Rate each others taste

>y-you didn't forget to fill out the official Yas Forums-registration form, did you user?

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Template, now with fixed borders and symmetrical

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Fine, I'll add mine to the tread.
Just because I like your tastes.

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>Movie, Band, Pokemon, Celebrity
Utterly based

+based superhero
is that Alexander The Great?
+plain double cheese burger
+cute beagel

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where it says "country" next to "user's favourite" do we say our country or our favourite country

You may not agree, but this is the undeniably most objectively best tastes you can ever find.

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>is that Alexander The Great?
Yeah, it is.

Your country

Are we allowed to put a single artist under band

Man, just do what you want, nobody will complain

+++the smiths, guitar
+++++the amazing bulk
-everything else

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Based McDouble
Arnold and Reagan are Chad. Shrooms gay tho
I think I own that guitar and im diggin Capone
Racism uncool tho
Slick willy and original coke
Gay no vehicle and gayer mtn dew

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Oblivion, Coffee, Smiths,Opeth, all very nice
John Wayne, Barq's, Nofap
All Flawless
Pure Zoomercore
Madmen, Death note

pretty based overall except for the shit drug
nice drink
based drug and location
nice anime
shit drug and alcohol smirnoff tastes like chemicals

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you heckin goofers really dun and did it

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Inspirational would be an understatement

smirnoff does taste like acetone. I don't usually drink salmiak liquor but I always get Koskenkorva vodka, might give it a try.

good pokemon
good game

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Noted weed, chicken nuggets and tranny porn are much more interesting

Nazis were cucked

these take way too long to make. so ill just list them here.
>Vidya: Halo 3
>Movie: Mad Max Fury Road
>Band: A Day To Remember
>Album: Carrie & Lowell
>TV Show: Better Call Saul
>Intrument: Piano
>Cartoon: Courage the Cowardly Dog
>Anime: DBZ
>Book: Bible
>Weapon: Baseball Bat
>Vehicle: 1987 Firebird
>Porn: Spanking (its hot idc)
>Superhero: Hulk
>Pokemon: Muk
>Celeb: Terry Crews
>Politician: Andrew Yang
>Comedian: Bill Burr
>Hobby: Art
>Drug: Soda
>Alcohol: Blue Moons
>Food: Brisket pizza
>Soft-Drink: coca cola
>location: pinnacle mountain
>animal: cheetah

I have redesigned the existing template and cleaned it up. Here is the new template for user's Favorite. Enjoy.

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this but unironically
(original comment lala homo this filter is a shlomo)


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Plain fuck with no interests to make him unique reporting in

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Rate my taste, I guess. mfaokfafjakfafaf

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Extremely based taste in cartoons
Dr pepper is the elixir of the gods

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Based book, normie but nonetheless great anime

Bully me originally

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Based. Quality porn taste.
Straight to Hell
Straight to Hell. No forgiveness
Kinda gay
Ok. Shit book. Fuck Nabokov
Straight to Hell. No forgiveness
Fairly based except for the gay Yas Forums shit. Bonus points for Daft Punk though
Gay and lazy
Fairly based
Half based, half vile
Best in the thread

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based book, based pokemon, cringe movie

Mein Chart >;)

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i really like this one
bonus points for kizumonogatari. which one is your favorite of the three?

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Impressive, very nice.
Very nice.
Literal boomer/10
>the fly
Most of your picks are in my top 3 tbqh.

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phone fag here so im just gonna list it

>Vidya: rust
>Movie: inception
>Band: suicideboys
>Album: stop staring at the shadows
>TV Show: breaking bad
>Intrument: guitar
>Cartoon: futurama
>Anime: n/a
>Book: farenheit 451
>Weapon: ar15
>Vehicle: nissan 370z
>Porn: straight pov
>Superhero: n/a
>Pokemon: squirtle
>Celeb: none theyre all faggots
>Politician: trump
>Comedian: n/a
>Hobby: music
>Drug: any opiate, nicotine, or weed
>Alcohol: jameson whiskey
>Food: mac n cheese from mummy
>Soft-Drink: coke
>location: texas
>animal: cat

Age: 22
Cunt: guess
>Vidya: not interested
>Movie: Princess Mononoke
>Band: Lynyrd Skynyrd
>Album: Zvezda Po Imeni Solntse
>TV Show: everything's boring
>Intrument: Guitar
>Cartoon: I used to like Ed Edd & Eddy when I was a kid
>Anime: Monogatari Series
>Book: Demons by Dostoyevski
>Weapon: fists, or a chair maybe? I never fought anyone so I dunno
>Vehicle: My fathers Citroen C4
>Porn: petite, pregnancy
>Superhero: pic related
>Pokemon: cringe
>Celeb: Don't care about celebs, but if had to pick someone famous than it's gotta be Lemmy
>Politician: 95% of them should be jailed or fined
>Comedian: Eddy Murphy
>Hobby: Guitar
>Drug: n/a
>Alcohol: Laphroaig
>Food: Anything cooked by my mother
>Soft-Drink: Energy drinks
>location: Forests or somewhere rich with vegetation
>animal: Lizards are cool

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i have bad tastes lol

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Shit taste OP
based user
kys faggot
utter normie
based user
normie fag
shit taste
youre almost cool. but not quite there
*kisses you
absolute and utter shit
idk if you know this but youre a complete and utter fucking normie. kys faggot

So you are literally incapable of thinking for yourself, fucking neck yourself m8

>shit book
Lolita is considered by many authors and literary critics to be the greatest work of the 20th century

>lots of people like it so it must be good
learn to think for yourself you dumb fucking pleb

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yeah, by plebs maybe lmao

I don't watch anime i read manga instead so i chosed Naruto from 2002 till 2008 which was very good, i don't care about politics and don't have a favorite album i had a drawing hobby but like everything in my life i stopped doing, i don't consider playing video games a hobby

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Shouts out to my fellow Brass Eye and Nixon respecter

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raina wingl is my favorite celeb too

good taste death parade is beautiful

Based movie and animal
Based movie and TV show
Top tier politician
Based daft punk
Great taste in book
Nice movie and vehicle taste
Based vidya
Based vidya
Based anime
Based book and movie

>calls book shit book
>I point out its universal acclaim

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gut zusammengestellt

Absolutely based comedian choice

>dukie nukie

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i wanna suck your dick user

6.7 hours in paint,net. very original comento

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>calls book shit
>I challenge your belief
kill yourself faggot

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+vidya and weapon
+tv show, pokemon
+based movie
+movies, but hitler is gay
baka, the 2003 fullmetal alchemist is way better
+cartoon and rose
>tfw Yas Forums retardation is your entire personality
+tv show
+vidya and cartoon
+vidya, movie, cartoon
+tv show
++vidya, movie, tv show and pokemon

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Yeah honestly this guy probably has the worse taste in everything, and it ain't even bait.

cringe for not posting your own chart like a pussy

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fuck all these pianofags, a true man of culture

great movie/tv show
>red army choir
>city 17
incredibly based
bioshock is an all-time favorite, and perfect blue looks neat but i keep forgetting to watch it
i think i saw you in the last thread
rarely see anyone else who's heard Hawaii: Part II, good shit
>twin peaks
good stuff
what's that revolver, by the way?
good anime, book, "celebrity", ramen, and animal desu
TF2, AE86, and sam hyde are top tier
>stardew valley
>king gizzard
>sam hyde
king shit
xi tongzhi wansui

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i posted just don't addressed it sorry