Russian government is making their own version of 'Chernobyl' HBO series except it's about brave KGB agents trying to track down glow in the dark CIA saboteurs and how, oh so tragically, the brave motherland patriots were too late to prevent the greatest nuclear tragedy of all time.
Russian government is making their own version of 'Chernobyl' HBO series except it's about brave KGB agents trying to...
On a serious note, why would they do this, do Russians think it was the US, or is this just their latest disinformation campaign?
>blaming CIA
you leave CIA out of this all he wanted to do was call in his flight plan
The true culprit behind the Chernobyl disaster is sleep deficiency, but thats too boring for modern audiences so the story has to be given a political edge.
you can't make propaganda, ONLY AMERICANS ARE ALLOWED TO DO THAT
They're generally better at it, yes.
just inject disinfectant and don't ask questions
Reminder that Americans were responsible for:
Euromaidan protests in Ukraine
Holodomor (withholding food from Soviet Union that might have been given to kholkhoz)
Collapse of USSR and all ethnic conflict afterward
And many many many more such cases
You think this is all a joke lol but it’s not, americans brainwashed into thinking they’re the good goys all the time no matter what!!! No such truth, sadly. One day my boots will be on USA soil, not for vacation but for invasion
Based and honest. Chernobyl is dishonest.
you can barely keep your own people in line chang
Nice b8.
>propaganda because it didn’t portray USSR/Russians in 100% positive light
Cringe. Also unlike Russians we don’t ban movies that laugh at us, meanwhile Death of Stalin was banned in Russia for evil western lying and denigration of Sovok heroes etc etc
>One day my boots will be on USA soil, not for vacation but for invasion
I wish a nigga would
Without the USA the ussr would have starved to death even more.
We were supplying the ussr food
How? Look it up CIA involvement in all of these.
OBAMA LITERALLY ADMIT THAT CIA DID EUROMAIDAN???? WTF???? Hohol and Amerilard niggers = match made in heaven
>Collapse of USSR
Wow, this single line justifies other fuckery to me, bravo USA.
i figured that's why chinamen are always dying in bizarre accidents too, all part of being in a corrupt and incompetent communist state
I'd rather watch white man propaganda than strong woman propaganda.
Name one (1) thing that ever occurred in all of human history that glow in the dark niggers weren’t behind. I’ll wait
>Hohol and Amerilard niggers = match made in heaven
So why do you care about Euromaidan if cockholes are scum of the Earth?
Russkies are always confused.
Me not getting a gf since high school
Imagine blaming the cia for all of your failures.
Have sex commie incel
Perhaps. But also keep in mind: CIA behind Hong Kong protests, CIA created coronavirus and blamed it on China, CIA WAS EVEN THE FIRST PEOPLE TO MOBILIZE STUDENT GROUP PROTESTS LEADING TO TIANEMEN SQUARE etc etc etc, Americans need to stop interfering with foreign country
Stop pretending to be Chinese retard.
I thought it was the night team that shat the bed
nigga, russia is the most censorship-ridden, propaganda filled shithole outside of china
>the Guardian
I can't believe you brainwashed leftists even exist.
This post.
But protests against China are a good thing.
China is an authoritarian dictatorship that must fall so the people three can be free.
This is an unironic opinion I used to see all the time from the slavshit accounts on liveleak
Based CIA
My actual Russian friends (born a few months from end of Soviet Union) said they went into the original expecting it (the original) to be lies and shit but ended up thinking it was very accurate.
So I think most will think this new show is bullshit.
>Americans need to stop interfering with foreign country
You do understand that every superpower does it?
Russians need to quit being butthurt about their meteoric fall from international relevance and focus on internal improvement. Killing corrupt oligarchs would be a good place to start.
You're the one who supports authoritarian dictatorships.
>involved in
Not the same. CIA didn't cause a lot of things, they just tried to cause things (usually not what actually ended up happening).
When did China invade USA and spy? When did Russia? When did North Korea? when did Iran? When did Venezuela or Cuba? All lies, AMERICA IS THE ONE DOING THIS AND YOU KNOW IT
Are you saying that the US is the only country that uses spies?
>Collapse of USSR
So it was all worth it then. Ivan can't even keep his b8 from making Americans the heroes.