CBT - no weights no dates edition

Gym and yoga studio closed, feeling pretty down, social life in the shitter. How you holding up?

184 77kg

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Epically as per usual

180 72kg

Just me and my dumbbells staring at eachother.

Unironically going for Fight Club mode, still about 4-5kg to go I'd say.

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Went from fat to this. Gym still closed so im just doing bodyweight workouts. Still dyel how long til ottermode?

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5ā€™11 84kg
Bulk or cut fellas? Can I get bf estimate
Also I know my legs are small

You always post on cbt and I am always miring delta and abs. N-no homo

Nice veins

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Just run every day and you'll be there in two months

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Fuck lad you in gear? Sick rig

Natural. 2 years of lifting soon. Keep in mind i am 5'7.

Fucking hell only 2 years, did you play sport before that?
Iā€™m the bloke above you, been lifting for a bit over a year and did plenty of sport. Have had major health complications over the past two years which has kinda fucked me up

Yeah i did sports as a kid. Mainly soccer and gymnastics. You look great though dude, keep it up.

Can i get a bf% estimate

Abs are flexed

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U on gear? How are u 14% at 84kg

5ā€™9 165 lb

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You weigh more than me and are shorter and I guess similar bodyfat, yet I am visibly bigger with more muscle.

Ain't genetics and bone mass a weird fucker.

I'd say 15%

>just run everyday
Won't he get injuries?

My bones are small asf actually, I am in fact a wristlet. Probably have more mass in my legs and back than you

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why r u black

no homo but pls be my black bf

You're black your bones weigh more

Lol deluded he has 30x your mass

Whats your weight?

we all gonna make it

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how do i join isis

Started working again and between running around for 7 hours and biking there and back ive lost 5lbs in 2 weeks, i know some of it was muscle im gonna kill myself

Forgot to attach pic

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how long you been liftin for? you're like a better version than me, also lowerin BF due to no gym :(

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What does CBT mean?

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you know

bout 10 months now, pic is me 2 months in.

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Nice undies brother

190, 85.
not bad, boozing/smoking, tindering, playing songs, the usual. plus now with the lockdown you got an extra excuse to not take them out and go straight to fucking

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Hey lad's.

I gained 20 pounds over the winter/spring, 125-145 and I've been fasting this month to drop it, I'm back down to around 136 with abs kind of showing. My goal was to build up my arms during March, April and May but I didn't/don't have any easy way to do that so I've just kept up with body exercises.

Anyway, how quick can you build up arms/chest with swimming? How many times a week for how many hours for how many weeks until I'd have at least a somewhat muscular upper body?(muscular/defined, not big)

5'10, 18 inch shoulders

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Perfect trap.

Looking good Kings.

I'm just happy I have a fucking homegym. Just started on my cut, wanna get down to 10% bodyfat at least.

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