West Virginia
New York
New Jersey
New Mexico
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I'm sorry, but that belongs to based, you corn hating nigger.
>deep blue state
Most towns vote trump, what are you on about?
Yeah but most of the population lives in Chicagoland so it doesn't matter
>terrible gun laws
>ghetto ass chicago
Horrible state
The only based state is Maine and you faggots need to stay out of it go get TOPPED cucks
Too cold + left leaning
I've been living in Maine for 1 year its great
From what I have seen Portland is the hub for left, almost everyone where I am at are not liberals. 36 fag here lived all over the states the only thing I dislike is the tourist they are all rich as fuck NY and MA are the worst and FL is pretty shit too.
Florida is cool since it has nice weather and is right leaning
I done mind FL I lived there and bama I just hate the rich vacationers from there, I also miss Milo's tea and pub subs
Which city in Maine? Portland?
>california and new york and illinois make up 27% of the US economy
>flyovers could not exist without being subsidized by california and ny
making it rain on them flyover bitches.
Portland yes they had a bunch of African refugees come there that are Muslim, and Auguasta
I'm not denying the economic contributions, but those states are still cucked.
And actually have a huge underclass.
California is filled with poor Latinos from top to bottom
Texas is red and has a good economy
nebraska doesn't exist
yeah maybe those coastcucks, but Eastern WA is just Idaho being held hostage by Seattle's laws
So one red state :is self sustaining
Remember that the reason that Jew York and Illinois have a good economy is a few big companies and their crownie politicians
kek. good one
You can say the same thing about every blue state besides Hawaii and Massachusetts
Kentucky is pretty good. Outside of Louisville, it's near completely white. Loose gun laws, most affordable state to live in, low unemployment, comfy mountains in the eastern part of the state.
True but they elected Cuckshear
As if Bevin was any better. I'm not a demcunt but he was kind of an asshole. Beshear has only been in office for a few months so I'll wait until I judge him.
I know Bevin was an asshole, but he was a hardcore conservative (which this country needs)
Missouri is probably the most based state
>mfw living in cozy suburbs town in NJ
you WISH you were as fucken based as me nigger
It has its pros, but NJ is a cuck state for sure
What part of Jersey are you talking about?
Remove florida from based and you are indeed correct
Why isn't Florida based? It's relatively warm, right leaning, plenty of opportunities, nice natural beauty, etc.
Suburb NJ is nice but I still fucking hate this state.
Any fembots from NJ?
>west virgina
>have only lived in 'based' states
I personally think that this is a based thread and I don't think I am being swayed in any way.
if being serious, then you're very based. But do your part to keep those states based (no voting for cucks allowed)
>Southern shitholes
Yeah, who doesn't want to live with niggers, white trash, obesity, humidity, and tornadoes
Dilate, you fucking tranny loser
>t. butthurt overweight pavement ape suffering from heart failure
I'm white, you cocksucking leftist faggot.
Go have a circle jerk with your Bernie supporting tranny friends
Vermont is among the whitest and healthiest states in the nation. Why the fuck would anyone want to willingly live in the deep south. It's full of dindus and no one gives a shit about eating healthy. Go ahead and shove more lard down your throat. Let me say it for you: "hurr durr dilate dumb tranny!!1! xD." Stupid subhuman.
You can eat healthy anywhere, but you can only have a non-cucked government and populace in certain places.
The best states are the ones where you can bury your face in these
Latina's assholes look so nice for some reason
>New Mexico
>not under "Based"
great list chimp
Because their skin tone is the same as the asshole, whereas white girls' skin is white and the asshole contrasts in a darker tone (unless bleach?)
Latina assholes are also dark relative to their skin.
But something about it just looks so amazing
>tfw arkansasbot
feels damn good
Where in Arkansas do you like most?
mostly the south part. you can see tree lines turn into swamps or into plain felds depending which way you go
I like how you think the most obese, poorest, and opiate addicted states are "based".
Why you gotta hate Massachusetts? New England seems like the most comfybased bit of the US.
Dilate your rotten necrovagina, you New England fag
>I got rejected from Ivy league STEM courses but I go to ((()))
Go back to chapotraphouse, you tranny freak
Why would anyone like red states? They are nearly universally poorer, less educated, fatter, more religious, more drug ravaged and more religious. Literally every single metric for quality of life.
Is this what passes for a debate when you grow up in the south?
thanks but Arkansas isn't based. it's full of niggrs and single mothers (with mutt babies)
Yeah, obesity and pollution and short life expectancies are based af
More freedom, lower taxes, less cucks
Usually good natural scenery (though, that's most of the country)
literally everywhere is like that, you autist
If you go to an all white state like Maine, then you run into other problems
Do you like the Missouri government?
Seems pretty based
>thinks florida isnt based
This. Florida is pretty based. Could be better if it were further to the right, but still pretty good.
>red means based
just go back to Yas Forums retard. Your team doesn't care about you either.