I agree with you're choice not to involve the cops, but if they're that loud it's a real problem. My point was not to overreact but at the same time you dont wanna underreact either. Get to know your neighbor, get their number, and text them to turn it down. That's how you build a community before you start telling on them with your landlord or calling the cops, or checking the rules of people's leases? (Man that's so toxic white. I dont agree with you? Let's contact the landlord and have tou evicted...instead of ya know, communicating) If they're being assholes continually and diplomacy isnt working then yes feel free to kick it up the ladder. We know most white people are like us and just wanna be left alone and do what we love.
There are a ton of toxic white traits as well as with all races. As a member of
any race, its important to keep an eye out for this kind of behavior because it affects the community you belong to as well as that communities relationship with other communities. When toxic white dude calls cops on black neighbor for weed it enforces the stereotype that white people will do whatever they want to get what they want, and makes it harder for us to trust one another. And when toxic black dude steals or is needlessly aggressive or something it reinforces the stereotype that black people are aggressive or disruptive, and seeing people do it just drives the rest of us nuts, and makes it harder to trust one another.
OP never said his neighbor was of any particular ethnicity so it holds no weight in this conversation but I saw my chance to stand on a soap box and took it.
My apartment neighbors are smoking weed next door and I can smell it. Think I'm gonna call the cops...
Ayden Wright
Thomas Rodriguez
I smoke inside my apartment, never had an issue. I generally spray often, and maybe my aprtment isnt shit and the vent system is connected.
Hudson Wright
This -->
Hudson James
I love weed. and I don't like snitches.If this is your neighbor why don't you black mail her. Or warn them that you'll rat them out?
Josiah Taylor
There's only two types of true racists left in the modern 1st world: nutjobs + black people.
Mason Cox
Narc faggot, die, be civil and direct before being a monkey brained retard