They can't find the body of D.B. Cooper

>They can't find the body of D.B. Cooper
>Big Foot skeptics expect to find the body of a big foot just randomly

hurf, durf

Any good documentaries on Big Foot?

>in b4 "b-but Sasquatch can't into REAL!"

Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.

Attached: bigfoot_skullc.jpg (390x355, 35.72K)

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>They can't find the body of D.B. Cooper
this nigga jumped out of a plane at night during heavy rain wearing a business suit when it was much too fast, over the fucking mountains. he was probably scattered all over some mountaintop and the rain got rid of most evidence, back then they didn't even have the means to quickly find out where exactly he jumped. there's like a 99% chance he didn't survive the jump.

>Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.

Mysteriously, we didn't have a single sighting since proper cellphone cameras became a thing.

>Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.

>thinking DB Cooper died
he 360'd and walked away after he dabbed on the FBI with his load of money. there's more evidence for Bigfoot's existence than for Cooper's death

Ding-ding, we have a winner.

every big foot/skunkape/squatch sighting is just an upright mangy bear.

How can you believe this when evolution is just a theory?

is this actually true or people just don't care about the 100 bigfoot posts uploaded per day

there's all kinds of new footage posted every week.

people are just psyop'd

The later. There have been tons of sightings with photographic and video evidence since the invention of cell phone cameras. Whether you find the evidence compelling is another thing entirely.

Don't just talk about it, post some. I'm not gonna google that shit

If anything it's easier to fake a bigfoot sightings these days and it's easier for someone to record it and spread it using their smartphones. It's just peoples become more skeptical about it or just don't care. Unless they found an actual body than it's just another video you see for amusement on youtube.

Can't see shit, captain.

There's a difference between finding one man and finding a member of a species.
You're not looking for one Big Foot. You're looking for ANY Big Foot. And hypothetically, that should be a lot easier to do than finding D.B. Cooper.

State of the art technology, and THIS is the best you could come up with.

So, what's Bigfoot doing in Florida?

Attached: (575x422, 64.07K)


scepticism is a celebration of orthodoxy and that is as pseud as it gets. Searching the edges of human understanding is the real big brain pursuit.


fitting in


>explain all those sightings
Americans are retarded m8

I've done a shitload of hiking in Washington and California. Most of the sightings of Bigfoot are idiots looking at bears, panicking, and running away. The rest are liars.

That’s because D.B. got away and lived to be an old man. He told his wife everything on his deathbed.



Any good DB Cooper documentaries? I only know what my dad told me, which is essentially " in the 70s some dude robbed a plane and jumped out wearing a parachute"

Pack it up boys this poster has done a shit load of hiking and never saw Bigfoot in fucking California

Confirmed they dont real

Also, how many bigfoot do you think there are? It has to be more than one obviously. Your comparing one individual to a whole population. Unless you’re David Paulides and think bigfoot is an immortal interdimensional entity. In which case, there’s no use in replying to you.

Without a paddle

swamp ape