>not a virgin(unless she is a widow) >older than 25 >uses contraceptive drugs/device >uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol) >uses pharmaceuticals >raised by single mother >lives alone/with roommates(unless genuinely shit family) >shit family and still associates with them >lives in a city >fat or underweight >went to government school >went to university/wants to go to university(A desire to go after children are grown is fine) >listens to hiphop/rap >listens to "pop" >constantly listening to music >has dark skin >has tattoos >wears immodest clothing >has piercings/body modifications(ears are fine) >dyes her hair >wears makeup >has painted and/or plastic nails >wears high heels >eats fast food >expresses an interest in "travel" >is an atheist >is polticially outspoken >curses excessively >uses Yas Forums >homophile friends >whore friends >speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English >watches television(anime excluded) >has a Netflix account These are my red flags for females. How about you?
>b-but you use Yas Forums! Men and women are not equal and I do not hold them to the same standards.
she's still a whore even if she's a widow because she did not let me take her virginity
Alexander Hernandez
That is just wrong. It's perfectly conceivable for a virtuous young woman to lose her husband in a tragic accident or to a disease and then find love again before she's too old.
Asher Perez
a virtuous young woman who lost her husband would never have sex again
Austin Bennett
catfaggotry is the biggest red flag of all
David Collins
Possible, but not a requirement.
Chase Myers
You guys bitch about being permavirgins, then make lists with the equivalent of "elbows too pointy would not bang" and wonder why you're forever alone
John Nelson
Nothing on my list is as arbitrary as "pointy elbows". Everything I list is either an objectively negative trait that is a sign of very serious problems with a woman or just something I personally dislike.
Elijah Reyes
>watches television(anime excluded) This one got me op, hilarious. Can't watch documentaries or the news, but anime is okay.
Joshua Wood
>watches television
Xavier Diaz
>Can't watch documentaries No. >the news Definitely not, I might specify that as a separate red flag. People that watch television are retarded. I need a wife that is intelligent.
Luis Perez
having standards is based and prevents women being overvalued from simps like you now fuck off normie REEEEEE
Gavin James
How can you expect an intelligent wife who can't seek higher education or watch educational media? How does she keep up with what's happening in the world?
Jason Bell
The only one I have is not a virgin I think everything else is subject to review
Zachary Anderson
You'd have to be one fine example of a man to earn the man's daughter who meets your criteria. Are you?
You can't be average, dumb, or overall worthless/impotent and make demands. The fact is, if the average male was truly worth a shit, Stacies would be rare.
Elijah Robinson
Having standards is different to setting yourself up to fail, ironically this list serves to pedestalize the "ideal"wamen
Joseph Collins
you forgot > she is breathing
Anthony Jenkins
Well I should mention >has tattoos >has piercings anywhere else than her earlobe >drinks alcohol/does drugs >is an atheist >leftist >pro-choice Don't think can be comprised
Levi Williams
ok virgin retard
Andrew Parker
>who can't A woman that WANTS to waste her youth and fertility LARPing as a man does not share my values and is quite frankly dumb. Why does she need a degree to be a mother and wife? She should have all the training and education she needs to do that by the time she is of age to consider marriage. >watch educational media? No such thing. All media is garbage. >How does she keep up with what's happening in the world? Why does she need to know what is going on "in the world"? What information do you imagine she is missing out on? Virginity is the top of the list because it is the most important. A woman that has sex out of wedlock is irredeemable.
Jaxon Richardson
You didn't say anything and you have no refutation because there is nothing aside from what I mentioned in my post making fun of you. Retarded feminist.
Dominic Ortiz
ok simp. I will only date qt virgins who will be loyal and I would rather DIE than date some SLUT and get KEKED
Aiden Parker
>>not a virgin(unless she is a widow) I don't understand. She still gave it away to a guy and who knows how many others before the husband and after. Death of a hubby can't unfuck her.
Caleb Reyes
My list is nothing but very basic standards of morality and some specific personal preferences. Yeah, accepting a 25 year old widow is really pedestalizing an ideal rofl You're cringe. >and who knows how many others Hmmmm, I thought the wording in the OP made my position clear, but I can see how it could be confusing now that you point it out. Obviously I'm only interested in a widow if she lost her virginity to her late husband. The idea is that a widow is still virtuous and moral despite being a victim of fate, but a whore that got married and became a widow remains a whore.
Gavin Howard
I am going to edit my list and include explanations for the more complicated flags so readers can better understand my frame of thought.
Jaxson Harris
>older than 25 Wait, I how can I control that...?
Bentley Hughes
A woman can't control being raised by a single mother either, it remains an objectively negative aspect of her existence. A woman that is still single at such an advanced age has problems I'm not interested in, just like a 30 year old man that is still unmarried is clearly unwell.
Jack Rogers
He's probably 20 and/or really insecure I probably couldn't date someone younger Every female below 24 seems obsessed with pop culture
Wyatt Harris
How old are you if you're OP?
Adrian Perez
I am OP, I'm 23.
Nathaniel Carter
I was just thinking, the pharmaceuticals and government school thing are a bit much. They're still problems to deal with, but not worth mentioning in such a list.
Jose Gray
>smoke >too fat That's really all. I spite all smokers and whales. Smoking women are even worse than males because cunts might not stop smoking when they are pregnant and might effect child by that. Fat is just aesthetic thing. Alcohol is not that bad because people actually can withdraw from it.
Short, but solid list, user. I'd go as far as to say smoking would have negative effects on offspring even if she stops before she gets pregnant. Just seems obvious to me that if she is compromising her health by consuming drugs that it'd have an impact on her primary biological function and the quality of her eggs. >Fat is just aesthetic thing It's a health thing as well. >Alcohol is not that bad because people actually can withdraw from it. I'd say alcohol is just as bad for same reasons as smoking, worse even, also it makes you ugly.
Owen Moore
>"women have too many standards" >this You cant complain about the first one if you do shit like this you fucking faggot ass virgins
Bentley Thompson
>>"women have too many standards" I've never said this. Frankly, I don't think women have high enough standards. The vast majority seem ready to spread their legs for anyone and for nothing in return. It's undignified.
Nathan Kelly
I have time to lose so I will respond unironically, even if 2/3 of the list is probably bait
>not a virgin(unless she is a widow) That's stupid >older than 25 I'm 35, the range goes from 20 to 50 >uses contraceptive drugs/device Dont care >uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol) Depending on the drug and frequency. Dont give a shit about a little weed/cigarette/alcohol on social occasions. >uses pharmaceuticals I use it myself, I'm not in position to judge >raised by single mother Irrelevant >lives alone/with roommates(unless genuinely shit family) Same >shit family and still associates with them Your first good point >lives in a city I do >fat or underweight Obese or anorexic is a problem. Chubby I dont care >went to government school For an US girl it might be a problem. Feels good to be european >went to university/wants to go to university(A desire to go after children are grown is fine) Au contraire, I hope she has education >listens to hiphop/rap Second good point >listens to "pop" Fine on my book >constantly listening to music I do myself >has dark skin Dont care >has tattoos Depends on how much desu >wears immodest clothing Dont care >has piercings/body modifications(ears are fine) Same as tatoos >dyes her hair Dont care >wears makeup user... >has painted and/or plastic nails Dont like it, but I dont care desu >wears high heels dont care >eats fast food If she's already quite chubby, might be a problem. Otherwise dont care
Xavier Cook
Part. 2
>expresses an interest in "travel" Dont care >is an atheist It's a good thing >is polticially outspoken Third good point >curses excessively 4th goos point >uses Yas Forums Dont care >homophile friends Dont care >whore friends Dont care >speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English 5th good point >watches television(anime excluded) Just dont watch Reality TV >has a Netflix account Dont care
Aiden Moore
Perhaps not you but other faggots on this site are the same as you yet say shit like this
Luke Peterson
>even if 2/3 of the list is probably bait I've typed my entire list in good faith. >That's stupid I'm not reading the rest of your post. I was looking forward to having honest dialogue, but this alone tells me you have nothing to say that I care to hear. Thanks for trying though.
Christian Foster
>other faggots on this site are the same as you Hmmmm, I'm not so sure. Surely there are some, of course, but I think the majority of them would be perfectly satisfied with a whore, they are just very undesirable males or have mental problems.
Camden Watson
>shes a whore >shes dumb >shes fat and ugly >not virgin I could add more but I think those are the primordial, thinks like not wearing immodest clothing can be deduced by the slut point I mean I will never have a gf but I really don't know if I want one just the idea of having sex feels pretty awkward and I can't imagine my life without all the time alone I spend so I don't think a gf is worth the effort
Honestly, I am editing my list right now and I removed immodest clothing. I figure it'd a bit hypocritical because I like looking at girl's bums in denim shorts. I will not apologize for this.
John Baker
> I was looking forward to having honest dialogue > you have nothing to say that I care to hear
Thomas Thomas
There is no point in discussion with someone that lacks fundamental morals. Your entire worldview is skewed, you need help and I'm not the person to provide it. I'd suggest speaking to a priest.
Bentley Thomas
My gf is almost all of those things :)
I miss her lads, can't see her because of corona :(
>My gf is almost all of those things :) What is wrong with you?
Landon Baker
So you made a post, but you actually dont want to discuss about it, because my worldview on this point is shared by 90% (and I'm probably low) of the human population You just want an echo chamber basically
Or you're baiting (in that case, kuddos)
Sebastian Butler
>You just want an echo chamber basically I want to hear other poster's red flags, I don't want to talk to moral nihilist whoremongers. I don't want you or people like you in my thread, or in my life at all. I'd genuinely prefer if you didn't exist. I'm not going to reply to you again, so please leave my thread and find your own place. Thank you.
Xavier Baker
OP have you ever met girls who are into anime, from my personal experience I can say that a good fraction of them are fucked up, same with girls who are into the MCU. Also here are some more red flags: has BPD, picks fights with "ugly" or sub-8 men or is hostile or passive-aggressive towards them while giving praise and affection to Chads, ruins and subverts good things and starts drama for attention and excitement, uses Yas Forums, Reddit or Discord for anything other than news, asking questions and looking for information.
Ryan Cook
Most women are fucked up. I'm not aiming for a weeaboo or anything, I was just mentioning that there is a difference between consuming anime and consuming j-word western trash. >picks fights with "ugly" or sub-8 men or is hostile or passive-aggressive towards them while giving praise and affection to Chads I mean, if she physically assaults people that is bad, yes.
Xavier Reyes
I'm surprised the only ones I hit are >underweight >wears high heels I was raised by a single father though, I dunno if anyone cares about that.
Brandon Wright
I don't. The children of single fathers perform about the same as children from two parent households. It is the kids of single mothers that are fucked up.
>I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing - if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.
Levi Wilson
>has dark skin >being nonwhite is a redflag interesting proposal user
Daniel Jones
>>being nonwhite is a redflag No it isn't, having dark skin is.