Me not getting a gf since high school
Russian government is making their own version of 'Chernobyl' HBO series except it's about brave KGB agents trying to...
Imagine blaming the cia for all of your failures.
Have sex commie incel
Perhaps. But also keep in mind: CIA behind Hong Kong protests, CIA created coronavirus and blamed it on China, CIA WAS EVEN THE FIRST PEOPLE TO MOBILIZE STUDENT GROUP PROTESTS LEADING TO TIANEMEN SQUARE etc etc etc, Americans need to stop interfering with foreign country
Stop pretending to be Chinese retard.
I thought it was the night team that shat the bed
nigga, russia is the most censorship-ridden, propaganda filled shithole outside of china
>the Guardian
I can't believe you brainwashed leftists even exist.
This post.
But protests against China are a good thing.
China is an authoritarian dictatorship that must fall so the people three can be free.
This is an unironic opinion I used to see all the time from the slavshit accounts on liveleak