>so basically ive tried cracking this bad boy open a few times using the absolute finest tools i have in my turtle arsenal but to no avail. so basically you are a nigger that is just hurting this animal
tomorrow im gonna buy a grinder and give up the traditional cracking shell method we all know and love, wish me luck Yas Forums
Kevin Cook
>so about 2 weeks ago i was hunting for tweasure and i came across a turtle
That is a tortoise, not a turtle you dumbass. You have to use a tortoise shell opener, a turtle shell one is never ever going to work!
Sebastian Harris
Fucking kill it swiftly. It demands a quick death, not that sick shit
Elijah Morales
I would legit love to know why people believe turtles have jewels inside them. Like why is this such a common fucking thing?????
Cameron Scott
*sigh* what kind of science are they teaching in school these days?????
Spray the shell with liquid nitrogen, then hit it with a hammer. Fucking newfags.
Eli Watson
fucking retards that's clearly an operation table at a vet's office. turtle prob got ran over
Aaron Stewart
>he doesn't know about land pearls
Samuel Campbell
That's not how you cook a turtle. You have to crack open the bottom of the turtle and remove the guts, stomach, intestines, and bladder. You leave the shell intact and then boil it.
so buddies im starting to think im a little out of my league here. while i am relatively new to the craft myself im happy to see the community coming together to help solve this problem haha!
Hudson Myers
Beat me to it.
Tyler Wright
And I thought PRC citizens do wierd stuff. Wtf is wrong with you