I'm going to have my first street fight tonight, first time getting into a fistfight in general, what should I expect? Any advice? I want to knock this fucker out
I'm going to have my first street fight tonight, first time getting into a fistfight in general, what should I expect...
>planning a street fight
r u in highschool bro?
Regardless, run at him shrieking well spinning windmill arms, he will be caught off guard completely. Good luck.
watch videos on proper stance, proper technique, watch some videos of people grappling like bjj or wrestling. you'll probably forget all of it the second the fight starts but hopefully you'll retain some shit. protect your head, don't leave your hands low
Assume he will throw a right after a left, or left after a right.
Hit first, hit hard, don't stop hitting even after he's down.
Kick in the nuts immediately followed by a kick to the head or stomach.
Cough on him and yell corona!
Watch street fight videos. Generally, most people swing aimlessly to your face. Just come up with a basic strategy against that and you're good. My favorite is swinging my left arm up and over to push their fists out of the way and go ham into their face.
All that is easier said than done tho. You can plan all you want, but when adrenalin kicks in, it can be tough to think clearly sometimes.
Basically this OP. You want to know how to throw a punch using your whole body to gather as much power as possible.
Honest true advice user is that fighting is dirty to begin with so fuck a fair fight, don't do none of that squaring up shit. Hit him hard and hit him fast, gut punch to the solarplexis work really well the knock the wind out of some one ( it's located right under where the rib cage ends on the sturnem.) Once they are open for attack just start hitting their head and face as hard as possible until you win. You will prolly break a finger or two and your hand will hurt. Stay away from hitting near the ears and temple unless you wanna catch a man slaughter charge. Good luck user, may oden be with you.
If he is a niggie, bring watermelon for distraction.
Use a heavy blunt object or fuck it..use a shank.
Make sure no body is recording it in case he wants to sue you afterwards.
Tf do you have a date with the person youre gonna fight or something? What are you, a faggot?
what the fuck is with this fighting shit man
Just run away in the oposite direction dumbass.
If you really want to fight him, undress, he'll be disgusted and then try to rape him
absolutely don't blow up right away or youll be gassed so fast
throw jabs, don't swing. youll get blocked and look stupid, don't go for take downs,
Take some advice.
Fist fighting is never worth it. Ever.
Swallow your ego. Nothing good comes from fighting when there is a choice to not fight.
Just remember, on the streets there are no rules. Do not practice honorable combat.
>>OP after the first punch is thrown
Be prepared to get hit.
Keep closing and never let him have a second to collect himself.
Learn how to counter punch.
Buddy slapped my younger sister and drew blood, told him i'd beat his ass into the pavement, I don't think the wololololo thing is gonna cut it though
This guys an absolute douche so I think i'm gonna floor him, I'm a pretty chill and generally well liked person so I've never been in a fight before, a few close times but I've always thought I could handle myself. I'll try to keep all this in mind but idk if i'll lose it in front of this kid
why you telling a Yas Forumstard to REMEMBER there are no RULES. and ADVICES
a solid jab to the throat around the adams apple is a good move on any opponent, but do it fast and pull back quick, you don't wanna kill him. it can kill people if you do it too hard, if you want you can combo with another move because he'll likely grab for his neck for protection after performing.
(thats what she said)
But is he a niggie?
Pick Dhalsim. He's easily the most powerful character.
I remember I wanted to fight this kid before and told him to meet up after school. He pulls put his planner and checks the date and says "today doesn't work for me. Can we fight Thursday?" Made me want to beat his ass even more.
Too late for any real serious training so stick with the basics hard front low kick to the shins or knees depending on height followed by a fury of punches to the face
Honestly just lose your fucking mind. Go berzerk.
Just let your instincts take over and dont stop until someone pulls you off of him.
Unless hes a proper boxer or wrestler you will fuck his whole shit up.
Desperately flail your arms around and hope they hit em
Hey guys here's a brilliant piece of advice. Don't fucking fight idiot.
Unless you want to potentially get sued or arrested. Or if you perhaps don't value keeping your teeth or having a jaw that isn't broken / fucked up for life.
How about what knuckles can do to your orbital socket and facial nerves. Want to always have one eye lower than the other and have to wear glasses.
Keep being a stupid idiot.
bring a knife just in case, bruh
Just shoot him you faggot.
If you're British though, get him to bring his mates and call 101 and tell them they're breaking lock down and they have weapons. It'll be a chuckle
Nah hes some twig fuck Ruskie, 130lbs maybe
I wanna do that but I don't wanna kill the kid exactly, I want him to shit his pants everytime he sees me or my sister
Dude doesnt know how to fight and you're suggesting kick?
OP dont listen to this faggot opening with a kick is a good way to end up on your back.
If you dont know how to fight kicks are basically worthless and risky. Its like someone telling you to open with a spinning back fist. You're just gonna get rocked.
130lbs? HAHAHA, that is half my size.
What are you OP?
while YOU tryna KILL him, you can take his finger... or his hand... or his whole arm...
You're not going to kill him unless you hit him in the neck, temple, ear or rupture his spleen/liver.
Hesitation in a fight is guaranteed loss. Beat his ass and leave him bloody on the pavement or dont fight at all.
182lbs, 6'3. Never fought before but I'd like to think I could hold myself to an extent
dont underestimate the skinny fucks. Those dudes can scrap sometimes.
I've seen dude who are 200+ get one shotted by a tiny dude because they didnt have their hands up. Never underestimate your opponent.
Stay balanced
If he can dodge punches make sure to feint
Use elbows, knees, and head
Stay on your toes
Getting hit in the face sucks but its not the end of the world. If you are hit in the nose or lips they may sting a bit and feel like they are bleeding even if they aren't. If you get hit in the eye keep the other one open and resist the urge to turn your back to protect your face.
Try to keep your head moving. and learn how to throw a Jab and a cross. Use the Jab to maintain your distance and a cross to do damage when you have an opening. Don't throw big looping punches. Follow through with your landed strikes; Hit through the guy dont stop once your fist makes contact. Don't try to throw kicks. Doesn't hurt to learn how to sprawl.
You outweigh him by 50 lbs dude I would hope you can hold your own against him lol
Watch out for your teeth man
The smaller ones are faster. If you are heavier and slower, you should get close and grapple. Maybe lift him and throw him to the ground. With my 260lbs i wouldn't do a honest fistfight with a small and fast prick.
fuck off man, of course he has to record it, i want to see this shit!!
I've seen it to. I've also seen big guys get mad because their tiny brains cant comprehend that shit and they know their size is all they have.
Sorry your dicks so small.
Nudes of younger sister?
If he is really that much smaller than you and he is walking into a planned brawl then you need to prepare for the probability that he is going to have a weapon. If he has at least half a brain cell at least.
If you want to show him mental pain
Pull down his pants and dry hump him
Also call him a bitch and how u will cum in his tight pussy and bare lots of children
You are absolutely fucked. It doesn't matter how thin he is. He's fucking Russian
Now we get to the real questions
dont go berzerk if you are a smoker or out of shape, or you will loose all your energy in 1min..dont threaten next time, just go for it
Take vid and send to his mom and dad and friends
Land the first punch. 99.9999% of the time thats who wins.
Sucker punch them if you have to.
Ahhhhh fuck I want to absolutely destroy this kid, I've heard hes been in a few fights and he talks a metric fuckton of shit, my sister says I could snap him like a twig though so I got that going for me
You wish bud shes 15
What he said.
Never plan for a fight. Your frontal lobe brain will talk you out of it. Fighting is about not thinking about it and using your reptilian brain to split a mofos head back to the white meat
>Getting hit in the face sucks
not as bad as you would think though honestly I was surprised when I first got hit in the face because I expected it to hurt a lot more.
This user is pretty much spot on though for the most part. Dont try to kick, just jab and straight/cross and you'll be fine.
If you can just pick him up by the legs like back wards. Stand up and fall on him. Bang sidewalk slam. Shit is easy as fuck and no one knows wtf to do. Look up a sidewalk slam on youtube and you'll see what I mean. Super easy.
He's the type of kid to spray people so I wouldn't put it past him, I have some homies tagging along cause he said he'd be bringing some as well, though he wants a 1v1 which I called bullshit on, but we'll see. It won't be a huge ass brawl but they won't be ganging up on me at least
Realize that along with being that guy can come being arrested for assault even if you're not an adult. And even if small there is the chance when someone gets knocked down even if not out falling and hitting your head can kill you or him. With that I say have a nice jail life while single guys are out banging your woman
Everyone was drunk as fuck they went to square off.
Dude said "I'll give you a free punch" and t posed.
Little dude threw a haymaker to the side of his head. Lights out.
Doubt it if you want just keep those hands up lol.
Paranoidboytoy Sfv come at me bro
you just have to get your point across. Knock him on his ass a couple times. Let the humiliation do the rest. If you get the feeling you can just shove his ass to the ground like he is a child do it, it is super demoralizing, even more so if it happens more than once.
Don't try to be fancy, you just want to show him and others what a wimp he is.
Grab him with one hand and hit him with the other. If you're bigger and stronger he will just flail and get hit.
Try to get on top of him and punch his face not the concrete.
> Ops fist night in jail
>How are you going to hit him from 6' away? Wait until KungFlu is over so you can actually make contact.
Ki blasts