fitting in
They can't find the body of D.B. Cooper
>explain all those sightings
Americans are retarded m8
I've done a shitload of hiking in Washington and California. Most of the sightings of Bigfoot are idiots looking at bears, panicking, and running away. The rest are liars.
That’s because D.B. got away and lived to be an old man. He told his wife everything on his deathbed.
Any good DB Cooper documentaries? I only know what my dad told me, which is essentially " in the 70s some dude robbed a plane and jumped out wearing a parachute"
Pack it up boys this poster has done a shit load of hiking and never saw Bigfoot in fucking California
Confirmed they dont real
Also, how many bigfoot do you think there are? It has to be more than one obviously. Your comparing one individual to a whole population. Unless you’re David Paulides and think bigfoot is an immortal interdimensional entity. In which case, there’s no use in replying to you.