Would you rather date a hapa or an asian girl?

would you rather date a hapa or an asian girl?

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whomever Chad leaves behind for meh

Hapa probably. Whichever one loves me more

I'll take ANY girl...

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the "whomever" proper pronoun using Arcanine
the "whichever" improper-use-of-pronouns using Chad

asian 100%, and i wouldn't procreate with her. people like to say that attractive female hapas don't have issues like the males, but they do. they just hide it and cope better because they're pampered by society.

If I have kids with a hapa would my kids be quapas?

>t. quapa

Does it show or do you just look white?

female hapas only do well in asia. in the west they have issues.

Neither, I would rather date myself.

i suppose it depends a lot on their parents and where they were raised. in my experience they will hate themselves to an extreme degree over one side of their race or the other.

most people see it. others that don't know asians really well think i'm med.

White girl with massive hooters ofc

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But girls with issues are great because you can comfort them and develop a relationship based in codependency.

yes as the other anonymous said - White gf is my choice.

im jesting about race mixing .

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>live in majority asian country
>no azn gf


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at least you guys make good maple syrup

As a black man I will agree. Azn girls are hot as fuck but white girls have a charm that can't be explained

Custom built for BBC

how about 2 for the price of one?

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nobody axed u

why else would you post a white woman then

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happas are prettier than pure asians

>white girl
kek not with that bit ol' mutt nose
look at how souless that nigger looks in those pictures, i bet he beats her off camera. white women lose this "charm" when they get with niggers. theres nothing more disgusting than black male white female couples. stay away from them you nigger.

I'm a nigga dating a russian girl. She's cute, we are both young and in college, her parents are both lawyers and love me. We don't see each other everyday but everytime we meet there's nothing but smiles

you are an abomination, you're the bottom of the barrel. you're the most violent, the ugliest, you commit the most crimes and are a danger to society. shes only with you because women are retarded and dont know whats good for them, but soon she will wake up and be with a real man that wont ruin her life. enjoy it while it lasts, nigger.

>enjoy it while it lasts, nigger.

3 years so far. Thanks brother

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Hapa girls are better than both Asians and Whites.

>pic related
statistics dont lie, and whats even more hilarious is that most of the crime is black on black. how stupid are you people? your people have been a fucking danger ever since you were let free. should have kept you in your cages like the apes you are.
>3 years so far.
is that supposed to mean anything? my last relationship was 4.5 years, and im single today. dont get too comfortable black ass

He's absolutely SEETHING he's BOILING

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Why are all these blacks so violent we've given them a few years to catch up .why are they like this

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>violence against yourself is worse than violence against the general public
this is the brain of a low iq nigger

Full Asian but American-born, preferably to immigrant parents. It's the best combo, you don't have to deal with a language barrier and will have enough in common to relate well to one another, but they're also not totally infected by Western stupidity. Hapas look great but they suck because 9 times out of 10 they're exactly the same as basic white bitches in terms of personality.

Ahh yes only 300000IQ people know that killing yourself while some guy fucks your wife is the true meaning of life

>statistics dont lie

Well I'm not a statistic, have not nor plan to contribute to those numbers.
>y last relationship was 4.5 years, and im single today.

Good for you bro. She is already talking about having two children and marriage. Feels good. I want 3 sons at the very least though. After college of course.

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Would have been completely based without the groyper but alas

Being honest and realistic what chances do you believe that you have of attracting a woman of the same quality as shown in your pic?

other races have done more in a short time frame you retard. your people have been given endless chances to succeed, yet you keep killing each other and selling drugs. do you really need more time to realize you are the cause of your own problems?
>have not nor plan to contribute to those numbers.
thats not up to you, its literally in your genes to act this way and its disgusting. your people should just die off and stop breeding, do the world a fucking favor you wild animal

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user your posting cringe

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>user your posting cringe
nice comeback, nigger. im hurt!

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Geez user who hurt you this badly? letting us live rent free in your head

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Bro stop I'm begging you ,this is too much cringe

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Cute Asian girl thread derailed by racebait.. sad

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How many times did he cum in your girl user

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no one hurt me you fag. i fucking hate blacks and someone needs to know the truth. we are letting apes live in our society for free when they should be in fucking zoos. fuck niggers and fuck you
pic related

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0 because i know how to pick my women. i can see the racetraitors from miles away

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Dude that sucks next time ask your gf if she can ask him to use a condom

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>we are letting apes live in our society for free

you contribute nothing to society. ou are a piss jug loser neet

Holy shit user, why is your asshole gaping this hard?

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Which Asian country are you living in?

Whichever one would actually be interested in me.

>Good for you bro. She is already talking about having two children and marriage. Feels good

I'm not a nigger so maybe there's some ape logic I'm missing, but I never understood why they get off on ruining white women.

It's like some one taking a hammer to michelangelo's david and saying
>you mad white boi
maybe it's just a deep frustration that you know you're pathetic and inferior. You could never create something beautiful or inspiring (certainly not any children you have) so you take joy in the only thing you can do, destroying beautiful and inspiring things.

sad fucking world, honestly can't wait till you are removed by force back to africa where you can live in squalor like nature intended

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Because your people meme'd my people ( and all other people) into worshipping european beautfy standards and now this is our goal in life, you have our own white woman/man

reap what you sow

>user posts facts
>lelelelelel look at this cope

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>european beautfy standards

lol nothing meme about it. You know whites are better than you on an objective level, and no amount of "social justice" cheer leading can ever change that. Deep down you recognize that you're inferior at a genetic level and you desperately want to change it.

Sad really. Instead of accepting the fact that life and nature aren't fair, you lash out in a futile attempt to change the hand you were dealt. And in the end you will destroy a part a what you so desperately want to be.

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yea no shit retard. I'm not denying anything

That's why I got a cute white gf so my kids wont hate themselves/ grow up inferior

This is a quality larp user good job. If any of this were true you wouldn't be here rn.

>like taking a hammer to mochelangelos david
Most white women are a Jackson Pollock piece at best

>This is a quality larp user good job.

whatever helps you sleep at night my guy