Why do so many mass shooters have Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Why do so many mass shooters have Autism Spectrum Disorder?

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They mass shoot because they have autism

being severed from the collective makes you resent it

>Rare form of aspergers that causes a complete lack of empathy.
Someone got a source on this?

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Maybe they just crack? Spectrum life isn't always easy, and these guys just don't end up coping. Plenty do, but plenty don't

Lanza and Cruz legitimately don't look like real human beings. Fuckers look like failed experiments/video game models or aliens wearing human skin.

Probably because their lack of social awareness makes them the biggest target for bullying. We've known since the 90s that bullying is the reason for shooters. The incel ones are great examples.

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Autism is deadly autist holocaust when

>t. Autism Speaks

probably can't connect with anyone. Just stayed in a echo chamber til they lost it completely.

the lethal combo of lack of a social skills but a strong sense of justice

Are autists the most pathetic group of people in the world?

Most of them are actually black!

Stop falling for m*dia misinformation

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Because neurotypicals aren't exterminating themselves at a fast enough rate.
Hopefully the coronavirus will change that.

Think of us as a different species, like Romulans. Psychopaths and narcissists are a second species, diametrically opposed to us. They love nothing more than tricking normies into hating us. Some of us flip and retaliate.

>he has a rare high fuctioning form of aspergers
what? i though aspergers was just high functioning autism
and most of those there are mid to high functioning

I truly hope someone rapes and kills that cunt

Random fact; In the new DSM-V, the diagnosis of Asperger's Disorder no longer exists and has been absorbed into the diagnosis of Autism

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And it's because the only difference in a diagnosis of autism (high functioning) and asperger's was for asperger's you don't need an early language delay and you need at least average IQ. Every other possible trait is exactly the same

So very clearly just a slightly different expression of the same mental illness / developmental disorder, whatever you want to call it

Although it's important to note they didn't redefine the autism diagnosis to include people with asperger's, so if you're otherwise autistic in all forms but grew up being developing speech normally you'll be barred from a diagnosis of autism even though you have the exact same struggles

how accurate to you think this chart is?

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I somehow never have been diagnosed with autism but did get bipolar and adhd
i have always been a outcasted weirdo and everyone i get to talk to me for longer than 10 minutes that knows what autism is says i have autism. i dunno

I don't really take those tests serious because you can't elaborate on anything desu. I will look for my results tho, I still enjoy tests in general

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I have been misdiagnosed with bipolar before. The diagnosis autism/add makes more sense to me and I kinda knew it already for many years. A psychologist that isn't specialised in autism can't really judge in my opinion

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"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth" - African proverb.

Yeah, find a center for autism if you suspect and want to get evaluated by people who really know the shit

Having Aspergers means people will hate you for no reason. And if people hate you you will start to mirror it.

Here is mine if you wanted to see. I'm sorry I might have misunderstood your reply since you say "how accurate to you". I have no idea if you ask for my opinion on the test or my own results so it's save to do both I feel.

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i dunno i believe i have bipolar but defiantly believe i have autism.
the adhd might be wrong since my attention span is fine if it's something i'm interested in but i do have terrible short term memory.

well i can't find a doctor that will actually test me so i have no idea.
i guess it's safe to say that i have autism
no center near me
i'm not sure what mirroring means but people do instantly hate me for no reason.

Explain what you are saying here?

Thank you.

By mirroring I think he means mimicking which is something autistic people do constantly to survive. And I agree with him and others in this thread. Those guys got hate so they gave hate back. It's that simple.

Some people can't swallow that pill because it means accepting they were a part of the system that caused it.

Impaired empathy combined with being unable to function in normal society makes you fucking angry

yeah but that's not a big deal anyway cause they only kill each other.

She has a point tho

But I understand it will make incels seethe

Please stop repeating this bullshit myth that autistic people lack empathy

It's hard to judge completely by yourself I think. It's a complex disorder that can look like many other disorders and the other way around. Still I think many hidden autists know it deep down tho. Do you have to pay in your country to get a diagnosis?

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Not all autists don't feel empathy, from what I have seen it's even more the opposite often desu. There are differencent types of empathy and some can be harder to express or recognize. Doesn't mean they don't feel it.

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i think they all just cracked as said, it can't be easy living with autism, and you add that with how easily autistic people are dragged into incel groups and you have a recipe for disaster.

well i'm a lot like some anime and tv characters.
and i used to mimmick cartoons a ton as a kid and nobody got it and i didn't even realize nobody noticed or it was weird.
is that autism?

I have 0 empathy for people i deem bad which is 99% of people but very high empathy for those i deem good

i have Medicaid
but they want me to come in like 20 different times for a diagnosis and i hate doctors and have shit transportation

>I truly hope someone rapes and kills that cunt

but she's right

I think most people work like that desu

I think I talked to you before a few months ago about this topic. Are the bipolar meds working tho? Ig lithium?

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Im not sure desu.
I agree with you and I have sympathy for incels. She's right by incels own ideology. Incels (& sometimes autists) mimick neurotypical's to their own detriment. It's 100 percent narcissism to think that you only matter if you reproduce. So by their masculine and patriarchal logic they have no worth. Is it true they have no worth? Personally I believe of course not. That's fucking insane. If you are ugly and can't find a mate or/and can't reproduce says absolutely nothing about your worth as a human. However so long as it is philosophically a grey area and incels (sometimes autists) are willing to mimick, indulge, & worship neurotypical's conclusions about worth than to them its true. They have no vaule because they believe it to be so. So, unfortunately she is right.

And if someone reads that and they are emotionally venerable to he point where they say she needs to be raped/know killed for that statement (which does happen when I post that pic) than it entirely proves my point. Society is saying here's what makes a person have worth and enough people believe it therefore it becomes relative truth and ethics.

This is how neurotypical's might as well just shoot and rape themselves because they are asking for it. I don't say that with ease but with great heaviness on my heart. Humans need to change very fast. If you don't than just expect more shooters.

venerable. Lol I meant vulnerable. I really wish auto correct worked on my phone.


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You only hear of the cases gone wrong. Autismos and assburgers who cope and live okay don't make the news.

This is a stupid evaluation. It *allows* a complete lack of empathy, not causes it. It's one of many factors. If a person is extremely objective, they can be clinical about their own empathy toward others. ..and so can easily turn it off if too many other people earn their disdain or treat them like shit. How much sense does it make to treat people well who treat you poorly for kicks?

A large portion of "normie" psychs need their licenses revoked for having no objectivity in their evaluations. You can earn "Incapable of feeling empathy for others" just by admitting that you saw someone skin their knee and you didn't care because their dumb ass didn't look where they were going and they tripped on the curb. The slightest lack of empathy *horrifies* extroverted normies. So they wall aspies off as "monsters" who are "dangerous" and "scary".

Some of them who have nothing to lose go ahead and take up the title they were given.

You have to know what to do with an aspie. They're fragile sissies, like a bomb. If you go shaking them like a moron, don't cry when it goes off, stupid. But if you know what you're doing, you can defuse them properly and it's pretty pathetic. They basically melt in to a puddle and cry in your arms. I've never met an aspie whos armor I couldn't break. And once you're *inside* their heartspace, they're hard-pressed to hurt anyone. All you have to do is be a reasonable quality person, be allowed into their space, and then ask them "please don't hurt anyone, okay?"

But aren't we woefully short on high-quality people these days?

>I think I talked to you before a few months ago about this topic. Are the bipolar meds working tho? Ig lithium?
nope i refuse to take goy feed

And yanno I just realized. Aspies make the perfect political tool don't they? Useful little weapons for the enemy to take advantage of. They *want* the bomb to go off. Of course the enemy knows how to exploit the aspie.

More like honorable, their methods however sure are pathetic.

Nah, they're %100 pathetic. Every autist I ever knew was a waste of sperm and would've been abandoned by their parents 100 years ago

It's like Richard Spencer when he got punched. I saw that on tumblr. I'm a tumblrina sjw. At first I thought let me give this person the benefit of the doubt and see what he's like. So I listened to an interview with him where he was saying that as a white person his race had dominantred the other races therefore deserve what they have. To me in my autistic mind that translates to "what I understand is violence. How I communicate is violence." Spencer was literally not figuratively ASKING to get punched.

He said himself what he understands is violence and dominantion. That's how some of these shooters happen. They are taught to be violent by a s o c i e t y that values that. They were mimicking what they see around them.

Spencer literally (not figuratively) said that's what he understands. Violence. So he got what he WANTED.

Im not saying victims of shootings are directly asking for it in the same way as Richard Spencer. But the messages that shooters get from other humans are the same.

It's like Richard Spencer when he got punched. I saw that on tumblr. I'm a tumblrina sjw. At first I thought let me give this person the benefit of the doubt and see what he's like. So I listened to an interview with him where he was saying that as a white person his race had dominantred the other races therefore deserve what they have. To me in my autistic mind that translates to "what I understand is violence. How I communicate is violence." Spencer was literally not figuratively ASKING to get punched.

He said himself what he understands is violence and dominantion. That's how some of these shooters happen. They are taught to be violent by a s o c i e t y that values that. They were mimicking what they see around them.

Spencer literally (not figuratively) said that's what he understands. Violence. So he got what he WANTED.

Im not saying victims of shootings are directly asking for it in the same way as Richard Spencer. But the messages that shooters get from other humans are the same.

For example the racism Trump displays prob influenced the El paso shooter. Who prob is autistic.

because that's what it takes for someone to go on a pointless killing spree

it's the dangerous combination of a lifelong of psychological pain and a lack of empathy

Yes, you could take it out of historical context and hit him. You could run his logic through some liberal word-salad machine to conveniently remove the past tense, and the fact that he was referring to a very long time ago where asserting dominance via violence was okay. And your lib friends will give you a high five.

But here, you just embarass yourself.

You wanna blast someone in the face? Do it because they're an insufferable twat and you're willing to dirty your hands. Not because you did some illogical judo and feel like you have the moral high ground. The only thing Richard asked for is for his political opponents to understand that western european linage is uniquely filled with acheivements that we all enjoy today.

And without screening him or knowing much about him, I think Richard Spencer is not very aspie. He's an internal-authentic combined with clinical narcissism. He needs a heavy dose of "get over yourself" and "compete where you are now with what you have." "You're so damned superior? Show us. We're watching" . He's not a bomb waiting to go off. He's a docile kitten crying as loud as he can because he lost his "birthright".

Lol that was a good reply but what are we to do with Autists with an obsessive compulsion to fix society one way or another, some just explode into a spiral of anger I suppose but most live a relatively normal life. I personally think they need to have their own learning facilities and a way for them to integrate into their own society. Ive met many intelligent autists who are intelligent yet discouraged to integrate, they would rather live off alone cold and distant, most likely in their parents house for a long time.

Even the intelligent ones are still pathetic in how they act and deal with things

Because you cant help but see the world for what it is. People use violence or the threat of it to assert their position on the social ladder and most normies subconsciously just find their place and stay in it. If they are meant to be a punching bag then they become it but use mental gymnastics to convince themselves what has happened to them is justified without seeing the truly violent nature of this.

To an autist ever assertion of the social heirarchy is like a physical attack on you since you know that the basis of this assertion is the threat of physical violence. Like not talking back to bullies/chads or otherwise you will get punched in the face. Eventually you break and kill everyone because everyone is threatening physical violence on you if you choose to not except your place on the social hierarchy.

Autistic individuals cause so much crime they should honestly just all be tracked and not allowed to own weapons of any kind

What she fails to mention is that brothels were so common back then. Men might not have reproduced but prostitutes were both easy to access and afford as well as being socially acceptable.

Yet there is no hope (atleast in their eyes) for these individuals, its a constant cycle of self doom.

I said the elpaso shooter is an aspie prob not Richard. Try reading comprehension maybe. Also Richard should of been hit with a bullet.