>Every actor/model/athlete who looks good and who the girls flock to is on roids. >If you lift natty it will take literally multiple years to see results, if any. >guys who roid and dont work out see more muscle growth than guys who work out natty >as a tall ectomorph it's already hard enough as is to put on muscle
Give me on good reason why I should continue to lift natty.
We all begin to look good. We all continue for ourself.
Michael Sanchez
>cope >cope >cope >ectomorph cope
Alexander Johnson
Give me one good reason why I should care if you faggot ruin your health with roids or fix your routine and diet instead.
Blake Morales
Then Just roid, stupid nigger,
Jayden Thompson
> lifting for femoids ngmi
Leo Kelly
Yeah I do "lift for myself" but I'm not seeing any fucking progress, that's the thing Granted I've only been lifting for about 3-5 hours a week since December, but surely I should have at least seem SOME difference