monitors were big and heavy, internet was slow (lol dialup) but the quality of content was good and varied, if a little bit weird. Videogames were fun on PC, but you were the GOAT of your friend-group if you had a console like the Playstation with two controllers (fuck the N64)

TVs were even bigger and heavy. They made a nice kthunk sound when you turned them on and they smelled faintly of ozone if you put your face up close to them. There were fewer TV channels but the quality of what was on them was better.

Gen X are a bunch of whiney faggots today and they were a bunch of whiney faggots back then, but at least today they don't seem to have as much (if any) significance.

It was the golden age of JRPGs. I spent most of my money on a huge stack of them on PSX and PS2. I also pirated several of them.

bump i guess

Why are those clouds in the background moving so fast?

Extremely poor. Dad was a freelance drywaller and wall painter that constantly had to compete against illegal Hispanics with ludicrously low rates to support us. I remember watching my friends play on their Gameboys and DSs and wishing I had one. Was also homeschooled so my only friends were the neighborhood kids. Ended up going to the Library for most of my entertainment. Might be a blessing in disguise because now I am at a private university and have really good grades. Hope that I can give my kids a more fun childhood

>What was life like for you in that era?
good had a social life and was happy

>a decade of realizing my penis is never going to grow bigger
>mostly remember bullying and being toxic online
>also the time my brother convinced me I should become a police officer

>didn't have any friends to hang out with (elementary school)
>found solace in internet porn around that time
>parents fall victim to a credit card scam in 2007 and we lose everything
>2008 recession we lose everything again
yeah it's better now but reflecting on this makes me realize why my life is so shit now

>tiny dick
>toxic personality
>police officer

Yeah, that adds up