Is being an incel really that big of a deal

Is being an incel really that big of a deal

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How much easier would my dating life be if I were a lesbian?

probably harder given there are much less homos than there are heteros to date

The inescapable prevalence of romance and love in the media I consume on a daily basis make me feel as though I have missed an crucial milestone in my personal development. I'm numb to it now but the thought is still there. I yearn for a bond that exceeds friendship and family.

Lesbian people still have standards closet fag. Your dating life would still stay the same, they would rather scissor Stacy over you.

For normies? Its like you were halfway from being a serial killer

> inb4: "its because they hate WOMAN!"

Dropp in any social gathering that you are virgin, and see how good they react. They use the retards yo justify their hate against larger group.

pussy comes with a price so no, I don't think it is that huge of a deal

All I really want is to be lovingly hugged by a woman like that. All I want is a girl to hold me tight and cuddle me.

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I don't know bro. Put two women in a room and they'll probably fuck each other eventually.

If you're an incel it shows you failed at basic life tasks and are lazy and low iq.

fuckin kill yourself pathetic cuck

it didnt for me. maybe you just need to stop assuming everyone just finds a relationship to bitch about shit and want money

no because an incel with a billion dollars can buy sex and buy surrogate children

just get money because all women are whores

yes not developing close interpersonal relationships during Adolescence causes mental illness

there is currently no bigger sex taboo in western culture than being a male virgin past the ages of 15 to 18
If you're a guro animal scat fetishist rapist, you're just a sick fuck, but if you've NEVER had sex god knows what's going on in your head, you might be up to some crazy joker stuff for all the normies know

i don't like this webm because there is nobody to self insert myself into

I am technically an involuntary celibate, but I don't call myself an incel. I don't really see why those guys are so focused on sex and women, just live for yourself bros

I have no issue with virgins of any sex
what I have an issue with are the faggots that spread the blackpill and want everyone to die in their crab bucket with them.

that's actually really cute user

No it doesn't lol

come on now, women are a pain in the ass to deal with, no matter how good you think she is she's still gonna make you annoyed in some way

you'd have to be some delusional virgin to assume women are nothing but fun 24/7

>you'd have to be some delusional virgin to assume women are nothing but fun 24/7

No person is,including you and me

Sure, normalnigger.

We built the world you're living in

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Hitler,and unabomber were piece of shit criminals


um.. I like incels but comparing yourself to these (sex having) dead guys is pure fucking delusion user.

In American culture it is where it's about sex and relationships 24/7.

What is with this low IQ crap.

don't lump in hitler with the unabomber, the guy you replied to is retarded but the unabomber is not a piece of shit criminal he's just a regular criminal

lol, don't say "we". You are not as intelligent or impactful as any of the people in that picture and you never will be. Also, I'm pretty sure at least one of those guys has had sex.

This is why you are an incel lol

wtf what is the name for these types of video with no sex just nude bodies from different angles moving around?

I can get off to tender lesbian cuddling more than hardcore dildo fucking any day of the week

Yes I am and will

OK hit me up when you get your lazy ass off r9k and redefine physics, commit a mass genocide, change the horror genre, or something like that.

Lovecraft had a wife

This. Right here. Money solves most problems.

I don't get the angry incels. I'm not angry that I lost the genetic lottery and therefore I'm cursed with a life of loneliness and depression. I'm just sad.
If I kill 100 Chads, will I become more attractive and grow to 6ft? If I bitch slap all roasties in the world, will my jawline grow?
Why should other people be miserable just because I am?
I just sit in my room and masturbate until I feel less lonely. Rotting alone until I die. Let those who can, enjoy life. To bring more misery to this awful joke called life would bring me no joy.

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Have you done any of that?

Nope, never claimed I have or will.

Lesbian love just looks so much pure and wholesome
Why can't I ever experience that as a man?
And don't say go gay
That's not gonna work either

I'm one of those incels too, I don't see the point in hating women and getting mad that they won't fuck me, i'm genetically inferior and have a shit personality and don't wanna bother. I rather just deal with the pain and live my life alone

Fuck i wish this too, lesbians got it really lucky, i don't know why most of their relationships are abusive

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preety much i can fucking relate
i was born to die
world is a fuck
i am a thrash man
410,757,864,530 incels dead by suicide

i wish i was aborted if my mother knew i would be the way i am

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Don't fall for this, as soon as you get lot of money and can buy things you actually want you will loose all interest in sex.

better and you'd be able to experience real love

because he doesnt know how lesbian sexual lives work that is why he is incel. really. thats it? if he solved that tiny issue he wouldnt be an incel?
give me a fucking break.

>men from various parts of the earth with different racial makeup and backgrounds and schools of thought lumped together in one picture because they can be vaguely classified as wHitE

not being able to get laid isn't a big deal, but being an incel is. There's a difference.

You gotta be whole on your own, bois

Relationshits are nice if you're a normie, but they can't solve any of your real problems

>still thinking ted kaczynski was wrong

>not being able to get laid isn't a big deal, but being an incel is. There's a difference.
what is the difference?

Nope, sex is just some sloppy gross meme thing that NPC's with no inner monologue/impulse control do

If anything, incels are ascended beings

incels, at least the self-identifying ones, are more NPC/normie/basic/bug-brained than anyone. They believe breeding is all that matters. *BEEP BOOP MUST OBEY PROGRAMMING AT ODDS WITH OWN SELF INTEREST EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

worse. i prefer women but there just arent many lesbians or bi women
though i live in a small city, things might be better where you live
it's indicative of much bigger problems
if you believe gays just choose to be gay, theres probably a lot of other dumb shit circling around in there

>if you believe gays just choose to be gay, theres probably a lot of other dumb shit circling around in there
sorry for offending your religious sensibilities
fucking nuwave cultists

I think he was referring to prison gayness

Is it bad that this just seems like the most natural thing in the world to me? Not necessarily scissoring (cuddling could also work), just being a woman in the arms of another woman pressed against each other
Being a man feels wrong

This. Also we're hardwired to want and even need romantic and physical love and intimacy. Literally the 'only' people who don't see it as a big deal are those who get it on the regular, therefore they're always psychologically healthy.

I don't care about any of this, that webm is beautiful. Do you have more?

Not everyone shares your desires, normie.

I'm not a normie but also, the vast, vast majority of people on this planet want to fuck, marry the person of their dreams, and probably have kids. It's something like only 1% or less that are actually asexual and not just pretending to be because they're autists.

Most those guys weren't incels.

bluepilled faggot

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Depends on incel to incel I suppose. Some of them take it as an insult and want to get revenge, others accept their situation and try and make the best of it. I can bounce between these two states of mind. As for right now, if someone mocked me for my inceldom, I may kill them, but just yesterday I don't think I would of cared at all.

I can smell this video hnnnng

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Why and how do heterosexual women exist?