Be me

>be me
>20 y/o robot
>have single mom
>Spent whole life listening to Fergie and Taylor swift
>Always thought I was transgender, always wanted to be girl
>also want to go to military
>get contracted into the army and go to military collage school rn.
>question why im trans and try to convince myself
>used to act all alpha to compensate for true self
>start becoming more beta and the guys around me notice and call me a gay boy
>get my ears pierced.
>realize I am trans
>Now want to die
>do a bunch of drugs and drink a bunch

I want to kill myself. I am scare to talk to a therapist. I've repressed this for so long that its terrifying to think about my regular life changing. I am fucked with wanting to go into the military but they might drop me anyway for being a fruit. Why the fuck and I so fucked up. Why do I want to be a girl so fucking bad that it haunts my fucking dreams. Im on leave rn and I am smoking non stop and tripping all the time. I am getting more and more suicidal. Im a psychology major too so this even more fucked.

Attached: Two+traps+walk+into+a+bathroom_2c320e_6663754.jpg (1200x1694, 375.43K)

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seriously? I know other transgenders are on this board. Please someone? what do you think I should do?

Wait so you do or do not want to got to the military?
If you're trying to be a tranny then I think this pic is bout all I can help you with.

Attached: QwT7Mu2g.jpg (728x1027, 177.7K)

Remember to cut down the wrist, not sideways

Or how my friend used t say, "Down the road to Dominos, not across the street to Pizza Hut"

idk bro I'm in that boat too

I want to go into the military. I'm 5'6 and 140lbs rn and Ive been working out my legs a lot while not eating much. Im also vegetarian so I am pretty much already doing that. thanks though. I cant do both things though.

seriously? what school do you go to?

Mars descends and declares his October Horse to be burdened by the ill will of heretics and sinners.
Upon the next Ides of March, you will meet your greatest punishment from him.
If you survive that long.
You will die a painful death alone and sad, in your last moments you will regret your actions and beg forgiveness.
You will want to turn back and make everything as it should have been.
But this will not happen.
You were too weak as a boy to come to Mars.
You are too weak as a man to realize his divinity.
You will be too weak as a corpse to gain amnesty.
Mars es divi, haeretici morietur.

Attached: mars.jpg (2936x4067, 1.18M)

Ok somehow the suicide advice went over my head. Don't be frustrated, you'll figure everything out eventually, whether you choose to be tranny or not

Maybe be feminine so you can keep whatever trap things you want to do but don't identify as a woman or get hrt so the military hypothetically can't touch you?

hey, seriously, what do you mean by this? I've always loved greek mythology, I was born in march, and I've been told I am going to go far in the military (I have a lot of connections and im a good speaker). This message creeps me out so who are you/what do you mean?

I would get destroyed if higher command finds out and my troops would never respect me.

Assuming any of this is real...

Trans woman here, been full time for a couple years.

You should talk to a therapist. You're currently on a career path where being trans is explicitly forbidden (right now). You may be in a position where you need to choose between that career and transitioning, unfortunately (or at least putting that career on hold). You will need to sort how you feel about those two options.

Either you have a crossdressing fetish, or more likely, this is a product of chronic depression/anxiety. Do whatever you can to increase your testosterone levels. Ditch alcohol, start doing exercise, maintain a healthy diet - start working towards self-improvement. Testosterone is one hell of a drug; you will feel more confident, gain better bone density and muscle mass - all benefits for your military career.

Whatever you do, do not fall for the tranny meme. it will only increase your suicidal tendencies tenfold once you "transition" and inevitably realize that nothing will ever be enough to make the "gender dysphoria" go away.

Attached: IMG_20200114_071620.jpg (568x865, 142.22K)

This is real. I am worried that if I talk to a therapist, the military will find out and boot me. I just want to live my life normally as a girl. I don't want all the nonsense, but I feel like dying as my life is now. I know I need to choose, but that too fucking hard for me. I don't know where to even start. I don't know what my school will do to me. I am so unsure that its bleeding into my regular life. I am lost and feel fucked. Im too embarrassed and scared to talk to anyone.

I mean the words that I say, yet a nonbeliever can not decipher them, even in his own language.
Mars will not grant you any blessing or any guidance.
You have forsaken him, offended him, attacked him.
The Greeks were weak, so they were dominated, subjugated, their culture absorbed. They are nothing, as are all nonbelievers.
You will not venture far in any career, you will die young as do all of the faithless.
I am a missionary, a priest, a prophet of him.
You are nothing and you will die.
A Field of Mars will be declared and your blood will feed the sacred Earth gifted to us by him.

Attached: 8adae0394152c6e820e76cd0667e3fe6.png (321x429, 7.08K)

and how would I change that?


Attached: 8i6PYoe.jpg (1600x1200, 144.02K)

why aren't we both just advanced, nearly hairless, primates?

Post picture of you dressing, and of your mom.

You're in distress. The proper move is to talk to a therapist.

No reputable therapist will disclose to anyone *what* you talked about. It's easy enough for you to lie and say it was for something mundane.

no, fuck you coomer.

that's what im thinking ill do.

come on bro, hes just a little boi-cubine. hes tryin his best...

Not to derail the thread, but how about me?
Grant my fortune o wise one. Have I done something that has made god very unhappy?

Attached: cc0.jpg (600x424, 32.95K)

Boomer here actually, let me see that milf!

a transgender T-800. can't get more woke than that.

Tits, with timestamp, or gtfo you larper!


No coomer.


Step 1: Don't cut your sick off, transition surgery is not nearly good enough yet

Step 2: Focus on becoming a trap for now, maybe take some hormones depending on your body type

Ask for honest opinions, some men just can't transition and look right and end up trapped in a Frankenstein body

It's better to be a Jeffree star than a Bruce Jenner any day my friend

I know I can pass

Didn't the tiger guy kill himself even after getting every body modification he ever wanted in his quest to become a female bengal tiger?

No, sister.

Kek, he means nothing and doesn't know what the fuck he's rambling on about. Don't look too deep into it. But yeah those skills should take you far in the mitary. October horse is a sacrificial horse that was sacrificed to Mars on the 15th of October, unique because only horse sacrifice that Romans did. Ides of March is a line from Julius Caesar but literally just means 15th of March. Ides is a fixed point in the month you count back from since they (Romans) didn't number their monthly days from first to last. Ides usually fall on the 13th day for most months but for March falls on the 15th. One of the reasons that probably struck with you is because Mars was largely worshipped by the Roman military.

do it, kill yourself.

You dont know, every trap is under the impression they do, man hands, boney slim body, height, face structure, hips width. You can tell you can always tell when they dont go all in

Lol I was literally born on March 15. And I love the roman military so its wack.


A surprising fact that a heretic can use google.
The October Horse exists to carry the burdens of Humanity, unto Mars who shall judge us by our burdens.
For Mars is independent and fights on foot.
The Ides of March are A the ides like every month, and a beginning to his retribution.
March is his month, when all debts are to be repaid or to be reaped.
I should have known some scraggly faggot would back a homosexual larper.
"Largely worshiped by the Roman military"
March 15 is the epitome of his retribution, you were a punishment upon your parents.
The Roman military is a divine institution and even the name of his son's namesake upon the tongue of heretics is sacrilege.

Attached: fasces-icon.png (288x288, 10.78K)

Another user said it earlier, you can always tell who was born as what, there’s no escaping it. It may also be your mind processing your sexual desires. Every guy has wondered what it would be like to be a female with nice tits and a pretty pussy, but I don’t know much more than that in terms of mindset. A lack of a father may also be a factor in this, if you had no father figure this issue, as well as the suicidal factors, are more present. You should see a psychiatrist or keep repressing your feelings with distractions.


How am I a heretic? I am literally at a famous military school training to lead soldiers into combat. I am doing more than you. I should be able to transition and go into the military. I would die for my country either way. It fucking kills me and I don't want to be seen as a coward.