What philosophy or fundamental truths do you men live by?

What philosophy or fundamental truths do you men live by?

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You men? You group a huge selection together.

there is no god
there is no deus ex machina moment for you
no one will come and save you from the world, you have to do it yourself
there is no such thing as justice, you have to make your own justice
there is no use in being a nice person, you will be taken advantage of and shit on, don't treat others how you want to be treated

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I was going to say, "you guys". But "men" is a more complimentary and respectful term. And there are no women on the internet, of course.

>there is no use in being a nice person

I read up to there agreeing with you. You are braindead.

This really resonated with me

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There is a way to manipulate everyone, including yourself.

Women will leave you for BBC.
Nothing matters to women other than the size of your cock.

find myself on boths sides of this sometimes.
Amazing how deep kishimoto could get sometimes.

Thank you Gai-sensei

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Fuck bitches, get money
Bitches ain't shit
These two things are the core of male philpsophy

The will to power.

Achieving a conceivable infinity.

I believe everyone wants to do what's right, or good for each other.
>I'm afraid I'm mistaken.

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The Four Books and Five Classics

That i can't really be sure of anything that the media, internet or people around me tell me about.
It makes the world seem a lot bigger scarier which is pretty neat to be honest.

Fuck everyone, acquire wealth

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Christianity, quite loosely I'll add to it because I suck.

I've studied philosophy formally for 6 or so years now and I have to say that compared to the faith it all seems so petulant and silly.

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And how do you do that you fucking braindead and or drug addict? You play the game. You acquire a skill that is needed, you apply it. Sam said this, the second most important thing after a skill is to be likeable because it will allow you to get into a position to apply your skill in the most effective way.

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These are my truths and phearps user what I live for:

>The strongest survive the weakest fall this ins't the law of man but the law of nature divine intervention.

>Peace ins't a option in the world of the living, chaos is necessary evil required in order to keep balance so life can thrive.

Good Times create weak men bad times create strong man and give them purpose to thrive and seek for higher power.

>God is a dream of a great government not a mythical being, but a dream, a desire created by those who seek to rule.

> Good and evil are nothing more than demands of society to coexist because in truth these concepts do not exist after all they are subjective.

>The democracy is a mistake therefore freedom without discipline is a wasted opportunity.

>Intelligence ins't the ability to gather as much information but the ability to question.

>War isn't the answer but the question.

That the world will always go on despite how I feel and what I do, nothing can change what happens and the only thing I control is how I react to the world and what I do in the time I'm here.

I do that rather well...
Don;t you think?

>fundamental truths

OK goy vey

"Beauty and Harmony, governed by one eternal law. All that begins must end."

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Fucking based. Orignal

the road begins when you start to investigate, look at something about the fourth dimension etc, we are nothing, do not worry about anything, do things "well"

I dont belive in heaven. I believe in pain.

marxism leninism

Nothing is more important than the Golden Rule. Treat others as you want to be treated.

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Welcome to this world, have as much fun as you would like while helping others have as much fun as you're having! Be kind to those you love and be kind to those you don't, but most important, you gotta be kind

AJJ has a lot of songs that I feel once deep level

This guy gets it. Kindness and scientific progress are the only good things we can do with our lives

None, every philosophy has a flaw and therefore isn't worth basing your entire existence after because at some point you'll be forced to deal with something your philosophy won't be able to handle effectively. Maybe I'm just autistic but I can't subscribe to flawed "truths".
I just take life day by day and make decisions based on the situations I find myself in.

Be consistent.
Nothing is true until you think about it.

>im 15 year old intelectual

grow yourself senpai

I live by many phrases, but two come to mind as the most important.
Nothing is impossible.
Nothing is infallible.

Dont fight the pimpin

You are the #1 cause of your thoughts and emotions.
Your personality is a habit built of your thoughts and emotions. Habits can be retrained.
Consciously practice your emotions until they become a habit. Retrain your personality.

I try not to lie because I like telling the truth
"The Truth shall set you free"

I'm the dickhead.

I'm a proud God-fearing Christian, I love God, King and country. Heretics and heathens need to burn.

just kidding I'm not a complete faggot

Free will is an illusion, all actions and outcomes are predetermined. If you become a failure in life it's not your fault, but on the contrary if you become successful you didn't have anything to do with it.

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That all hope of a meaningfully better world is defeated by the fundamental fact that human beings will always have mutually exclusive interests. That value is defined by scarcity and exclusivity and so no matter what shape society takes, injustice and deprivation of one kind or another will always remain.

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Not him, but going out of your way to be a nice person is usually a mistake and will drain you.
You should just act how you usually do and not worry about or force yourself to be nice.

Esoteric stoicism
There is definitely something outside the physical, you'd have to be retarded you deny it

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>god is dead
>slave morality
>will to power

Care to explain why user perhaps if there are flaws in what I consider true care to enlighten me.

Funny how the two contradict eachother.

For example the first statement implies that perfection isn't impossible yet perfection is by definition infallible.

Yous a dumb, user.

Objective moral truths directly from God, if morality comes from each man then it is an opinion and can be easily changed. Each and every one of us knows deep down what is right and what is wrong, and any man that says otherwise doesn't have the resolve to take responsibility for his actions.

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>there is no such thing as justice, you have to make your own justice


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I live by the fundamental truth that Jordan Peterson is a fucking moron and so are all his lobster buckos.

Also morality is an infinite spiral of insecurity and you could spend your whole life trying to figure out what is right and wrong and you would never know for sure.
If you aren't comfortable with doing whatever the fuck you want, you will always be doomed with insecurity.

>God's opinion is in retarded jewish book
>t. 16 year old brainlet redneck

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Life has no purpose or deeper meaning. Unlike nihilistfags i don't use it to justify doing whatever I want to, but rather to be nice to people cause the purpose I've created for myself is to make people feel better

The immortal science of dialectical materialism

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Salvation is finding freedom in one's own choices despite one's past, present and future after all

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>this thread
god I thought Yas Forums wouldn'tve been this absolutely spooked

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there is no God
No one knows the absolute truth about everything
You need to both be empathic woth others and capable of standing up for yourself

>going out of your way to be a nice person is usually a mistake and will drain you.

Don't go out of your way to be an asshole either

> Real life is never going to match up to fantasy

Let everyone make their own choices in life.
you want to kill yourself? Your choice who am I to force you to live.

dont stress about stuff

could be a god there could also not be god

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Itay, is that you?

Doing benzo's on the regular

The buddhist concept of suffering.
Everything else is irrelevant if you doom yourself to understand it.

Trolls fiend off of attention, they're the male version of attention whores, their existence subsists on other people whether or not they like to admit it, once you stop giving them any attention they lose all their power, don't waste your time on these people.