
90kg at 190cm how fucked am I.. how do I lose weight?!??????

i will pay you if you help me im desperate

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fork putdowns and cardio retard

Read the sticky

sticky didnt help at all, didnt explain.
people tlel me todo cardio but then alkso tell me to lift weights, wtf do you want

Heres a sum of everything you need to know

>3-6 days per week PPL
>at least 20 sets per workout

>3-4 times per week
>10 minutes HIIT or 25 minutes steady state

what does PPL and HIIT mean?

what do you guys consider the right weight this height? i'm 195cm 76kg; two years ago i was 66kg.

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PPL is push, pull legs. Its the best middle ground between full body and a brosplit.

Push includes chest, triceps and shoulders. Pull is your back and biceps, and legs are the rest. You can throw abs in there if you want but it isn't really necessary. During a cut lift heavy. 5x5 for 4 exercises is a good amount to do.

HIIT is when you do an all out sprint for about 10 seconds and walk until you can do that sprint again.

90kg is great weight if you got muscle. Just workout and eat and sleep. Fucking dumbass

0 muscle
oh i see, thanks

Why the fuck would you want to lose weight? Bulk and lift if you look bad at that weight.

because im fat?

LOSE weight? Dude, you're already small for your height.

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excuse me?

For 195cm? At least 100lbs. And that's if you're skinnyfat. If you lift you should aim for 120+.

>i'm 195cm 76kg; two years ago i was 66kg
Anorexic motherfucker I'm 175 and I've been to 75kg before and still relativly lean I'm 67 at the moment and feel like a twink.

i look pregant, literally gay alien pregnant

An untrained 190cm 90kg male is probably fat

Supposing you have basically no muscle anyway. Fastest way to lose weight:
>Skip breakfast. Dont eat extra to make up
>No sweet shit, no white bread, no """snacks"""
>If you really feel hungry eat an apple
>basically only 2 meals a day
>ham or dried low fat bacon
>only feta cheese
>no youghurt or shit like that. Anything that has over 150 kcal/100g is shit
>lots of veggies
Youll fell terrible for like a week then you can literally keep this going until you become anorexic

am untrained, yes

Don't mind the bloatmaxxers telling you to bulk, the advice in those posts
is solid, but for a novice I think a 6day ppl will be too much for you, especially if you do cardio on top of it. Try a PPLxFxx (F is full body, do your main push, pull and leg lifts in that day, e.g. bench/OHP, pull up/row, Squat/deadlift on alternating weeks ) with cardio on the rest days. Start counting calories, you're probably not worried about losing muscle mass so go for a deficit of at least 1000kcal a day. Judging from you're probably skinnyfat, so I'd advise you to not take your first cut too far, loose 10-15kg at most and then lean bulk back to your current weight.

You're not fat, you're weak.

Step One: calculate your TDEE(Total Daily Energy Expenditure) at . On the same website you calculate a "cut". This will give you the amount of calories you need to eat in order to lose weight.

Step Two: Order a food scale off of amazon, and go to the store. At the store buy strawberries, blackberries, watermelon, lettuce, light salad dressing, and chicken breasts. You want these foods because they are light in calories, but heavy in fiber and protein. Fiber and protein both make you feel full, this will help you not over eat.

Step Three: This step is the hardest, you will need to count calories and make sure that you stay below the "cutting calories" number you obtained from . I use an app to count my calories, and you can find nutrition information for your food online or in the app. Stick with your diet, consistently do cardio and you WILL see results. I believe in you user. You can do it.

Step Four: When you are wondering about your progress, weigh yourself, recalculate your TDEE and cutting calories, and repeat the process until you are satisfied. I have used this exact process to lose weight myself, and to help my friends lose weight. As long as you are consistent, you WILL lose weight.

You sad you would pay me so here's an ethereum address, I hope my advice helps you: 0x9389dce176c560a71c02c390a77850395e8376cd

Never thought i'd see genuine advice

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damn should I actually do this? Looking to lose weight i'm 188 90kg, how much weight do you think I could lose in 3 months?

I lost 10 kgs in 2 months. Keep in mind you will have no muscle by the end of it

It's okay bro, but wait what if I like do workouts like I have a bike, maybe I can do some squats and push ups and planks just in case to not lose all my muscles? Also can you please give me any way of contacting you? Kik Discord ICQ Telgram fucking anything cuz ur cool and I might have some questions

more clorie burn than calorie intake

Workouts most likely wouldnt do much. maybe save some muscle but considering the calorie deficit it wouldnt be too much and it would be very tiring. Dont know how id go about sending you my ds

>lose weight
Why? That is the perfect weight for that height. I am 87kg at 190cm and am a fucking dyel. Wolud love to bulk over 90 one day while keeping

Ah come on man please, at least add me on discord: Johnnye#0488 also thank you so much on the advice imma start it tomorrow but please add me