Nice b8.
Russian government is making their own version of 'Chernobyl' HBO series except it's about brave KGB agents trying to...
>propaganda because it didn’t portray USSR/Russians in 100% positive light
Cringe. Also unlike Russians we don’t ban movies that laugh at us, meanwhile Death of Stalin was banned in Russia for evil western lying and denigration of Sovok heroes etc etc
>One day my boots will be on USA soil, not for vacation but for invasion
I wish a nigga would
Without the USA the ussr would have starved to death even more.
We were supplying the ussr food
How? Look it up CIA involvement in all of these.
OBAMA LITERALLY ADMIT THAT CIA DID EUROMAIDAN???? WTF???? Hohol and Amerilard niggers = match made in heaven
>Collapse of USSR
Wow, this single line justifies other fuckery to me, bravo USA.
i figured that's why chinamen are always dying in bizarre accidents too, all part of being in a corrupt and incompetent communist state
I'd rather watch white man propaganda than strong woman propaganda.
Name one (1) thing that ever occurred in all of human history that glow in the dark niggers weren’t behind. I’ll wait
>Hohol and Amerilard niggers = match made in heaven
So why do you care about Euromaidan if cockholes are scum of the Earth?
Russkies are always confused.