What is the grossest thing you have seen or heard about in a strip club? Please share gross stripper stories

What is the grossest thing you have seen or heard about in a strip club? Please share gross stripper stories.

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they are sometimes naked!

I puked in the middle of one. I didn't really look at it because I was so drunk. My ex told me that people had disgusted faces so I assume it was gross.

I had like several glasses of orange juice and...vodka? Then she bought me a sweet drink at the club. She really wanted me to loosen up, I guess? Either that or she was trying to get lucky by the end of the night.

But, yeah. I drank that last drink and thought "Well fuck, now we have to puke. Best tell the lady and go outside." Then I told her and she said "we'd have to pay to get back in" with the connotations that she really didn't want to go out.

So, I sat back down with the "I accept all consequences" face and tried my best not to puke.

>pic related
>it's my I accept all consequences face

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based and pukepilled. i would have done the same.

I saw a fat chick get naked once. I nearly puked. Never again.

Low rent dive.
Stripper came back from their so called VIP room.
Proceeded to ooze a creampie onto the stage.

Truly bottom shelf.

Me? Went to a strip club for the hell of it and one of the girls was squirting breast milk on request. So much for maternity leave I guess...

was she ugly? what country

I saw strippers with warts and I didn't realize until they were up in my face making contact with my clothes/in my lap. I left, ran to the car to douse my skin and clothes in hand sanitizer and warned incoming people before never returning.

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Little chubby.
Tijuana Mexico

My buddy begged me to go to a strip club a while back. I don't really find the value in them, but I'm not against them. He finally convinced me, and about an hour in, a Korean stripper (7/10 in stripper numbers) was probably pissed that I kept turning down offers for dances for an hour straight, walked directly to me from across the room, and physically tried to pull me to the little private booths they had. My friend laughed and kept telling her to pull harder. Eventually, I pulled my arm back hard enough to free myself and told her if she was fine with 30 bucks instead of 50 for a dance, i'd do it, but I wouldn't spend another dime. She took me to the back and began the lap dance. Grabbed up on my dick a lot over my pants, so I eventually got hard even though I was clearly not into it. As soon as I had my hands on either side of her ass, she sat down in my lap, girated a fuck ton, took my hand, and sloppily forced my hand onto her bare pussy and guided 2 of my fingers inside of her. At that point I was actually kind of grossed out. I have friends in sex work that have told me strippers that do that are fucking 10 guys a night if they can get away with it because that's where they can make 4 digits in 20 minutes. So I pull my fingers out and just go to feeling her up a bit. When the dance ends, she told me it was 60 because I touched her pussy. As soon as I started to tell her there was no way I was paying double for that shit, she gave a bouncer some kind of signal because one started coming our way. I caught on that I had been fucked over and just gave her the 60. Then the bitch tried asking for a tip, lol.

I later found out through google reviews of all places that the club my friend took me to was known for doing that. Fucking place had 2 stars with hundreds of reviews.

If she could really produce a lot, and was kinda cute, I'd have tipped her as 20

I once actually ate at a strip club, the burger tasted like we newspaper so I spit it out and didn't touch it.

This is exactly why I prefer actual hookers.

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I ain't reading that block of text, fam.

I've tested the hooker waters, but never gone through with it.
Reading 2,000 characters or less is tough. You'll pass 7th grade eventually, buddy.

Saw Bridget the midget at moments cabaret in Pasadena Tx. Got a lap dance from the little fucker and for an extra $5 she let me finger her butthole. Don’t know what I was thinking.

Learn how to write more visually pleasing messages and I'll consider reading them.

that might be the winner, holy shit thats nasty

My wife stripped when she was at ASU, Freshman through Junior year. Worked at three different nude clubs, and then a couple "modeling/showroom clubs." At those clubs, you'd pick a girl, go into a room for a one on one show. You'd ask the girl to pose, touch herself, whatever. You could also get naked, touch yourself, etc. Very very limited contact, no genital contact.
She told me about a time once when the guy who would clean the rooms up after each session had to leave early in the day, and there wasn't anyone else who picked up the slack. Later in the day, she said the smell of jizz-soaked paper towels and tissues in the trash can was nauseating. Even worse, she was in the middle of stripping for a guy and went to get down to show off her ass (like doggy style to put her ass in the air), and put her hand right into a small puddle of it that she hadn't seen because of the lighting.

Find me a stripper that DOESNT have fucking warts bro

>My wife stripped
stopped reading there. I'm not a puritan, but it really takes a sad pathetic cuckold to actually marry a fucking stripper and be ok with it.

friend of mine told me he went one time, and was sitting right up by the stage. he puts some money down, stripper comes over. he said she took his glasses off his face, shoved them entirely up her pussy, then took them out and put them back on his face.

Diamond Jim's in Janesville, WI

Cute little doll takes me to a private sofa and begins her dance. Just my type - slender, little tits, cute face, not too much ink. She turns away from me and bends over to Back That Ass Up.

and rips a big one right in my face.

Smelled like the shithouse door on a tuna boat. I didn't puke on her crotch, but I wanted to. Managed to push her away and finished after one song.

Not him but who cares? I got bad news for you if you marry a girl that ever went to a university

>walked directly to me from across the room, and physically tried to pull me to the little private booths they had. My friend laughed and kept telling her to pull harder. Eventually, I pulled my arm back hard enough to free myself and told her if she was fine with 30 bucks instead of 50 for a dance, i'd do it, but I wouldn't spend another dime. She took me to the back and began the lap dance. Grabbed up on my dick a lot over my pants, so I eventually got hard even though I was clearly not into it. As soon as I had my hands on either side of her ass, she sat down in my lap, girated a fuck ton, took my hand, and sloppily forced my hand onto her bare pussy and guided 2 of my fingers inside of her. At that point I was actually kind of grossed out. I have friends in sex work that have told me strippers that do that are fucking 10 guys a night if they can get away with it because that's where they can make 4 digits in 20 minutes. So I pull my fingers out and just go to feeling her up a bit. When the dance ends, she told me it was 60 because I touched her pussy. As soon as I started to tell her there was no way I was paying double for that shit, she gave a bouncer some kind of signal because one started coming our way. I caught on that I had been fucked over and just gave her the 60. Then the bitch tried asking for a tip, lol.
>I later found out through google reviews of all places that the club my friend took me to was known for doing that. Fucking place had 2 stars with hundreds of reviews.

Hahaha dude you shoulda just left. pussy bitch. If you told her to shove it, one of the hot girls mightve actually come out and banged you.

Some people pay extra for that


Are you saying all girls in college become strippers?

i live in portland and I've never seen that at the high pop upper class strip clubs, however ive never been much.

lol what country/state

I whent to one. One time with a buddy to see what it was like sone fat as shit dancer walk up to me and started to rub up on my leg she smelled realy bad I was like no thanks baby so she walKS a way she left lime a pond of glitter all over my leg I tryed to wipe the shit off but thare was still so much left I was like the rest will come off in the wash tossed the pants in with a full lode and the shit was all over all my clean work clothes I did not have time to wash every thing again and whent to work with things the way I was and hafe way in my shift I got called to go speek to the boss she was pissed off thinking I was makeing some kinda fashion statement and got reprimanded saying I was braking dress code no shit for real

didn't you know?

Oh fuck you married one didn't you? Everybody point and laugh at this guy who put a ring on a whore!

Went to a club in Sao Paulo and was watching the dancers when one came close to a guy near the stage - some words were said and the dude suddenly starting eating her pussy - both standing up. This went on for at least 5 minutes or more.

I took into account that I was in Wisconsin. Between the bad beer and all the sausage, gas is just a thing. The unexpected nature of the vent just tainted the entire experience.

Howly fuck htat's heard to reed.

>be me, Navy in San Diego
>go to TJ with the new boot and some of the mexicans
>boot does five shots of tequila and five beers in about two hours
>go to tranny strip club
>boot gets up on stage, pulls the tranny's thong to the side and eats the bootyhole
>Mexican buddy runs to the bathroom and pukes
>Tranny whips out dick and balls
>Boot starts laughing and teabags himself

>Fast-forward one month: Boot gets mouth herpes and Hepatitis A.
>Navy finds out he got it from a tranny strip club
>Processed for separation

ive fucked a few in the vip room
>money talks faggots and whores like to listen to it

That's shitty

Not the original guy but the same thing happened at a club I went to in NJ



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Shit was funny as fuck.

usa, minnesota

isn't there a club in WI called Cruisin' for Chubbies or something? Think I saw signs for it on a roadtrip once

Sure, i'll Reddit it up for you next time, little guy.
Gross. I didn't want to go in the first place. Strip clubs are unclean and expensive. More power to the people that like them, I just don't.

>Yas Forums literally created greentext
>Yas Forums also created TL;DR

I have a few fun stripper stories and dirty ones where we fucked while the bouncer kept trying to see if we were fucking... carrying tiny strippers and her shoving her funny in my face (she was a cousin of a friend and they were rich.. she was clean and only did that kinda stuff for me)

...worst was this obese chick that thought she was all sensual and smoky so she would exhale when she spoke, right at your face... she must have taken loads before that because there was an ecosystem of asshole in her mouth and she kept coming back because she saw me talk to some people I knew and thought I was turning down strippers... it was my Bday lol... I swear she snuck in, I a a bikini kuz no way she was hired legitimately

i just looked it up, it's called Cruisin' Chubbies haha

Go back to plebbit, faggot.

If legit this wins so far


Lol, I was a medic in the Army and spent my last 8 months working at the BN clinic. I knew of about 20 officers with spouses that tested positive for incurable STIs and countless joes. At one point, there were around 900 positive chamydia cases too, so we had to have a bunch of safe sex seminars and a few guys got UCMJ actions slapped on them because 4 or 5 of them gave it to nearly 1/5 of the outbreak. I fucked a couple of Army chicks here and there, but not after working in that clinic.

>What is the grossest thing you have seen

A stripper shooting ping pong balls out of her pussy into the audience.

>go with friends to strip club/whorehouse
>strippers on the stage, whores walk around asking you if you want to go upstairs
>Sydney Australia Kings Cross, so some look amazing
>tough looking ho takes the stage, strips, then walks out into the crowd asking if anyone wants to go on stage with her
>up the front is a small team of wogs
>skinny one gets thrown onto stage by his mates
>ho sucks him off, he's pretty big,but takes a while to get hard.
>she lies him down and sits on his dick, their heads are the other side of her ass and the genital action
>all eyes on pussy swallowing that condom-covered dork
>i look at their faces, she's saying something to him
>the show has gone on long enough, she makes this fucked-up witch face and taps his chest with her knuckle
>nobody notices this but me
>he loses wood and his junk falls out of her
>she picks up her clothes and walks off
>all his friends chanting "SOFT COCK"
probably messed with that teen's head, just like HER head was messed up, people just pay that nasty shit forward, don't they?

He's probably posting on Yas Forums right now about how women should all be slaves and all that gay nonsense.

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>knowing nothing about Yas Forums

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You sure know your history! Glad I ran into you. Thanks for the help, man. I'll evaluate what you said and reflect on it because I genuinely think you're correct and you MATTER. Go you!

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You must have looked like a mark... your friend was bait scene too...

A few healthy stripper rules:
-Don't be a kid, but have fun
-fake name
-fake occupation for personal entertainment or bolster current occupation, even if it's already awesome, nonchalantly but also unegotistically show your value, money and adventure wise

Always play it loose and never get on their bad side.. if a stripper keeps coming back, I just make sure she feels embarrassed in front of my friends and/or depreciated by her colleagues... if they don't get the hint from "no sorry, maybe later" then be more blunt like a proper man

If a stripper was pulling on my nice clothes with her cum hands while I was out, I would give her a look somewhere between you disgust me/I'm not the one for this

Hey buddy. No hard feelings.

I saw an "entertainer" shit themselves while dancing...loads of diarrhea running down her legs and such. She ran off in tears and they closed the stage while they cleaned up and broke out the shit squeegee.Fucking stank like shit, cheap lotion and lube.

Some people swear by stripclub food.. interesting it was doodoo

I question getting wings sometimes, but being all sloppy along with intoxicated feels too unsophisticated to interact with a sexy slut, even a stripper

R u dumb? U r dumb.


>cum hands

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I don't particularly have trouble getting girls.. it's just all the bullshit.. I have enough going on in my life, let alone a fucking date and shit right now

...but it always comes back to the ye olde: std/sti cesspit cunny... after I run one out I realize it's not worth the risk... just like fucking my psycho ex with no birth control... got drunk last night and nearly had her over lmfao, I engaged the convo but ghosted when she was about to get a cab over

go somewhere else you boring little insignificance

Some friends and I picked a girl for a private show, but it seems her shift was finishing, and she was about to leave. She eventually came to the room but had a tampon string hanging out of her g-string (thong for US readers), she must have realised since she left for a minute & came back without it, but we were grossed out by then.

I will assume you don't want to start a philosophical discussion on meaning and call you a poophead.

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Similar story,
>in Navy
>port call in Pattaya, Thailand
>whores everywhere
>avoid the tourist area, go to a beach instead
>few days later, we've left Thailand
>annoying nigger coworker walks into shop
>his eyes are all red, says he got pinkeye
>over the next few days, gets worse
>his eyes get swollen and crusty, disgusting
>eventually gets put on bedrest and recovers
>years later a friend and I are reminiscing
>recall annoying nigger with pinkeye story
>friend tells me the truth
>nigger ate a whore's pussy & she sat on his face
>he got gonorrhea in his eyes
>let it fester for a weeks, hoping it would go away

I've only ever seen ONE with visible warts... she was dancing as if she didn't have em too... just flappy that gnarly thing all over... every time she popped it open me and my mate would look at each other and die lmaooo


Not really gross, per se, but was at a strip club in Montreal in the late 90s. The age of consent was younger there than in the states, I believe, and this stripper (at best 16) kept hitting on me. It weirded me out. Just wasn’t into that at all.

Nah, tbh he's kind of right... you didn't assert yourself with that whily hoe

I've sat there and not even gotten a dance because they are numb stank ass hoes

I used to frequent rippers of all sorts in my drug era.. only saw 1 ever at a shithole... still 11/10 girls there though... like 2 but still absolute SuccuGodesses

Dont settle for a whore