have you given up on relationships love in general?
Have you given up on relationships love in general?
Jesus if those are my choices then yes.
yes and no. I am just not actively seeking it out at the moment, working on my self and not worrying about it.
>working on my self
what self improvement are you doing
yes, ive accepted i will likely die alone and even if i manage to have sex again and i will likely feel nothing
Yes. It's a lot of hard work to maintain one and I'm simply too lazy.
lol no. I'm married.
Yes. Meeting someone is impossible.
how is married life?
Here's what I've found as an official old head: Romance never lasts. Never. You WILL be tired of fucking whichever girl you currently think you'd do anything for. You want new pussy. It will happen as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow. But girls don't think this way. They want you, and they want to lock you down for life. They do not possess the innate prehistoric animal instinct to procreate like we do. So, to live as a man in a committed relationship, is literally akin to being in hell. You MUST ignore your primal instincts everyday of your life. You must ignore the primitive drive to fuck new and different pussy. Who amongst us can do this, and still be a happy, fulfilled man with a happy, fulfilled life? It sucks. You must find a way to be happy. I'm still working on that, so if you figure it out, let me know.,
I fuck bitches and get money no love. For life
Excellent. She's basically perfect for me. Share the same interests, roughly the same politics, same sexual kinks. Been going for 9 years so far. Let's hope it lasts. If it doesn't, then it doesn't.
exact opposite from what i've seen.
these hos ain't loyal and will move on as easily as they change clothes. there is no loyalty with most younger women.
im glad to hear it user. make sure you breed her good and pop a few kids out.
am with you except on the last bit
depends on what you mean by work
totally agree with you
stay the course good man
I am in a committed relationship of nearly 2 years now, it has been stressful but at least you don't have to worry about chasing women, but also that neutered urge can play against you if it's your primary reason for improving yourself.
You're right too. When I was younger, most girls I knew were like this. Not loyal, liars, and manipulators. I've lost good male friends in the past when some girl got in the way with her bull shit. I regret that now. Eventually, you'll find a girl who is loyal, and who does tell the truth, and you know what? You still won't be happy, because men live to hunt. We are hunters in our core, in our DNA. Women are nesters at their core. They give birth, raise families, make homes out of houses. We are just fundamentally different that way, but the urge to hunt never wanes for us. And that is where the misery of the average family man stems from.
Nah, I don't want any kids. Neither does she. But thanks for the well wish. : )
Well yeah. Not even roasties wanna put my little noodle in their pussies. Shit's depressing.
noodle in pussy? i cant even talk with one, seems like unless youre in the know of entertainment tonight you aint got a thing to talk about
Relationship is good.
But i see women all the time i want to fuck.
My girlfriend has a hard time keeping up with my libido.
Still, i won't go past looking at other girls/porn.
That's literally the main thing i don't enjoy. (and the fact that i will get bitched at if i don't clean up or don't do my part in chores)
Of course the good thing is having someone around who you can have a good time with all the time, and you can fuck without having to do the hassle of dating.
I am pretty lucky tho, girl cares for me, wants to make me happy, has cool friends i hang out with, lets me do whatever i want, believes in equality and is more mature then i am.
Your days are numbered, trust me.
Killing yourself would be a huge improvement.
Yeah I'm probably going to kill myself in a few years anyway
Oh no, whats going to happen.
Mister anonymous on the internet i should trust?
She is going to cheat, get crazy, suddenly stop liking me, or some shit.
Nigger please, you probably feel like all women are whore's because you can't get anyone to like like you.
But nah, i am pretty cool.
If shit happens, i will get a new girl new week because i am an man that has a good life, all the girls want part of that life.
The things I have down really well are excercise and healthy eating.
I go through phases of reading alot then maybe a month or two of not reading at all.
I write alot, usually just stuff that comes out of my head. I used to write short stories but my life has been very crazy the last couple years and I haven't had the stability materially or mentally to do so.
I need to work on socialising since I almost never do it.
I need to start a career path that will be rewarding and engaging. I have been to university and have a degree but its philosophy fucking kill me.
I go though phases of not watching porn but right now I am watching it which isn't the greatest but I'm sure I will overcome it.
I hardly drink but I go through phases where I smoke retarded amounts of weed. Right now I am going through a retarded phase.
I think fundamentally what I need to do is cleanse my self of certain material and mental drainers then formulate some goals from there. I have pusued certain things the past couple of yearrs only to find out that the course I did which was meant to qualify you actually dosnt qualify you or I can't seem to fit into a team as I am extremely aloof and neutral. I tried to join the army too but my mental health forbade me. I've been trying but I keep gettting fucked.
>if shit happens
When you get a new girl, it will be different, right?
No. Things are pretty good with my current girlfriend. One of the few things going well for me, actually.
After my second failed relationship which is almost over I've come to an epiphany (and this is w.r.t. to my country's culture and people):
It's all fun and dandy for people to be friends with / date, folks in a wheelchair/with disability. But, when it comes to putting your foot down and making a commitment for life, for better for worse, they run like their life depends on it. No one wants the luggage that we potatoes bring with us.
We're like milestones along the highway - while most of traffic just passes by, some people might stop, click a picture or two, relax, have fun, before they decide to continue with their journey. But, the milestone isn't moving. It'll be there, waiting.
Not in general; just in my case.
So what disability do you have, user?
Different how?
Shit happens is a hypothetical.
If we breakup for whatever reason, it was just not meant to be.
Some relations last a lifetime, some just don't.
Who care's if its different or not, that's the ride of life.
You can get a job and work there with joy your entire life, or find a new one each year.
Quadriplegic. in a wheelchair
Same here.
Trying to improve myself financially, creatively, and my overall personality.
During this time, I've been seeing so many stories, news, and videos of women acting like complete sluts or just behaving in psychotic ways.
It destroyed any interest I have in developing a relationship with a modern woman, especially from the West. I still look at their bodies, but I can't see anything past that because their personalities are vapid or uninteresting.
I cringe at the memories of me simping hard to gain approval from women in the past. Nowadays I feel indifferent to women. I might look if she's hot, but that's as far as it goes.
I think user meant more WHEN shit happens. You seem a little inexperienced in the ways of women.
i will feel nothing because sex without love is lost to me for the most part
Then he should make a more logical based sentence.
Not just "it will be different" , still not asking what is going to be different.
I am pretty experienced with girls, definitely more than the average Yas Forumstard.
I've had 3 "real" relationships in my life so far.
And fucked/dated more then 60 women.
So i don't know what you are basing this dumb assumption on,
yeah same here, sex without love it just a chore
>>ways of women
Nigger you should like a hardcore fedora tipper.
>fucked/dated more then 60 women
Syphilis affecting your judgement much user?
So you’re saying they do it for some sort of brownie points? I think girls have a thing for people with any disability in general it’s like virtue signaling or some shit
lol I'm almost 40. I've had 20 relationships, 3 were longer than 2 years, including my current marriage (9 years). Whenever I'm on /b, I get the feeling that what is asked for in these threads is guarantees. But there isn't any. Plenty of those 20 have burned me. I bounced back. Some of them I have hurt. Those stay with me more than the ones who hurt me. But there's no other way to do this. You take your chance that you found someone compatible, you try it for as long as possible. If it works it works, if it doesn't then it ends. But a relationship ending does not mean it was meaningless or that either you or the other person is any less valuable. Things are not without value just because they're finite. Relationships end. Friendships end. Jobs end. Meals end. Games end. Hobbys end. Life ends. I look back on the majority of those relationships with fondness, in spite of the pain I felt at the end of them.
There's no other way to live than to roll the dice. I guess you could "give up" or whatever. But why would you? Because it's hard? If no one told you yet, I will:
Anything worth having, is hard to get, or painful to lose.
No exceptions.
I get the impression some of you are not dating lower tier fems, am i rite?
In the end throes of a terrible relationship where I felt taken advantage of, ignored and generally uncared for. She's an alpha female w/ a teenage daughter & they basically operate a gynocracy. Anything I want to do or am interested in is automatically "beneath them" because I'm the only male, and since I'm the only representative of the M pov, anything I like or want that they don't agree with is worthy of only their scorn & condescension.
The sad part of all this is that I've hit them up about whether or not they see themselves as feminists, and based on the criteria I give them (gleaned from here), they don't agree with most of it (ex is a SJW though, full disclosure).
So after 5 years of being belittled, ignored and talked down to, I'm GTFO as soon as I can. Haven't had sex with her in probably a little over 3 years & haven't slept in the same bed as her in about the same amount of time. This is manifested to where, whenever I watch a tv show or movie & the people have sex, I just facepalm, shake my head, groan & literally ask out loud "WHY?! What purpose will THAT serve, other than to complicate things needlessly?" And this is just goddamn tv shows. I envision myself in those situations (because the appeal of tv/movie characters is that we empathize with them) and whenever it seems they're gonna get naked, I picture all the ways I would politely but resolutely remove myself from the situation, were I there.
Add to that overall general unhappiness with my $ situation as well as career options, and once I'm gone away from her, I have zero inclination to get into a relationship again. I'm done. Divorced twice, didn't marry this one (thank god) but I may as well have for the time I invested. I'm tired of losing, tired of being hurt, and I have no interest in vagina anymore.
Females thus serve no purpose for me, apart from aesthetics, beyond being more fucking people to deal with and avoid.
Called condoms nigger, try some.
Also not fucking nasty crack-ho's works wonders.
sorry, scratch *not
no. i feel they do it for attention and love without commitment. potatoes in general will be really nice to them, will devote a lot of time, with very little chance of cheating.
isn't that what everyone wants (unless you compare it with a life partner) someone to listen to them, love them, be there whenever they need.
When it comes to choosing a life partner, we aren't considered because, well isn't it obvious? it's not even about money because i have a lot of it.
I was just curious if anyone felt the same as I do. I had good relationships and bad relationships, it just seems to me that in the end all women are the same and they’re all a little different but not that different either. I am not a specially attractive fellow I’m average but it seems that unless you’re very much so above average you’re destined to be seen as not worthy of even being talked with like a normal human being, it has turned me off from women really I’m more focused on my hobbies and self improvement. I think it is telling many others are doing the same
Yes been with my wife for 18 years married for 12. Were not in love anymore. We’re together for kids.
Now if that ain't some fucking truth in there, i don't know what else.
Well said.
I don't why people are so bitter and whiny.
Women are at the end of it pretty shallow it is rare that one sticks around sorry about that but hey you can always keep trying there can be benefits to being in that position you probably get more pussy than I do
>>lower tier fems
I get the impression that the only vagina you have ever seen was when you where born.
I wrote this post Could not agree with you more. During one of my arguments with my now-ex, explaining how serious I am that I'm never doing this bullshit again, I asked her a very simple question:
>name one thing a man can receive from a woman due to being in a relationship with her that he cannot get the same exact thing from another woman he's not in a relationship with
These were the answers they gave me:
That's what I have friends for.
That's what I have female friends for (at least, back when I actually GAVE a shit about that). Otherwise, hire a professional.
>having children
Doesn't apply to me: I hate children so much, I got a vasectomy when I was 26 before I ever had any kids. Decided when I was 13 I never wanted to be a father, rode the tide (so to speak) until I could solve that riddle for myself, and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made.
>domestic conveniences
I've been doing my own laundry since 1986, I'm basically a couple courses away from being a certified chef, and I was in the Army for 14yrs, so I know how to keep my living space dress-right dress & have zero issues doing it. Otherwise, hire a professional.
>public appearances
Bullshit social construct and is just not fucking important, and that this is an incentive to get into a relationship for anybody says a lot more about that person than it does the society that birthed it.
After being refuted and seriously contemplating what I told her, she conceded "you're right. There's no real benefit for a man to get into a relationship with a woman, nothing he couldn't get from a woman without the relationship."
First time in a long time we argued about something and, when it was all said & done, she conceded I was 100% correct. Feminist logic for ya.
I believe you're the same user who posted Regardless, what you've said is the reason this picture is not only funny but true.
Find better quality pussy then. Not every woman is that fucking vapid.
That is weird looking fedora.
i miss leykis 101, fridays were the best too
Where are they at?
>you can fuck without having to do the hassle of dating
This is how they trap you: the prospect of free pussy all the time, anytime. But it's not free, as you're clearly aware of. And besides, you know that old adage
>no matter how hot she may be, some guy is sick and tired of putting up with her shit
Don't be that guy.
Ive given up on plenty of quality relationships just to get my dick wet again by a new girl.
now, im trying to settle down its not happening...
>pic related
Maybe one of the guys in longer term relationships can give me a pointer.
I had the closest relationship I've ever even imagined with a girl for 2 years, for those 2 years from almost the start (first month or so) we had been living together. We both felt in love and kept it super close, she already was so innocent so I felt lucky with finding 'not a slut'.
Unfortunately my mental health got worse and worse as I just let it go, my own fault, and she was affected heavily by it in what eventually turned into abuse near the end. I am disgusted with that, no one to blame but me.
She left wanting 'No Contact' as she wants to heal, wanting to spend the next while living with her mom and getting back to her normality of life. She left me with a note giving many words about a 'maybe' to us getting back together one day, if we can get better for ourselves separately.
Is this a blessing that I don't deserve, or should I not hold out for a woman who gives me a "maybe" afterwards, and if she wants me back so bad she needs to give me a good reason to return.
Thanks. I have been well into my track of coping and dealing with my issues properly. Taking hold of my illness after diagnosis.
Women are the same because people are the same. If you go after the same sort of women over and over, then you will get the same women over and over. That's the dub thing with having "a type." I can tell you, the journalist I dated was very different from the social worker. Both were different from the woman with her own copy writing freelance gig.
There's 3.5 billion women. Arguing that they're all the same when that is obviously not the case either means you haven't dated that many women, or you have dated the same type of women. Either way, your sample size is absolutely too small. But if you're tired of dating, then do take a paus from it. I did for 2 years. It's the whole "I'm never going to again" that seems over the top. Life is the longest thing you'll ever do. Keep your options open.
What about those of us who can ONLY have sex without love? As in, it's a bodily function & nothing more, where the other person merely serves as merely human kleenex? There are some people for whom there just ISN'T any kind of "emotional" connection, no manner of "bonding" when they have sex. Yet it's still fulfilling, because a core need (warm, wet hole or warm, hard flesh) is being met.
Don't presume to speak for everyone with your subjective moralizing.
>you probably get more pussy than I do
i wish. I'm from a sexually repressed country Girls here don't put out like they do in the West
also, in all honesty, i have fallen for my ex pretty badly and really want to be with her. I can see that she does too, but she doesn't have the balls to go against her family.
There may be a fedora shortage after this thread.