
How many of you are fat? Be honest, we're all anonymous.

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6'0FT 210. I'm considered fat, but not medically obese. I'm close though.

im not fat

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Pretty skinny, desu

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Unless you have been weightlifting for a long time that is definitely fat. We're not using American standards here.

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tfw 6ft 150kg


The NORF man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. He is an absolute UNIT. His commanding bulk makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is stocky and wide, as a result of his high levels of calorie consumption. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his pink gammon skin. This reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the biting cold, rain and endless darkness of Northern England, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The pink skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The NORFFF MAN's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of Albion (S*vvern fairies)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his belly. The NORFERN belly is largest of all the races. As the belly is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the NORVERN man the most masculine of men. This large belly is able to arouse the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the empty space on the bed. Its capacity ensures that when he necks a few bevvies, he can consume up to more than three times his weight in weak alcoholic brews.

In total, the NORF male expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and prodigious bulk upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the NORFERN man is the epitome of masculinity

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Extremely American post.

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was 240lbs now down to 230lbs

I was ripped at college and university, then began work in tech, became severely depressed when I lost contact with all my friends and hit the bottle for 5 years

27 now and only just in the past few months have I slowly come out of it. I feel sick even when thinking about drinking now so hopefully this is a good start, also had a bad porn addiction for a while.

I just got slammed by all the degeneracy that comes with entering the real world all at once

normal bmi but high body fat %

nice smooth white belly. post bussy

Post boipucci

Yes. Pic is me.

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I'm 1.92 meters tall, I weight 115, sometimes 110, I gained 30 fucking kilos went I started going to uni and I've been eating like shit ever since. I need to start getting healthy already Christ. I hate being fat.


ayy lmao

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Skinnyfat piece of shit. You've basically got all the downsides of being fat with none of the muscle/strength gains that come with it. Genetic sewage.

Based Norf!

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lol he flat

i'd rather be dead than fat

i've got horrific issues with my body weight already

I was 140 kilos 5 years ago, now at solid 80

I dunno. I like dad bods. Most guys I’ve met who live in the gym and are wired and exhaust me, whereas the gamer butterball blobs are just gross. Dad bods are active and have a little extra. I dunno. I just like it.

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How tall are you broski? What would you recommend me to become fit?


Skinny everywhere except a bloated beer belly from a decade of alcoholism.

5'11 King of Manlets and 190 pounds.

>you either live in the gym or have a dad/gamer bod. nothing in between.
why are roasties so fucking incapable of reason.

>stop drinking
>take long walks
It's enough to lose 15 pounds in a month dude

See, this is a grumpy gym rat right here.

Tits and gtfo, hole

5'11" 188lbs. Used to be shredded, now I have 2 Aryan children. Could be worse

180 cm. Well, cut down on the sugary drinks, only water and tea allowed, no sweets, no fast food, less bread and carbs, if you do, use brown bread/rice and a whole lot of willpower. No food after 18:00, preferably even earlier. It will be hard in the beginning, but you'll get used to it. I'd also argue a hobby that takes up much of your time and keeps you distracted. I also chewed a lot of gum to keep me distracted and there is a bunch of childrens gum that see still sweetened but without sugar. Citrus flavoured is my fav.

And as said, a whole lot of willpower. Just believe in yourself!

No u. Show me dem man tiddays.

About these long walks, I've heard that walking at normal speed won't cut it, you need to at least fast-walk for it to work. What do you think?


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6 foot, 140 lbs(63kilos) do yoga and bike at least 10 miles a day. more since the lockdown as I got to get the fuck out of my crib or daddy goes insane

5 11 is fine... people say they are they are full of shit

this is an american thread user

Bless you Germanbro, thanks

>Be honest

>5'11" 188lbs. Used to be shredded, now I have 2 Aryan children. Could be worse
Exactly my stats - height, weight, and kids. I was never shredded but in far better shape than I am now.

most people say they are 6 feet tall but they are full of shit

>Now I have 2 Aryan children
Why is it the only people who unironically post shit like this are Americans with a generic makeup resembling a jelly Belly fruit mix

hot af

I'm fucking fat. Thanks to this I'm "vulnerable" to Corobella, so company told me to stay at home. For 12 weeks. With full pay. Kek.

Depends on how long you walk. You gotta burn up all a certain amount of stored energy to start burning calories and intense work outs are better for this.

That said, an extra walk will never hurt.

It also depends on how long you walk for. You can also add strength training to it if you carry a weight while you do it, like a sandbag or something. You'll look weird to your neighbours but who cares what normies think anyway?

Checked...user I have no reason to lie.

I was 17 stone @ 5 11 last year. Trained all winter. Back in shape. Kinda. I am all scars and broken bits I’m mostly taped together at this point and haven’t got long left. Too much partying & fighting.

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Lol coomer. Any story about what happened to him?

Fucking swedes are all feminine gayboys. where did it genetically go wrong, must be all that chink DNA

ok dutchcuck

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I’m sorta chubby.

Calories in - Calories out

I think the "stored energy" you're talking about is the glucose in your bloodstream. Once you burn through that, you start drawing energy directly from your fat cells.
But when your workout is over, your body replenishes your glucose with your fat cells anyway. So if you've only eaten 1000 calories, and you burned 3000 calories (2000 passively, and 1000 from a workout), you will have a deficit of 2000 calories, which is a bit over half a pound.

Checked. Don't pay attention to these divide and conquer cucks I know many Americans are pure Germanics and I see them as my brothers before some slavic or muditerranean subhuman any day. Take good care of your Blond children user.

187cm 79kg
I also do submission wrestling and mma so have some muscles

Like How can you be obese?
Im about 25%bf(go to the gym and have muscle but also have some belly) and I have just drop a few kilos in about 10 days just skipping a meal a day, like nigga eat less lmao it isnt that hard.

i was getting pretty Yas Forums but i just lost all hope and gave up on pretty much everything now im fat

Kek keep seething gayboy

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BMI 54. One for each of the fifty states, plus a few more for good measure. I'm trying to get to 70 for the parking privileges, but it's unexpectedly hard to gain past a certain point.

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Fat Yas Forums Nazis get put in the camp.
It isn't good enough to read, you need embody the ideology.

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Reason is I decided to bulk at 20%bf never doing it again, Im gonna go perma 15-17%bf and just maingain,takes longer to build muscle but you dont look like shit without a shirt.

I'm 6"1 and 290lbs.

BMI of about 38.

Yeah, i'm fat.

Wtf Based Leaf?!

ok dutchcuck

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Yeh, true. Thanks user.

Thanks mane

There's something really wrong with your brain if you find unhealthy people more attractive than healthy ones. But no, you aren't really "triggering" anyone by having shit taste.

Just stop stuffing your fuckhole with tons of sugary food.

5'11" and 3/4ths @ 190lbs. 44" chest and 32" waist

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skinny fat

former fatty
took the Yas Forums pill 2 1/2 years ago
lost 70 lbs in roughly a year
currently around 12% BF, decent muscle definition, not skelly mode, despite weight at 155 & 5'11" king of manlets

crabs in a bucket is real, all my friends/co-workers that are chubby to fat mode tell me I am too skinny now
I now am fully aware of how fat the entire population is, as before I was in full denial mode and was able to blend in with the herd
I fully enjoy shitlording now

Check this gut out toothpaste

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I know you’re so obsessed with us you probably have an entire folder, so i’m just gonna leave it at this

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Mildly centre-left with lulbertarian leanings here. Have my own home gym, aka a skwat rack, a bench, some plates and two barbells because based farmer carries.

Look somewhere between a bear wrestling powerlifter and a bodybuilder, not ultra lean but not a fat fuck either.

mild skinny fat twink mode.exe

Praise Fedor. Wonder if Khabib's somewhat going to enter his footsteps for the long run.

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k fatty

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5' 10" king of the manlets reporting in at a lithe 150lbs gonna see about adding something to this skellington body but the gym is closed and I only have 20lb dumbbells so convict condition it is...

im 5'10 and weigh 160 pounds i eat tons of greasy food and smoke i just can't seem to gain weight it really pisses my girlfriend off im 22 yrs old

Stop eating junk foods. This is an addiction with most people, but you really need to stop or else there's no way in hell you'll ever lose weight. That's just the reality.

Like if I eat 1000 calories of meat, I'm getting lots of nutritional value on the side. Proteins, fiber, iron....etc. That's 1000 valuable calories for me.
But if I eat 1000 calories of candy or ice cream, I'm getting.....nothing. It's just empty calories. I stack calories on myself, and get virtually nothing for it. Except, the food generates within me a craving for yet more empty calories.

Not a single piece of candy
Not a single chocolate bar, even to reward yourself
No more ice cream
No more pizza
No more soda

You can have really delicious meals without that stuf
f. Have a seasoned burrito with tomatoes and lettuce. Have a sandwich. Have eggs and toast. It's good stuff. Fruit as well.

If you're just NOT eating sweets, and working out every day, it's really hard to gain weight, even if you wanted to. You're forced to eat pounds upon pounds of food to keep up with your calorie drain, your stomach simply can't handle it. Maybe one day you'll go nuts and eat 5000 calories, just shoveling it in your face. But the next day you'll feel full and bloated, and won't eat much at all. But with sweets, you can stack on 5000 calories without a hitch. And in fact, feel even more hungry and insatiable at the end of it.

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5"10" @ 215 lbs. I have hypothyroidism (a "glandular problem") and im around 22% bodyfat. My job is very physical and exhausts me too much to go to the gym. I mean, I nodded off in my car twice this past week as soon as I got home. If I had more energy I'd hit the gym

Look at that face lol
Fuck off loser

I am the Norfman irl.
We aren’t really anything different to soft southern cunts except they are notorious failures. They lose to us at everything and have never achieved anything. Every achievement of the U.K. was achieved by lads from the north of England (north west usually). The filthy rich live in London breed with jews and chat shit about everyone else but there’s only a few of them, the pakis from britpol have not been to oxford and Cambridge so them adopting oxford chinless wonders criticisms of the non aristocracy is somewhat amusing when you think they are in flip flops, live in council houses a million to a house and smell of shit.
Pic related is my right tit.

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6’2” 230lbs skinny arms and legs but fat beer belly the alcohol Jew got me

Based Kamerad. I'm 186 cm, went from150 to 80 kg in 1 1/2 years. Now back to 95 kg, but most of the regained weight should be lean mass.