How did the vikings work out? What kind of exercises did they do?
How did the vikings work out? What kind of exercises did they do?
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rape and pillage x failure
Lifetimes of manual labor.
AMRAP christcuck conversions
the Normans were more successful than the Vikings
I could tell you precisely, but why should I?
The cunts rowed across the ocean. You row a few hundred km and see how ripped you are at the end of it.
but what did they do for their legs
walking and running with equipment, nigga
Raping and pillaging makes you ripped as fuck
most of them were full time farmers who went on one or two raids in their lifetime
They weren't even all that violent, the vast majority of seafaring norse were just traders and merchants, they opened up supply lines and shit to get wealthy. But nobody makes shows or comics about some average dude trying to shave a few days off of his transit between the british isles and the iberian peninsula so he can pack marginally less rations to include a few more reams of fabric or something.
practice swordfighting with wooden swords from childhood
>man these dresses and linens are so LAME, bro! these bitches should be wearing BIKINIS and YOGA PANTS whooaaah then i could see their butts and stuf WOOOOOAH that would be so EPIC!!!!!
why did it have to go down this way...
literally how the fuck are you quoting you dumb fuck
ur mom
Farming and hard manual labor.
shopping the heads off pear-shaped anglo men
Ancient people didn't go to the gym.
They literally had nothing to do except eat non-processed food and do manual labor so naturally they'd get strong pretty quickly
plus they were manlets
Viking isnt a nation or ethnicity
Its the act of going out to pillage and plunder
>Ancient people didn't go to the gym
based chesterton
Viking comes from the old Norse words for river and people. It’s a noun. It means river-kin because the boats they made were able to travel inland on rivers, unlike other ships at the time, and raid settlements that were rich and undefended because they’d never been hit before. It’s not a verb, you can’t go viking.
The normans were Vikings. That’s like saying Spanish is more successful than Latin. No, one became the other. They are the same entity separated by temporal distance.
>The name comes from the Ancient Greek term gymnós meaning "naked". Only adult males were allowed to use the gymnasia.
>Athletes competed nude, a practice which was said to encourage aesthetic appreciation of the male body, and to be a tribute to the gods.
Damn the ancient greeks really were gay as fuck huh
shut the fuck up before i vike your ass
Vikings have a long history of stone lifting. All over the nordic countries, there are several famous stones that strong men have lifted throughout history. And in Iceland there are several stones that men go to test themselves regularly at even today.
Here in Norway there are several rocks that men can go an test themselves at. One them is Klypesteinen (the Pinchrock), which is a test of your hand and grip strength.
To prove that you can.
By putting a > as the first character in the line.
Viking meaning “from the bay” doesn’t make any sense to say vike like it’s an action it isn’t