This is the ultimate cause men has fought uncountable wars, build civilizations, raise monuments...

>This is the ultimate cause men has fought uncountable wars, build civilizations, raise monuments, bothered to develop philosophy, science, technology, etc, etc, etc
Let that sink in

Attached: 1587943785569.jpg (556x525, 46.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>women literally can't comprehend doing things for the sake of doing it
>its all has to be sex to them
Let that sink it

women were given cunts to receive the greatness of Men directly

Oh that sunk in a long time ago
I'm a guy, everything is channeled sexual energy

I'd have to disagree but if thats how you feel then it must be true in your case


It amazes me how they always conclude that everything a man does is somehow related to them.
Man buys a motorcycle? Obviously wants poon.
Man develops new software? Obviously wants poon.
Man gets into video games? Obviously wants poon--wait, no. No, vidya bad. More entertaining than poon! How dare he!

Am I the only one who likes a little hair on my pussy? Not a jungle, but I like a nice landing strip or little patch of hair above the clit. This just looks like a baby pussy or some shit

>This just looks like a baby pussy or some shit
Did you have a point or?

They're correct that female sexual selection created a propensity toward competitiveness itself in males, however, they're not correct that every individual male uses that natural propensity for a woman's sake. Unrelated, but it also would have been possible for the female itself to take up the dominant role, but this would have rendered males utterly useless in every way, so I think it's overall better this way.

Nikola Tesla Isaac Newton died virgins

good funny post, i lol'd

Yeah. I'm attracted to fertile, developed women and not infants you low test pedophile.

gottem, kek'd

>This just looks like a baby pussy or some shit

Attached: 1583388878653.png (570x480, 341.88K)

uuuuhn huih uuuuuuuuuugh uuuuuuuuuugh



the greeks didnt but okay

Thanks for the link, big redpill. But how about some nerdy guy who spends all his life studying, researching, inventing shit and not giving a shit about women or sex. Does sublimation apply to this case as well?

sfb\sfb\ bkaCJc

Yes, everything is for the pussy (or the primal lust that makes you seek for it)

there's so much more to the story than that OP. you are ignoring sexual selectivity and intersexual competition. it's an extremely complex process and you seem to misunderstand to very context of human existence. we are warring ape tribes acting on darwinian impluse. all culture and art is essentially sexual competition as status = power = mates. the modem world corrupts these processes in many ways. you intuitively understand the issue but you are not going deep enough. you are hung up on a christian concept of human life. Christianity is good but it is not the default, it is the ideal. the reality of our biological situation is something to be overcome, hopefully

Aristotle himself theorized Cretan lawmakers encouraged pederasty as a means of population control by secluding women socially and encouraging faggotry. Pederasty wasn't even popular or encouraged for all of ancient Greece's civilization. Homer makes zero references to it, so it seems to have been only popular from late Greek antiquity until into the Classical period. By the end of that period, however, it's actually quite hilarious to watch Plato and Aristotle go into full damage control about their past disgusting pedophile faggot culture by blaming everything degenerate and vile on the Cretans

>Men are slaves to pussy
Laughs in Arabic. Oh silly white women they think that the last 100 years of western "civilization" is the totality of human experience. In the rest of the world outside the land of plenty, pussy is slave to men, as it should be. In proper civilizations governed by the Quran it is women who submit to men to protect them from the trials and tribulations of the real world. Not like in backwards western land where whores take for granted everything.

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>saved pics of sandnigger men he wants to fuck
>probably has hundreds of them
Faggots larping as Muslims or even Conservatives never fails to make me laugh. It's also worth mentioning many modern day Muslim states are degenerate pedophiliac shitholes only an unironic faggot would defend.

Trying to cope by saying this isn't true but then realizing the moment I stopped being a prodigy in HS and lost all my motivation was the moment I realized that having a "career" and being a fucking nerd wasn't getting me any pussy.
Now I'm trying to learn programming outside of school and struggling to finish my degree in my fourth year (after going to university at 16 with half my degree already complete). If only I was a bit dumber, I could've been one of those midwit STEM aspergers dudes like in pic related and at least betabuxxed and gotten a "nerd gf" or something. Now I'm just fucking doing nothing and my only sexual experience is through a webcam.
I'm not even really ugly looking or a manlet or dicklet or minority. I'm just a fucking weirdo who can't assimilate - and being fringe while not chad is bigger pussy repellent than being some sort of cyborg tryhard.

Attached: Redpillcomics44[1].jpg (923x1600, 268.4K)

god innies look so nice I just wanna kiss it and eat it out for hours and worship it fuck FUCK FUCK

This is fine. Just keep your labia clear and don't listen to the hair fetishists on this board.

Christ this is fucking stupid. I suppose gay men cooperate on the same basis because they want ass instead? Fuck you people are retards.

>to develop philosophy
Socrates maybe, but Plato died a virgin. Aristotle went to a brothel

>I could've been one of those midwit STEM aspergers dudes like in pic related and at least betabuxxed and gotten a "nerd gf" or something. Now I'm just fucking doing nothing and my only sexual experience is through a webcam.
>I'm not even really ugly looking or a manlet or dicklet or minority. I'm just a fucking weirdo who can't assimilate - and being fringe while not chad is bigger pussy repellent than being some sort of cyborg tryhard.
you wouldn't
t. one of those midwit STEM aspergers dudes who's in his mid thirties and hasn't had any even remotely romantic contact with a female ever