In 2016 I was in Mexico and got partially beheaded cuz of misidentification. They stopped tho they were cool after surprisingly.
In 2016 I was in Mexico and got partially beheaded cuz of misidentification...
good work
looks more like a botched hair transplant
What the fuck lol
It was crazy bro. I just remember thinking oh god, is this karma for me watching all those beheading videos? Alot of things was going through my fucking mind.
Might wanna swing by to El Salvador and I'll finish the job
like the machete?
so they realized you were not the right person after they started beheading you?
how did it go down exactly? did someone just say "wait a second, this guy's the wrong one! upsie"
whats up with your hair?
No one would stop mid beheading. You got herpes or some shit.
Who cuts from the back of the neck?
I didn't even speak Spanish but one of them said with a thick accent "you're not the perra we looking for" and if I tell anyone they would come to my house these assholes had my wallet.
They got me in Tepito I was buying cheap ass weed and I had a bag over my head in a truck. They took me to a secluded place and took the bag off and I see ppl with assult rifles and a big ass knife I was bout to cry like a bitch lol.
Yup. Probably went to some discount HT clinic in Turkey and got a super fucked up strip surgery
I am kinda bad at telling stories do bare with me here
Nah I'm good actually. I got tested.
Cut himself shaving. One of those fancy 50 bladed razors
4 pumps when he's already dead after the first, and two missed. Arabs.
One shot, 26 kills.
I had to wear this shit
Youre still a faggot.
Im sure the tests concluded that you are the apex of a bellend in terms of how big of a faggot you are. Its like you wake up, and boom, faggot'o'clock all day erry day. Youd think youre being subtle but you might as well be a parade marshall. Its like they say 'faggot do what faggot does'
Looks suspiciously like burn scars too me...
Oh u think im lying lol?
Lol that does not look like a cut and I doubt they'd give a shit if they got the wrong guy
This isnt funny or clever or anything, bud. Its just weird.
I would have finish the job, without giving a fuck.
It's pretty clearly a cut, the circumstances under which it happened are what are questionable. Any other background or proof OP?
You wouldnt get the job in the first place
That's some serious cyborg-looking shit. What was it for?
To shrink the wound. They basically chopped off some fat off my neck.
It looks like the skin was torn off it's not from a machete
Look broni, your silly ass is on 4 chan.
I've been cut, sliced, jabbed, stabbed, and burned. I could be wrong, but I'd have to say thats a burn.
If you're telling the truth, than good for you.