What degree guarantees a job with decent salary?
t. 18 going to uni in August
What degree guarantees a job with decent salary?
Technically no degree guarantees a good job, but some good choices might be data analytics, finance, statistics, etc.
None, there are just the ones that give you a good start point. Keep in mind that you don't need *all* jobs, but only one, so you better look for something you'll porbably be comfortable with for forseeable time. (Neutral is fine, let's be honest - you wouldn't know if you prefer electrical eningeering over mechanical engineering.)
They also require different qualities in you, so under the assumption you're a shut in introvert you're probably best off with engineering of some flavor.
If I'm actually wrong and you don't have problems with human beings economy could be a good choice, but it's more risky - high risk high reward.
In any case: Look for statistics on degrees and salaries in your country because any suggestion is always bound to the local economy.
This. You won't get a good job unless you have connections anyway. Doesn't matter if you're the smartest kid in class, uni results don't mean shit once your out. Never even had a job ask for proof of my degree. The kid who knows the boss of a company will get the graduate position. Blackpill.
You better brown nose every potential employer/rich kid whos dad owns a company you meet. Apply and hope you get an internship while you're in college or its over for you. All jobs require experience anyway.
Absolutely this. Connections are everything. You could be a retard and still get a 6 figure job if you know a guy.
Don't listen to this shmuck. 90% of humanity manages to find a job in their profession. 9% chose to get educated in something retarded. and then there's who probably just IS retarded.
Become a dentist/doctor
I just had an argument with my dad and these are the best choices for a good life
>t.19 getting ready to fail uni entrance exams
>have to spend 7 years in school
I'm just gonna live 5 months more and off myself
If I wasn't these two would be the best choices
STEM is good if you can land an internship, although the market saturated. CS, stats, economics, accounting are all good options.