"Hey principal user do you think we can upgrade our school computers to Macs?"

"Hey principal user do you think we can upgrade our school computers to Macs?"

Attached: 180429kisekae.png (800x600, 176.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Sakura, come to my office for a minute.

No because all our systems run on Windows and it would be very costly

"Is she in trouble?"
"We can still update the computers, they're decades past their prime."

Attached: Office.png (800x600, 110.49K)

Sorry Mrs. Smith, Macs are out of the budget. We spent all of our money resurrecting Bernadette.

"She was alive we could have just readmitted her."

Attached: I forgot how she looked.png (800x600, 118.68K)

Alright the last number on this post decides which one of you strips naked 1 is Alice and 2 is Debby and so on, if it lands on 0 everyone strips

Laqrisha and Bernadette now has permission to smoke weed during school hours, Jesus said he was cool with it

"I guess it's Debby's time to shine."

Attached: Debby.png (800x600, 121.74K)

This isn't proper social distancing half of you need to go

No they got rid of the Asian one it's okay

"Hope they have fun! You know, I used to smuggle drugs myself when I fought in Afghanistan."
"Is this distant?"

Attached: Distant.png (800x600, 89.29K)

"She was Japanese not Chinese."

Make Laqrisha have blue eyes and blonde hair

"She screamed in paid as I bleached her eyes but at least her hair is pretty,"

Attached: She looks like a 7 out of 10 waifu.png (800x600, 89.32K)

Give the teacher boobs that sag to her knees

give them all funny looking party hats

No more uniforms, you and the girls can dress however you want

Now make them all flat as a board

"Seems counter to the hats idea,"
"As you wish!"

Attached: Tidd.png (800x600, 91.72K)

Make Hannah's hair straight

"I wish I could make more of our students straight."

Attached: Hannah Hair.png (800x600, 91.1K)

make Hannah a coked out crackwhore

Now take everyone's pants off, but keep their panties on

lesbian sex orgy

"How do you know she isn't one already?"
"Only two were wearing pants but okay."
"The lesbian went away when we started distancing, so we're gayless."

Attached: Pants.png (800x600, 92.16K)

Remove everything from the neck down

still doing this huh. god bless you user

"Why do you like taking our students' clothes so much user?"

Attached: Strip the whores.png (800x600, 89.54K)

>"Why do you like taking our students' clothes so much user?"
Because I wanted to see if you made Laqrisha's pubes blonde as well
Also make Ms Smith have curly hair

"How does ANYONE live with hair like this?"

Attached: Curly and curvy.png (800x600, 89.72K)

why do they uniforms give them tits

put everyone into a space marine suit and make ms smith turn around

they don't, this guy made them flat as a board

give the white girl a gun

Now bring back everyone else

they're all white wtf???

"We have three white girls, but I can show off my armalite I was issued during the troubles."
"They were never really gone I just had them take care of the SCPs in the basement."

Welp I just disgraced my ancestors, agian

Attached: Armalite.png (800x600, 133.86K)

shoot the black one

Now make everyone put on clothes but strip Kate naked

"Sucks to do this to my student but you're the boss."

Attached: Clothed.png (800x600, 131.11K)

Change the ginger's hair to blue and take off her shoes

"Her name is Kate."

Attached: Blue.png (800x600, 131.06K)

Now make Kate pregnant

>Imagine a MILFy Irish nun dying your hair, including pubes, while singing Blue by Eiffel 65 softly in your ear
I don't think this thread is doing its job until you do this.

time travel to the 1950s

"Given her, unique anatomy, I can't fathom how painful birth is going to be for her."
"Okay we're in the 1952! Maybe I can get Marilyn Monroe to join our class if we get rid of a student."

Attached: Preg.png (800x600, 131.34K)

Blindfold Ms. Smith

"Are you surprising me?"

Attached: Blind.png (800x600, 130.76K)

Now strip Ms. Smith naked and give someone else her gun, and make her flat as a board while making everyone else get huge tits, then remove the blindfold

"This is embarrassing, but I like your face too much to refuse."

Attached: AR.png (800x600, 133.05K)

Now give everyone else abs exempt Kate, as i'm afraid to see how that would turn out

"So happy to see Bernadette lose so much weight!"

Welp I fucked it yet again, really screwing the pooch here huh?

Attached: Trust me they have abs.png (800x600, 132.67K)

give teacher her boobs back

rolling for someone

"Thank you."
"You got a 0 your pick!"

Attached: Bewbs.png (800x600, 132.65K)

Give Laqrisha her eye back

"Her eye was destroyed by the bullet but I have this cute glass eye! I also happen to be a hobbyist cosmetic surgeon."

Attached: Eye.png (800x600, 132.54K)

Your complaint has been heard Remedy Ms. Smith's hair situation with a razor

"I should have seen this coming. I knew you'd do this the second I said that."

Attached: Razor.png (800x600, 129.73K)