/r9gay/ - #989

Male love is historical edition

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would anyone want a former self-harmer as a bf who relapses occasionally when stressed out?

>tfw no pagan bf to embrace tradition with

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I wouldn't let it stop me bfing such a person but he would have to tell me when he felt like doing it so I could stop him

Upstate NY user in Rochester checking in. Is the user that posted still here? I still want an apocalypse bf to cuddle with as everything crashes down around us.

Is it cool to want to dress up a boy in a skirt? or is that entering trans territory

it depends, pretty big difference in a crossdressing/feminization fetish vs a tranny fetish. at least with one you're acknowledging the person is a boy still

>tfw want to watch art house films but dont wanna illegally download them

>tfw no rich bf to buy me movies

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this, one is a humilation/domination fetish the other is just a delusion

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Why I do still even post on here, is it because I'm just used to doing it? Maybe It's due to me being immensely bored of life and having nothing better to do. Maybe it's because I crave even the smallest bit of attention. Maybe I'm still hoping for someone to somehow save me even though I know that's impossible.
I hate this, I hate myself and this shit of an existence. I wish I could an hero.

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Ye see The Lighthouse, wa ye think?

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I might just have to become your pity bf

Reminder to all people hating on bifags:

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I can't say it's likely any of us will ever be saved, I'm afraid. But this is the place for those of us who would otherwise be screaming into the void to no answer, so we'll be here to offer what comfort we can.

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>But this is the place for those of us who would otherwise be screaming into the void to no answer, so we'll be here to offer what comfort we can.

I would have legit killed myself a long time ago without Yas Forums and imageboards in general.

I get this is a joke but it's best to not associate with me in anyway, I'd just make your life marginally worse. That's all I do, make things worse for everyone around me.
>But this is the place for those of us who would otherwise be screaming into the void to no answer
I'm not really looking for an answer myself. I suppose I just want to be heard, don't know why though. This doesn't make me feel better in any way or anything.

Then, I say we've played our part well. Stay safe, user.

It's important to know you're being heard. I'm sure you know as well as I what it's like to not even have that, at times. It's a small thing, but it does matter.

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>tfw no bf to relive mid 2000s emo culture with.

I'm not him and I'm not single but I also live in Upstate New York. We could maybe talk about Upstate New York shit if you want.

>tfw no twink bf to play fallout 76 with

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who would want to play that absolute mess of a game?

>tfw no fps/rpg/rts friend/bf

because I like fallout and want to play it together with someone

I always respect wanting to play a game with a cute twink bf, but not that game. Stay single you uncultured loser.

Why would you even own such a game? Wasn't Fallout 3 and 4 a big enough red flag to understand that Bethesda is incapable of making anything good?

I like RPG but am hot garbage at FPS/RTS. I love 4x and TBS though.

>work up the motivation to go to the gym
>gym gets shut down
Man 2020 was a awful year to decide to get my shit together

>I'd just make your life marginally worse
How would you do that, whats your malfunction?

I feel it's harder to find friends than a bf, thoughts?

I'll play ARK with you? my character will be a big meathead yours can be a slim tall twink.
I'll hunt the dinos and keep you safe while you farm and cook.

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For me it is, one of the main reasons I I like men is because I'm gay for freindship

I wanna healslut again. What's the best mmo right now?

I'm not a cute twink but actually a fairly masc guy that for some reason loves to heal.

I think so too user, at least in the context of this thread and general internet interactions with other gays it's pretty hard to keep things platonic until one side develops a crush for the other and just ruins it. A lot of people assume that because they get along it means a relationship

Only virgins
No e-whores

that's kind of a cute juxtaposition, masc guy heals his fem carry

>How would you do that
I'd just be wasting your time, there's nothing to be gained from being by friend or romantic partner. There's a reason as to why I'm a friendless looser who's only source of socialization is Yas Forums.
>whats your malfunction?
I'm an autistic mentally ill sperg who's unemployable and just generally worthless.

can confirm, made a gay friend online playing a game and started crushing on him almost immediately even though he was on the other side of the world and had a bf.

started acting really bitchy whenever he would bring him up in conversations, eventually lost the friendship because I just couldn't hold myself back.

i've gotten crushes on my straight e-friends but i dont think i've wanted to act on them. seeing a pp wouldn't hurt but i know that would never happen either, kind of weird to think about people getting super attached

Classic Wow is a good choice. I wish i had a bf i could heal slut for on private servers.

I tried it on release, didn't have the feel it did way back when (I was 14 when wow first released in 04 and played on like day 3 or 4.)

>tfw can't enjoy mmo's anymore
All I do is play rimworld

>that picture
Yeah no.

How much Rimworld have you played user? Is the new dlc any good? I've been thinking of getting back into it but I'll probably just quit mid game like I have for the last few games.

>being this memetically illiterate

I believe in you people who are 25 years or older!

You can do it! Go get a bf

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You might not like WoW than, idk I played bdo for a minute and its fun but i doubt you could find someone who would want to healslut in that. I think most people who like healslut stuff play Overwatch, and i dont like that game that much. I prefer TF2

rimworld is pretty fun though user

Do you check your bfs boyhymen to see if he's a virgin?

>There's a reason as to why I'm a friendless looser who's only source of socialization is Yas Forums.
Yeah, it's because you think there's nothing to be gained from being by friend or romantic partner. Clearly you do know the gains from companionship it's why your itt, isn't it?

Isn't that one of the fags that spammed tranny blackmail garbage on Yas Forums? Why on earth would that ever be a picture for a gay robot server?

But I'm younger and all but given up on life already. But yeah, those who have somehow manged to live for that long, I hope they find a bf.

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Because I find his face too funny, that's about it

Might as well rename the server to "take the pinkpill".

might start a r9gay playthrough and start out with abunch nutty gay men and see what happens

I just don't want to be another nuisance for someone else, sorry.

I'll change it if you post a better pic

huh that's a good idea. One half needs to be fat ugly replusive old neckbeards and the other cute little twinks.

anyone in Hampshire want to be my boywife

Just spilled coke all over my laptop, pray for me guys

Sure thing user, I have lots of time to waste today. What part of upstate are you in?

I'll make myself a pretty guy though with a boi harem tho

I mean an actual realistic r9gay colony, with a bunch of older neckbeards and younger guys, all with some form of mental illness.

Thanks user. I'm going to try for the first time later this year. Good luck to all my fellow old homo virgins.