>Post your score bros
went from 41 to 62
>Post your score bros
went from 41 to 62
Mine is 81
115, I'm a virgin and a NEET.
138 I have a gf, a car, a high skill paying job and i go out with the boys on weekend doing grills and watching movie.
Not sure what else to say.
56, tends to decline in future
50 now
used to be 88 four years ago
34 at 19 yo, how the fuck are there people on this board who got 70+ ?
not a single one from the green box
109, lost a lot of points because I've never had a GF
85. If I wasn't a virgin cuck would probably be a normalfag
Any Grand Wizards here?
53. These threads always remind me that half of the posters aren't real robots.
121 for me
which is somehow not original
Say a spell
>tfw cyborg
Worst of both worlds
144 I guess I have to wear a suit now.
>tfw went down from cyborg to robot
57 for me
hell yeah 74
74, but this shit is heavily biased towards mid-20s people, I haven't had the chance to attend uni/get a job yet since I'm in hs
Jesus I used to be a cyborg few years ago. 36 now
39 , increasing.
made it to 85, slowly becoming a normal fag
86. Yeah, the socially strange description fits me fucking perfectly. This is pretty accurate, you can tell a Grand Wizard wrote it.
58, right on the border between robot and cyborg.
all amateurs. I wouldn't call you robots. Just incels.
72, I thought I'll score higher since I'm in uni.
Happy slappy giggy up normies
can stay for now
T. the guy who got a fucking 10. Someone please dethrone me as the biggest autist in the thread. I dare you.
Why i am seeing such big numbers in here
6-0-2-12-4 = 24
im so close to grand wizardry
Well my score went down to 39 after the massive decline of my mental health
50! fiddy fiddy
123 how's that?
how the fuck are my comments not original
43. Higher than I expected, I don't think it's staying there for much longer
123? but i've never had any contact with women, how did this happen. Maybe I need to get out more or just be in contact with women maybe I actually have a chance here
35, I expected around 46ish
You are a powerful wizard though.
95 and I don't give a fuck baby!
I don't think I belong here anymore, im not sure whats changed but something clearly has. It wasn't fun while it lasted but I think its time for me to leave this place.
try using the updated chart which NEVER GETS FUCKING POSTED FUCK
102. Wow, these criteria suck.
Pretty inaccurate overall desu.
70 here. The social section wrecks hard.
Yeah, i got around 2/3 of my points from the social category too.
71, exactly where I expected to land. I've been an inbetweener since I was about 16.
Scratch that, reverse it.
18 points in physical
13 in mental
3 in social
3 in accomplishment
7 in bonus
44 total
Age is an important factor I think. I'm 24 years old.
106 whoops, used to be slightly strange but then i got a second boyfriend so everything is increased
93 at 19 y/o
Think i was at 78 or something a year ago, might even go higher when i finish school
honestly not that hard
pretty accurate I'd say. glad to be sort of normal
oh my god most people in here are mega normal fags get the fuck off my board Jesus Christ
>still 83
Not until there are major changes. Mook wont do anything, the mods are faggots to an extent that words cant explain so they allow it. If r9k ever becomes great again or even just tolerable they will need to ban LGBTQ on r9k. It is a tumor that oozes female LARPers. When this place becomes majority robot, not incel. Keep that in mind because they are thot enablers, when this place becomes majority robot then the climate will change. No females for incels to chase after, no r9gay or trannies to shit up the place with their degeneracy. And all this present shit will not be able to thrive because they will get no support and be BTFO whenever they try to rise. I can guarantee it will make it better.
kill me
My score is 32. Anyone else wizard apprentice?
26. around what i expected.
109 w/o bonus, 121 w/ bonus. Gawd dayum. This is a change from back in 10th grade when I was a Cyborg close to Robot. Thank you drugs
43, but I don't feel anywhere near that much of a robot. Most likely because I've never been in a relationship, but that's not because women don't like me, it's because I don't like them.
Cyborg but mainly cause I'm fit in college
Not actually good with people
Would not prefer it any other way personally. Being a normalfag and a complete robot are both undesirable to me.
there are too many extroverted normal fags on this board as of late it seems