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XDDDDDD well your fucked now. Its time to beg to your chad neighbours.

Ripp and crumble news paper

Have you ever heard of baby wipes?

How hard is it to shower after you shit

Only shower once a week.

use your hand now pajeet

So.. why can they re-stock everything else but toilet paper? Something's not right there.

>Have you ever heard of baby wipes?
Found the "salad tosser".
Good for you.

OP, wipe your ass with rags, then launder them.
How fucking hard can this be?
Also, how fucking far is your head up you own ass you didn't get 50-100 rolls a month ago?

Only shit once a week, then. Problem solved.

I'll give that a go. Thanks.

they are re-stocking it but retarded msm viewers continue to send 4 family members to stock up as soon as shelves are replenished
they're locked into a cycle of panic buying that can't be stopped until the news starts telling them they can

its called logistics moron... you think your local shop is gonna stock 3-4 times more than the average sales? jesus christ people are stupid

Another Triumph for Capitalism. It's just like the bread lines they warned us about for socialism, but at the end of the line, you still have to pay for the bread.

Clean you ass with water?? Or just wear a diaper until virus ends.

>Only shower once a week.
the cold war is over

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>Not having a dirty, shitty ass makes you a salad tosser
Do white people really?

Do you not have a bath tub? Fucking christ people freak out over the dumbest shit. I literally haven't bought toilet paper in over 2 years

whats toilet paper?

Not talking about logistics, i'm talking about toilet paper. Fuck people are stupid.

I'm Indian, what is this?

The best part will be the retards trying to return a hundreds packs of toilet paper when it's over raging when they get told no

That's a shame

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its called logistics moron... you think your local shop is gonna stock 3-4 times more than the average sales? jesus christ people are stupid

People are hoarding those too

fuckin tard

I'm a comedian, I think I'm funny?

wtf? xD someone copied my response.
first time ever

You are actually a cuckold loser and a complete faggot.
You don't even need toilet paper, you just want to touch your butthole.
How gay is that? You nasty butthole toucher.
Do people know you shake their hands with your butthole-kissed fingers?
You are filth. You are truly disgusting.
It is no wonder you don't have any toilet paper.
Now you have an excuse to use your bare hands.
And you love it. You love touching your shitty butthole.
What a homo.

Tell us some jokes.

>not finding the fluff piece news article about a local restaurant that gives away a roll with each order

do you even pandemic bro?

wash your hands for 30 sec, but rub paper on your shithole

Because it was retarded

I can't wait for all this to blow over
These retards wasted thousands of dollars on stuff you use to wipe you ass during one of the biggest economic down turns in history
If this nigger would have played the market they could have made thousands of dollars
Instend of playing the market they played "Get reddit upboats"

>wiping your ass like an animal
>not using a removable shower head
>not installing a bidet in your toilet

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hahahahah, you dont even understand what logistics means. hahahaha everyone laugh at the retard. he snuffed himself out

The joke is, I have all kinds of paper products along with a massive store of fresh, frozen, and non-perishable foods... and water, and a generator, and more.

And you don't.

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my gas station has single rolls available. i was also able to buy a 4 pack at my local convenience store. don't go the large stores OP

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how do you know this?

actually, i do... along with an indefinite supply of food by means of fishing 50m away from my door.
oh and dont worry im shielded by wind and rising seas, im aboot 36m above sea level. i also have a gated property.

>Do white people really?
Straight to White people insult, wow you must really be jealous of white people.

This is Yas Forums, I play the odds

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set it on fire

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Brown people are.

What do you need it for?


Who would have thought that we'd be at a point where it would become a trope that toilet paper was somehow worse than an ass sprinkler.

So go buy some. The only places sold out are the big stores which only carry the Mega 128 roll packs, you can pick up 2 and 4 roll packs from almost anywhere.

>you can pick up 2 and 4 roll packs from almost anywhere.

Where you at? In California it's fucking empty

>but retarded msm viewers
but not the tin foil hat tards riiiight?

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Denver. Look for the smaller stores, not well known places like Walmart.
A lot of places are staggering the stocking here and limit to one per person.

I did, convenience stores, 99 cent stores, Asian stores, nothing

use your bidets your imbecile

Shop towels in auto parts stores. Don't go panic buy them you stupid niggers, but in most places they are untouched

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you been to king soopers recently? their supply chain is fucked. Warehouses will be backed up for months

I will send a toilet paper roll to anyone who masturbate on camera.

You're the type of selfish nigger that bought 3x what they actually need and fucked people over. If you weren't a worthless and cowardly faggot this wouldn't be a problem.

1 roll 1ply for 5g 24 carat gold

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Try to prank them by trapping the toilet paper
Like putting a note saying "congrats, this package has the corona, enjoy that hoarding"
Or paint some sandpaper white, make rolls out of them and put them in some random TP package

People always talk about this like it's a simple solution. But how the fuck are you cleaning out the shit? With a poopoo washcloth or your fucking hand like an Indian?
Most people don't have detachable high-pressure shower heads for makeshift bidets if that's your answer

I just miss eggs. Haven't seen those delicious motherfuckers anywhere in weeks

>just miss eggs

Same, always fucking empty. When I get to the store it's just emtpy carts

Get a hotel room. Ask for shit paper every couple hours. They should you paid fornit


Now seems like a good time to work on self improvement, user. Maybe up that to twice a week.

wait really? where ya at

nice meem from 4 years ago

California. Eggs, chicken, canned goods always out of stock within an hour or two of opening. There are still lines to go shopping. Some stores have a cop or two in front

AZ has fuck ton of eggs