Why are there so many grown men afraid of women? I swear, being an incel is a choice made by cowards

Why are there so many grown men afraid of women? I swear, being an incel is a choice made by cowards.

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more pussy for the rest of us

Women ask for so much and offer so little nowadays that men decided is just not worth the effort.

Becuase there are guys who get arrested for trying to talk to women? Also women make shit up all the time to get you in trouble.

Woman are always evaluating your value as a man, so being rejected hurts your ego in the worst kind of way if you have low self esteem or no success with woman already. And I think a lot of these guys know how they just don't measure up against top tier men in their community, so they are already mentally defeated. The fact is these men are not good enough for 95% of woman and they know it, so they are afraid.

Have you ever talked to a woman before? They are fucking terrifying, dude

women have done this to themselves

They've put every tolerable form of male approach into the sphere of "creepiness" or "sexual harassment" and all the men who give a shit about that kind of thing sit on the sidelines.

Along come men who don't give a shit, even more they might even express an "I respect women" sentiment, but it's a thinly veiled attempt to hide their absolute shittiness as a human being or otherwise absence of self-awareness.
Now what, we have alarmingly high rates of sexual abuse despite fewer men actually having sex. Funny!
Hardly any marriages are successful, most end in divorce, even more couples aren't marrying at all. Funny!

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>say hi to girl in my class
>visible fear and disgust immediately show on her face

I'm not a creepy rapist or anything I'm just ugly

How do you even approach a group of women?
Do you go for all of them of just one?
I feel like if you go for all of them they may see you as too cocky and none of them are gonna special, but if you go for one then the others are not gonna feel special which in term will make their chosen friend feel bad and not like you. I see no way of this working.
But even if they are alone, what do you even talk about? I overthink things a lot so this part would be the hardest, should you just talk about the weather? Go straight for the phone number? It just doesn't seem like the thing for me.
Maybe if it was in a place where we share something, like on some piano classes, then we could have something to talk about. So yeah, I might start approaching once I start some sort of extracurricular activity where women are present.

I have a small penis and the two girls I have dated both laughed once I dropped my pants.

But youre sexy and have a big benis, user

Hypergamy has led to women only wanting the most attractive. Feminism has ironically led to only the most misogynistic of men willing to seek out sex from women. As a result, there's less men having sex and relationships than ever.

This. Before i was based it got to the point where i was just used to girls telling me to do this or that or they would tell other girls or the professor that i touched them.

#metoo made the price of pussy too expensive just ask Brian Banks. The poor dude was falsely accuse of rape.

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Pretty much this I actually was stupid enough to try and talk to a girl despite knowing fully well how much of a pathetic bitch I am. Long story short, she rejected me and it hurt like a motherfucker. I was destroyed for weeks and my already low self esteem got into negative numbers. I'm guessing something on our minds that controls how we deal with this sorta shit is part of what separates normies from us social retards.

Those women on the right don't want what he's offering. Is it a choice if you want someone to love you for who you are?

No men is safe.

For me, because I experienced what worthless subhuman women are. I was fat until I was like 18/19. Women asked other men to bully and beat me up and laughed while I was beaten by multiple guys. They shit talked and invented stories of me being a psychopath rapist and I LITERALLY had the principal call me over because they said I would touch the girls without consent (I never even got close to a female more than 2 meters aside from my relatives).

Then I lost a ton of weight and became a big guy and SUDDENLY women stare at me and laugh at every single word I say. I am still a khv at 27 and never touched a woman because fuck them, they are horrible humans, I would never bully someone, in fact one of my best friends is a small overweight balding Indian I help to improve in the gym and in nutrition.

I know I could easily get laid, I tried Tinder for like 3 months without ever setting up a date and got like 60 matches in a rural area with selective swiping, but knowing what I know about women, they scared me away from ever being sexual active with them.

Especially since I also know from friends who got their life destroyed because some cunt suddenly decided they were abused out of nowhere.

Never trust women, EVER.

>Woman are always evaluating your value as a man, so being rejected hurts your ego in the worst kind of way if you have low self esteem or no success with woman already. And I think a lot of these guys know how they just don't measure up against top tier men in their community, so they are already mentally defeated. The fact is these men are not good enough for 95% of woman and they know it, so they are afraid.


Because grown men don't want to mess with their BLACK boyfriends.

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Women are just generally evil.

I mean, there are good women, but roughly 30% of women are complete psychopaths that will lie to get a favor out of it and destroy your life.

All that struggle to put a piece of flesh and rub it in another piece of flesh just isn't worth it.

I can approach a woman, but you have no reason to approach WOMEN unless you're a gigachad and specifically want a >=threesome and nothing else
It doesn't help that all the cute women I see without friends have a reason for such, I'm nothing alone

lt's because we Iive in a society

I'd be a fucking smug coward over being a lemming anyday.

I may be the odd one out here, but women don't scare me, they just waste my motherfucking time.

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I've been to numerous dates but I just can't find anything that both of us could talk about. Pretty much that's only what's stopping me. I'm not afraid of anyone.

We live in a world where a woman can ruin your life just because she doesn't like you. And you wonder why so many men are scared of women?

>go over to a group of grills
>you want to talk to one of them
>you talk to her
>ask for her name
>you get some rude comment from one of the other girls
>they all laugh
>fuck this

That's why. They start shit tests right away, from second one.

This here.
>talk/text female for a few days
>drop several hints that I "like" her
>she seems to reciprocate
>then suddenly
>turns out she had a bf the whole time
I'm fucking 25 and this shit STILL happens. Most of my hatred for females comes strictly from their propensity to string people along and then play dumb. This shit happens constantly.
What the fuck is wrong with people?

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I know people Lara on here but Jesus, r9k and getting pussy in the same sentence lmao

>being an incel is a choice
If it was a choice then they would be a volcel

Ive tried dating but I never feel like theyre engaged in anything thats not popular or kinda out there. Its like they live in their own little fantasy. Probably just the early 20s age group but still, Its not entirely theyre fault. Alot of them just dont know who they really are yet because they jump to relationship to relationship without ever thinking about the world around them. Social media and entertainment programs them to be that way.

Women have next to no upside and nearly unlimited downside. Even in the best case scenario you're wasting tons of money and time for sex that's often not even as good as masturbation. Without sex, there's nothing of value to be had from associating with women.

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I simply dont care anymore
After years and years of disappointments, neglect, turned down you just become numb to it all. Its like Im high on some type of 'fuck-it-all-who-cares' drug. Forever alone and I dont think I mind anymore

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How small?
I've got a small one and I've slept with 4 girls and none of them have commented.

How small is your member?

about 5.5x4.5

my girth is embarrassing

I'm not afraid, I just haven't met one I care about.

This is not small...user this is average. You'll never understand small. Is it this "small" erect or flaccid?


i just feel like every other penis i've ever seen (changerooms, toilets etc.) is way bigger than mine

I'm not, at all. I'm afraid of being being vulnerable though.

>Have slight crush on girl in school
>Walk up to say hi
>Get hit in the face as I say 'hello'

that's when I started to despise women

You want me to approach not one but THREE (3) random women ive never met? Sorry but i want to hold on to what little ego i have.

Its literally so easy to get women in the modern world since most guys dont even go outside

I have no experience with them, and the entirety of my existence relies on my ability to talk to them, even at a biological level this is a lot of pressure.

Guess who else doesn't go outside?Wahmen ! I go outside and all i see is kids and boomers !

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thank you for your help user
t.small overweight balding Indian being coached currently

Its properly in your head mate.

It's just too much these days and not necessarily worth it when there's internet porn and weed. I have a hard enough time paying my bills every month why would I introduce a woman into the equation? It's just asking for trouble. There's just not enough wiggle room, financially and time-wise for a lot of guys these days and when you factor in the time's plurality of bread and circuses (porn, netflix, streams, vidya, what have you) then women become even less appealing.

If the minimum wage in the states was raised to $20 and hour and we had 30 hour work weeks then I GUARANTEE guys would be much more willing to chase skirts like they did back in the golden days of yore. I realize this is an extreme example to the extent that it has no bearing on reality whatosever but you get my point: you give people more wiggle room and you get people doing more things, like dating. Kind of fucked up how our most important biological imperative is being stifled because of the economy (among other things) but that's just the stage of civilization that we're at right now.

if your mom disciplined you instead of your dad, it fucks with your psychology on what women are and how theyre supposed to be treated.

Women are shit so you can't really blame them. A whole lot of women deserve to be shot or raped.

Whats the point? At best I just get ignored, at worst I'll get arrested for haressment and my life is ruined. I have to fit into these crazy expectations that I'll never reach. While my expectations (not fat, not batshit crazy) are considered too high of standards. Even if by some miracle I get a relationship, she knows she could get way better just by exisisting.

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>Women ask for so much and offer so little nowadays that men decided is just not worth the effort.

Typical incel sour grapes cope

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Women are far more sociable and I see them everywhere I go. Hence why its very easy to get a relationship in the modern world. Theres literally no competition. Most of the cope posts in this thread are from guys who physically spend no time out flirting with girls. Theyre convinced its not worth it, so literally any retard can get a normal girlfriend now. Ive seen heroin addicts who cant speak a full sentence get prime pussy

Enjoy being falsely accused of rape and having your reputation ruined. Also enjoy living out of a car.

I wish I could fight women as often as I wanted to show them the only power they have over me is societal

BASED. First step is to scare white boys into hating women. Second step is to show them how much better a cute boyfriend can be.

The problem is that we're pseudo-desirable.

>I've seen crackheads get trailer trash methhead pussy all the time.
>there's no excuse for you incels you're just coping

name one thing modern women offer besides lack luster dead fish sex.

For one reason, I think a big one is this
Now for my own.
Theres a possiblity of rejection too, and I don't care how confident you are, no one likes rejection - its painful, and most people seek to avoid it. Thankfully some women are standing up and asking men out, but they are finding the same problem - they hate rejection too.

Probably a big one, especially for me is possibly being labeled a creep. Girls swing the term around of creepy WAY too often and when its unnecessary. Guys hate being called creepy. We don'td mind being called dicks, or assholes because at least we can laugh at it or rage, but creepy is ambigious and we have no idea what caused it.

Stop throwing around the term creepy so casually and stop raging about every male being a rapist and I feel a lot of fear wwould die down.

But, I don't see that happening anytime soon,

Oh and also OP, how many women are afraid of men compared to women? Even though there's a lot of men afraid of women, I guarantee that there are many more men afraid of women. Men have some false assumptions about women, but women also have false assumptions about men.

I've had the same experiences in my early 20s. looking back I could have fucked at least half of those girls that did that to me. they're cheating whores and when I sensed that I effectively rejected them out of disgust. I had built them up in my head as dream girls so when the reality of the cheating whore set in I dropped the ball to protect my delusions of decent women existing. the truth is, they don't. ALL women now would cheat on their "boyfriends" (that fucking title alone tells you the level of respect involved) if a decent looking guy made them feel something new and didn't care that they are """taken""". anything to escape the extreme boredom of our safe, domesticated lives. anything for that extra bit of validation and excitement.

it's up to you if you can overcome the disgust and keep talking to them. if you can you will get laid, but at the cost of knowing you're cucking some simp aka destroying the delusion you yourself hope to achieve some day. and at the cost of having to act like it's "your fault" since she won't take responsibility for anything ever. if I didn't want children I would fully embrace the blackpill and fuck these whores. wanting children and knowing the only way to properly raise them is with a woman in an intact relationship, that's the main thing holding me back from "getting laid" and it took me way too long to realize. I can't give up on the bluepill delusion because it's literally necessary in order to have healthy offspring.

sorry, I meant to type theres more women afraid of men than there is men afraid of women.

Wild, passionate sex, companionship, support and love.

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Men provide those things better and you are on a gays only board

top kek women are so worthless they can only land some loser heroin addict.

>support and love
>from a WOMAN
you're gonna fall on your ass so hard, your head will be dissolved in stomach acid.


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Only happens in your country of autists,anglo

I could type a long-ass post about this and that but I guess it all comes down to one thing: never learned how to handle them properly. Evidence suggests that I must be somewhat good-looking and attractive because I've always been semi-popular, women are flirty and act like they're into me etc, I see how cold and nonsexual they act towards other men as a comparison. But I haven't had sex in ten years which means
a) there's something I'm missing that other people do to transition from flirting to sex
b) they're not actually into me and I don't understand anything
my very first and only gf did all the work back then. she wanted me, she was flirty, she came over and we fucked, but since then nothing.

>Women are far more sociable and I see them everywhere I go
Is posting from an alternate universe fun?

>They've put every tolerable form of male approach

t. schizo social retard that doesn't leave the house or approach women

Guy asks a question then proceeds the insult the people he asked the question to. The state of the world and politics in general. So which football team do you cheer for?

Notice how it's the SIMPS telling us to date women and telling us that we need to take the short end of the stick and calls out sour grapes when legit points of women not bringing shit to the table. Na men have to always do the heavy lifting ever and should never get paid for it in return. Just take the blue pill bois. Give up your life to a roastie who will never treat you like an equal partner and cheat on you behind your back because dangy boi is better than a man who can do everything for himself. NICE!

Intersectional feminism
If you don't meet their criterion for what a man "ought to be", they will instead gladly use/exploit you for being a man

Ive been to multiple countries in this universe, hermit clown boy