The later. There have been tons of sightings with photographic and video evidence since the invention of cell phone cameras. Whether you find the evidence compelling is another thing entirely.
They can't find the body of D.B. Cooper
Don't just talk about it, post some. I'm not gonna google that shit
If anything it's easier to fake a bigfoot sightings these days and it's easier for someone to record it and spread it using their smartphones. It's just peoples become more skeptical about it or just don't care. Unless they found an actual body than it's just another video you see for amusement on youtube.
Can't see shit, captain.
There's a difference between finding one man and finding a member of a species.
You're not looking for one Big Foot. You're looking for ANY Big Foot. And hypothetically, that should be a lot easier to do than finding D.B. Cooper.
State of the art technology, and THIS is the best you could come up with.
So, what's Bigfoot doing in Florida?
scepticism is a celebration of orthodoxy and that is as pseud as it gets. Searching the edges of human understanding is the real big brain pursuit.