buttons to push
choices to make
or don't
Cyoa and choice
i dont want to be a virgin no moar
Orange button for people who didnt nothing wrong.
Purple button for kira mode
Grey button for people who fucked up real bad/traded in crypto
the obvious non degenerate answer is orange. grey if you want to do it authentically
Orange. Had to choose between that and red.
Buy stock/shares
Get away from the covid madness in my comfy log cabin in the middle of nowhere
does red mean I can only use it once or that I can have sex with anyone I want but only one time per person? Either way I'm hitting it cause I have been woefully horny during this quarantine shit
catch me slammin down that pink button
Red with my mom
Literally no downsides
If they don't remember it then what is the point.
It is literally a straight upgrade to your life.
Has some potential, but I don't want to fuck around with my past.
orange/grey is the smartest choice
Why would you pick anything other than orange, grey, and maybe yellow?
Personally I would pick grey because Ive definitely fucked my life up a shit ton in the past 3 years and i could possibly play the stocks.
Grey button
I can fix things I know it
Grey or orange
Purple most likely.
Gray is tempting, but I would only fuck things up differently.
Red is strangely oddly formulated. A one shot that only works on one girl? Not worth it.
If I can breed EVERY girl I want once? That would move it up to #1 choice then.
I'd push the grey one. Rewinding time by 3 year is exactly what I need right now.
blue. i don't care about other robots but painless death would be nice
So that I can secure my folks future.
Want to experience what Chadson gets every night?
Pink definitely
>am a female
Grey, with my crypto knowledge i could make a fuckton of money. also I could actualyl fix most problems in my life.
Orange would put me at the same level as peers and wouldnt be bad.
Purple if its forever would be fucking tempting due to the world control I could have by doing it to rich and famous.
as nice as red sounds to a coomer id rather be loved.
Grey wins. Unless orange is the career I choose.
pink. ez life here I come
i miss my big bro :(
grey button. I miss my friends and I have a second chance to do better in school.
Orange or Grey
Grey IMMEDIATELY. The last two years of my life were totally fucked, and I wouldn't mind reliving the first year to redo the last two.
Grey. I feel that most of my life has been alright, but I've certainly made huge mistakes along the way. Being able to fix them and not fuck up would make me a much happier person today.
Grey. Some choises in past will make my life more easier now and in future
All of these are pretty mediocre honestly
Red I guess. Maybe purple so I could blackmail my sister
Easy orange. Might do grey and invest in bitcoin or something. Red takes 3rd place because I need affection more than sex. Would've done blue a few months ago, but I got better since then.
Grey or pink honestly, almost on my way at the final part of orange but there's a few things I want to change if I hit grey. As for pink, I'd have so much money in my pocket from selling feet pics.
The fact im the only one pushing yellow means you all haven't had real pain in life yet.....
Having sex with a hot bimbo would be great but just once? not much value here
>dying so other autistic retards
sounds pretty good, but really there is noone that i knew personally that died that i'd care to bring back
Pretty good
Could be amazing for most people, but not me. i think i'd just do everything the same
Honestly? Sign me in
Man, none of those are particularly good.
Orange is by far the best one but I'm already successful without being a wageslave with a degree.
Grey is no good, while you can always do things better, the journey to get where I'm now was not an easy one and redoing it would be more pain that it's worth.
Green, Blue and Pink are stupid.
Yellow is not for me, my grandparents would've still died after not too long.
Purple could be useful but can also bring a lot of trouble.
Holy shit, red is the only one I'd take and it's not even exciting. I've fucked a few expensive escorts already.
I could use it to fuck some dumb Hollywood slut I give no fucks about I guess? yay? It's not like I'm close to anyone I particularly want to fuck either.
split between pink and orange
def gray one, god i made some bad, the worse choices in my life in the past three years
Yellow if it means revival with no previous ailments/health issues.
who, user? story
Purple, I just want to have fun.
But maybe pink
My mother, intelligent, huge heart, took care of my severely handicapped sister for 35 years. Overwhelmed with health problems. Lupus, COPD, Fibromyalgia, herniated discs. Passed away at 56 due to Pancreatitis and Sepsis in Oct, 2018. My sister was born with Cerebral Palsy due to a lack of oxygen at birth thanks to a doctor's fuck up. She couldn't walk or talk but was still intelligent/wasn't a vegetable. My aunt took care of my sister temporarily after my mom passed but had to take her to a group home due to other family issues. Virus went around in the group home and my sister was found unresponsive, she asphyxiated on her own vomit. I hold onto the belief that bad things constantly happen to truly good people yet shitbags such as myself will end up living into their 90s.
purple is the best option honestly. even if your not willing to do illegal things like blackmail and extortion you'll still be able to work for the government cause you could track anyone online life.
tell me who this is now please and thank you
While grey has the chance to make me rich, I would still pick yellow. That could literally undo a key point in which my life started to take a turn towards worse.
Yellow button seems the most obvious choice. The others can be achieved through real means.
I have no idea user, sorry
Pink no question
Best: Orange, Grey, Blue
Meh: Yellow, Purple, Pink
Bad: Red, Green
Orange. This is amazing for obvious reasons.
Red isn't that big a deal, Blue is stupid, Yellow I think would mess up more than it solves, Green isn't a big deal, Purple is just stupid, Grey is good but I don't want to have to live through 2017-19 again (especially since I already achieved what I wanted to in these years), Pink I don't want.
Not Pink, 99.99% of MtFs still look like men with fake tits and a wig. Fake vaginas are gross and literally require daily maintenance to keep your body from trying to heal the wound. LineTrap and Taftaj are extreme outliers in the passing department.
Either Orange or Grey
>reasons for grey
I already have two degrees b/c I did a double major, so 3 years back would put me in the middle of uni. I'd probably /attempt/ to be more outgoing and hope to get a job via connections, but if that fails then it wouldn't hurt to change degrees again for the lulz.
There would also be the side benefit of "insider trading" aka stock abuse, as well as being able to avoid various pains in the ass (e.g. break up with ex earlier before she turns psycho from brain damage, cut certain family members out of my life earlier, etc.) instead of everything all hitting at once.
>reasons for Orange
don't have a job right now, plus going back in time probably won't do shit for me being able to find a job. Mainly because not only was the job market shitty since last year, but also the fucking virus is making employers freeze hiring and lay off a ton of people. With the Grey button, there's a good chance I'd change things just enough for my knowledge to not matter either and I'd just fuck things up differently.
Pick your button and go
blue lack of access to drugs is the only thing keeping me from it. i dont want any more pain.
grey would effectively be yellow and i could avoid a lot of other stuff so grey
Orange obviously. I'd save more than 3 years of my life by avoiding going to college and other crap, and since the problem of a primary income would be solved, I'd have the possibility of reaching financial independence, and then get to improve my sex life and buy video game currency. The rest are trash.
I don't need nobody's internet history.
I'm cool with my gender.
I don't want to mess with my past, since that would change who I am today. I did my best, but I'm not sure if I can do it again.
An hero? Why is that even a button option?
Sex with a different person every night sounds nice. At first. But it would get tiring after a while to just try and never go back for seconds to a really good partner.
In game currency is kinda worthless IRL, and you can buy it via the orange button.
And as painful as it is, I wouldn't bring anyone back with the yellow button. I believe people deserve their final rest, and that a person that died should stay dead. If your purpose in the world has run its course, you will too, one way or the other, regardless of any external influence. Not to mention that the awakened would go insane and cease to be themselves after being dead for a good while and suddenly going back to life. It's not like rebooting a calculator. I am all for science, and I think science has almost no boundaries, but even if you revive the body, when a person is gone, it's gone.
Who the fuck is taking green
>resurrect dead mother or 20k runescape gold
tough choice desu
blue. ain't nothin' here for me
Its heroic, people know and bring you back, too bad
>$20k in gp
>10-15b gp
>become a girl
I choose pink. I'd prefer grey, but three years isn't far enough back. At lest with Pink I can begin a better future.
the question is do you wake up with a 7/10 tier bodily health as well
or if you were a chain smoker are your lungs still charred and you still look prematurely aged but as as a once-was 7/10
3 years is enough to be a millionaire from bitcoin and then a millionaire again shorting the coronavirus crash. Give me the grey.