Does Yas Forums have any tips on getting grils pregnant? Serious thread here - I'm 48 and don't have any kids...

Does Yas Forums have any tips on getting grils pregnant? Serious thread here - I'm 48 and don't have any kids. I'd like to, and I have a 31yo gf who is willing. I got her pregnant last month, but she had an early miscarriage. So, I guess we're both fertile.

I'm taking vitamin D with aspartic acid. That's supposed to increase your sperm vitality. Also eating walnuts, which is supposed to do the same. Does Yas Forums have any other dietary or supplement tips?

Does it help if the chick takes extra efforts to hold your jizz inside after you creampie? Thanks, all. Will bump with epic pussy.

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It helps if you limit the fapping

Every load you blow must go in her

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Yep, I'm already doing that. Except when she's on her period, then I have a couple of faps.

Have you knocked up a chick, bro?

From my experience, the more you concern yourself with it, the less likely it is to happen.

Sure, make certain that general nutrition and well-being are good for both parties, and get a sperm count done if you're concerned at your end.

But other than that, just try to relax about the outcome as much as possible and have fun with the process. Human bodies are remarkably well proven throughout history for being able to reproduce. 95 times out of 100, the obstacles are mental rather than physical.

Relax, and have good times.

Dude....fuck her when she’s Ovulating... simple...

Also don’t overheat your testicles. Stay out of the hot tub and wear shorts if possible.

Her periods have been very irregular. This month she's taking her temperature ever morning, and that will hopefully indicate ovulation.

Any other tips on knowing exactly when ovulation happens?

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Pic Sauce?


I have 1 kid with another on the way. There was absolutely no planning involved. You hear about people trying to have kids and they are still trying months later. The stress isn't worth it. If you're blowing loads deep in her sweet walls, your sperm count is good and she is fertile, it will happen. Just give it time. Time is still on your side as women lose fertility alot earlier than men do. You could still pop out some little fuckers into your 70s.

I sneeze and my wife gets preggo. Idk but we've had 2 kids and 2 abortions, seems really easy for us. I was going to get a vasectomy this month, but have to put it off until after this virus

Just drop a load in her every day you can. More than once if possible. That's all my ex and I did when we were in the baby zone.

Get on it, nut, and repeat.

Nice one, bro. Well, I hear you on all that. I'd just love to make it happen ASAP. Don't really want to have a kid in my 70s when I could drop dead any day. I'd like to still be relatively young when the kid is heading off to college.

So, in light of that desire, I'm just trying to take realistic steps to increase odds of a pregnancy sooner rather than later.

Ovulation strips. She dip the paper in pee and if it's a certain color it's sexy time

There’s a few apps that date when her ovulation is due. You enter when she has her period and it will calculate when she’s ovulating

... You're 48 years old and asking for advice on how to knock up a woman on Yas Forums, which is filled with kv neckbeards, Supreme gentlemen, and 14 year olds. You need to really think about your life bro.

Try Flo. It’s an app where she can log her periods and it will help her predict her irregular periods and when she will ovulate.

Too old, let me do it for you, I will fill your wife cunt with my quality jizz.


Get her away from anything causing her stress. Female body is amazing in that it will automatically know when it's a shit time to bring a kid into a family. We moved city to get away from the stress my Mrs was under. She fell pregnant a month after the move. Oh yeah, and fuck as often as possible - no anal. Anal doesn't work no matter how much you practice.

stress free. all nuts inside her, 2-3 a day

If she already got pregnant and had a miscarriage then the thing you should be focusing on more is making sure she’s healthy and relatively stress free once you’ve knocked her up. It’s also harder once a woman is past a certain age, I knocked up my 17 yr old gf real easy. Very fertile

You'll be 67 when it turns 18

I get that.

There's such a small window each month that women can even get pregnant as well. Women ovulate for 24 hours once a but the egg sometimes only drops for 8 hours and dies. That's a possible 8 hour window once a month that she might get pregnant. Just enjoy fucking and kids will come.

>I'd like to still be relatively young when the kid is heading off to college.
You missed that boat already fella

i would just start drinking a lot and develop a deep hatred for her and you'll end up having a baby like every other happy family


Classic. Well, sure. But honestly, I've seen a lot of cool, authentic discussion on Yas Forums. It's one of many possible sources of info.

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Meh, who knows. I have good genetics. My dad is 73 and he looks and acts about 56. I'm positive I can do this.

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if you were positive you wouldn't be here.

just fucking squirt in her daily. spontaneous miscarriage is incredibly common it's like 1/4th of all pregnancies and half the time the woman just thinks it's a late period. I've fathered 5 kids and had three miscarriages of my known kids. even after a miscarriage and being scared the next pregnancy went fine and resulted in a healthy baby. again while miscarriage is traumatic for women it is incredibly common and it's a non talked about health issue for women that deserves more attention. best of luck fella

> 2 abortions
kys that's nigger tier