Make a German friend in this thread!

Adolf looks so retarded in this pic , he is cute

I wish I have German friend too

Attached: pepepig.png (445x411, 208.07K)

Be my friend or Ferrero will not sell kinder products in your country anymore.

Hallo, ich mag Deutschland.

It's just this one faggot. Outside of the big cities they get beaten up quite regularly

I wish for an american hunting buddy who owns more firearmss than the Bundeswehr and also believes in skinwalkers so we can do some creepy /innawoods/ action

I like the cute German boys


Gods...I hate G*rms. My grandfather hated them too, even before they captured him at Sedan. Did you think I'd be out here in the trenches without good reason?
Yes, France needs Alsace-Lorraine. No, France doesn't need unwashed barbarians at her gates! So, that's why I'm here, the leader of the Poilus: to bring French elan to stinking G*rms.
Revenge? That'd be good too. This war against the G*rms won't last long, and when it's done, I've got plans. This is all about reparations.

Attached: 1587202759033s.jpg (185x250, 8.19K)


I'd rather have an Austrian friend, thanks.