You can choose a superpower but the first person to reply chooses a side effect for you

You can choose a superpower but the first person to reply chooses a side effect for you

what superpower do you choose /b?

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This is gonna be a shit thread since everyone here is retarded

I can make people do whatever I want, to them they want to do it.

But every time you do it there is a completely random they do the complete opposite

You can never hit dubs trips quints ect ever again

I can turn invisible at will

So a random person does the opposite and do they do it to me or someone else?

I can re write reality

but you leave a trail of your own shit

You have been proven correct.

But you're transported to another reality exactly like this one every time you do

Don't question it. The Yas Forums gods have spoken.

I can change my shape at will

I can turn pennies of US currency into dollars of US currency.

Can experience orgasm at will.

I have a magical box that i can summon at any time to act as a portable storage device

i can make anyone and everyone cough by thinking about them

Exept you will never have a penis or any other sexual organ nor an extremity that could be used as one or have feelings like one.

For every 100 $ you gain, you are blind for an hour

But every penny you change gets lodged in ur dick

I have the ability to crack every joint in my body at once, once a day

And only at Will, your new best friend.

But every penni you choose you get a freckle

You experience the orgasam in your ass

But only while you're taking a shit.

So a typical transsexual?

The power of being a faggot like .

But everytime you do, you reek of shit

I can read minds

that box is always 150 degrees hot

But you can never become a chiropractor

I want the power to create drugs out of thin air, which are always potent, and tolerance does not build.

But they come out in spanish

While reading minds you get a boner

I can fly, while flying I can push any object

but in a language you don't know

I can imagine anything I want into my room

Shit half cooked food any time i want, hell yeah

The FBI gets alerted every time

you can only make laxatives

But everytime you do, your undeletable internet search history is leaked to everyone.

With whatever you imagine comes a sex crazed midget eager to fuck you

Your room is filled with spiders forever

My superpower is total and complete time control.

The side effect for the person above is that every time they use their power they experience the combined effect of stopping frequent drug usage of every drug.

while not flying, every object you pushed comes back to you and crushes you, so you must always be flying and never land

i can inhabit terry Richardson when ever i want

something of teo times the mass has to be sacrificed every time

Oof, got em

You're black hahahahaha

My superpower is the ability to rape any woman I see, and we become invisible so no one stops me (so I could fuck her right in the middle of the street if I want), and then she completely forgets what just happened immediately after I'm done so she isn't traumatized and doesn't go to the cops.

I can control electricity like that doofus from Spiderman, moving through electrical wiring. If I get to a power plant, I'll become invincible

you cant move at all when you use your powers

when you use it you become a woman until you stop

you only like dick

the power to give every person on b and pol anything they want only non newfags get this

time moves forward a month instantly when you unfreeze time

You are made by apple


And impotent

your electric charge reaches zero you dir

Worth it

I can claim black pitty as a white man

But it backfires because you are a newfag

I dont have to eat or drink to survive


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I wish i could shoot shit out of my asshole like a railgun bullet.

Things from your nightmares form in your room

but only blacks will recognize your claim

You have a weakened immune system and are incredibly susceptible to STI's including aids and autism.

If you do you die

Being a nigger

you're a living statue

your new source of energy is nigger cum

But you continue to age normally

But you must let homeless men fuck you with hats off every 48 hours to survive.

you can.
with all the effects of physics on your body

you can but only in outhouses that are atleast 50% full

eternal youth of the body i have now

shit powered rocket

You are forced to shit every 20 minutes and can't hold it in, no exception.

You can never leave your house

You bastard...

i can make the universe cease to exist i want

Nice. My side effect could have been a lot worse. I thought someone was going to say that I feel every thrust in my own ass or something like that. But I just turn into a bitch every time until I stop? Easy enough.

>autism is an STI

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I have the exact amount of money that i need in my pocket

Haha I turn into a lingering fart.


I’d choose the power to respond to this post or your mother will get die of chink flu.

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>can't leave house
>doesn't leave house anyways

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All of my senses are super fine tuned on command. Smell of a shark, sight of an eagle, hearing of a wolf, touch of an eel, taste of a sommelier, while retaining all of my human qualities as well.

Wanna be like that Dr. Xavier in X-men but not in a fucking wheelchair. But I’d be bad

you are always 10 cents short, so cunts who wont let you slide with that are your bane

But when you're ready to recreate the universe, you have to give birth to it out of your ass

this actually works you just need a portrait of joanna lumley in your attic

When you use your power you become a quadraplegic

you're on death row

Shorty sucked my dick so good last night that I went full retard for like 10 minutes after

one of your senses are impaired on the same level you sharpen another one and it's random which senses get impaired


The ability to produce serotonin