Hey robros I'm planning to commit suicide this week, i need a good method that isnt too painful...

hey robros I'm planning to commit suicide this week, i need a good method that isnt too painful, and isnt some shit like cyanide because i dont have access to that and i wont
does anyone know how to hang yourself on a doorknob without it slipping? i dont have proper rope so are there any other alternatives to that?

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cpap mask + helium tank

Dude stop being a child your not going to kill yourself nor should you. Pull your shit together and start taking responsibility for yourself

I tried doing it with a belt once with the doorknob method but the belt snapped in half

i dont have that stuff, i need household items
i tried that too so i dont know what the fuck to do

i dodnt know but if you do just have a nice pair of shoes for the after life but respectivly dont kill yourself

it's less than $75 on amazon

What's stopping you from buying a rope? Look up how to tie a slip knot and then throw the other side of the rope over the door. It would be wise to pad the part that your neck rests on with a soft material. Personally, I used adhesive tape to stick cotton pads on it. Then slump over and make the rope put pressure on the left side under your jaw to block the bloodflow. You'll be out of it quickly.

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If you're still here writing about it that means it failed tho

Hey, please don't. This is a plea from a fellow robot. I can't stand to lose another one of us, there are so few on this board already.

the corona shit isnt letting me do anything or go anywhere, i live with my parents and ive always been afraid of learning how to drive, if i order shit off amazon theyre gonna open it and ask me what im up to
had this stuff never been in place i couldve easily taken the bus and gone to the hardware store or some shit goddammit

i cant live like this anymore and i cant stop crying, ive never been a crier but i genuinely feel hopeless and worthless and have nobody

I haven't tried yet. This is my method for when I decide to go out, which would be when my time of leisure and leeching ends.

That's unfortunate. Can you wait until you can physically buy a rope again or do you want to leave urgently?

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i want to leave as soon as possible but honestly if i have no choice but to go out with more pain then i guess i have to wait
my #1 method wouldve been to jump off something tall but i cant even go outside

Good actually, I can't help but advise thinking a long time about the decision to commit suicide. Obviously I don't know a thing about your circumstances though. Anyway, you must be quite courageous to pick jumping as your method of choice. I hope whatever you decide delivers you a smooth and painless way out user. You could do some research about partial-supsension hanging in the meantime.

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The OP here used a makeshift rope to kill himself. Killing yourself is totally free as long as you can be left alone and have something to hang it with

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I've been planning this for about a year now, i originally planned to have it done by august but that doesnt seem like it will be. ive been researching suicide for years but i still have doubts on whether the methods will work or not
thank you for being understanding, and thank you for the comfy hamsterfragment photos, i hope you find happiness or some gay shit like that

ive seen this a long time ago but forgot about it, this is reassuring, thank you user

I know right, Its totally reassuring that you can kill yourself easily if thing fuck up real hard. My life is alright at the moment but if things go south, I will always have a back up plan

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>i live with my parents and ive always been afraid of learning how to drive
Holy shit your parents sound like abusive pieces of trash forcing you to be codependent on them while denying your own boundaries (everybody has a right to have privacy in there lives). I would be sure if some of the ways you act is from what abuse they have done in the past. I'm pretty sure they have scared you into not wanting to drive, like your too much of a "child" and they will use excuses like they have anxiety (only when you need to practice, but are okay being driven by others). Lemme guess, they charge you for everything now since your not a child (rent, bills, etc.). If you don't think you can pull off suicide, (best ways are hanging/shooting yourself, but if anything it requires time not being found out or you can become a vegetable or disfigured), then you might get Warded into a mental hospital and be treated as a criminal because you were taking your own life (personally i think people have a choice to decide if they want to live or not). I think if you are young enough and decide not to go through, get help. Maybe relatives might be able to help you out, maybe some therapy if you think you've been abused (you might be excusing them to blame yourself) Its okay to learn things to to make yourself independent. You are not your parent's toy or safety net so they have somebody who can devote most of their time taking care of their old crusty ass. I'm not talking about from an armchair perspective but from my own experiences.

>t. escaped 32 yo khv that has CPTSD from an abusive mother that made him isolated and codependent on her for years just so she could get free money from her "charging" for stuff, else she threaten to be kicked out and homeless.

I personally have some rope and bought a shotgun recently. it calmed me i have a way out if i feel like things get extremely bad. Maybe when my cptsd triggers an episode so bad might be an opportunity

what is cptsd like? i've recently been introduced to the concept and believe that i suffer from it, as a result of being raised by an emotionally distant single mother who raised me to be codependent and comfortable, instead of independent and self-sufficient.

Apple seeds in a blender. Dont do it though.

I make you a deal, you give me your personal information and send me pictures of yourself dressed as a girl with shit stuffed in your ass or sucking a dog's dick and if you don't go through I post them online so you have some extra motivation to do it

Gotta loose those extra pounds if you wanna pull on the belt user, hang in there chubber

It looks like he is swinging

I can always talk to you op, give me a discord or something and I can talk to you.

Only good method is a gun. In a respectable caliber.

np OP hope this helps

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>what is cptsd like
Honestly it feels like there are times where everything feels lost. Personally for me I zone out or disassociate a lot to where i don't feel like i'm there. My hand likes to go numb sometimes or my ears ring even in noisier times (its not tinnitus). If i see somebody that reminds me of my mother (or my mother as sometimes i feel she tries to stalk after i went no-contact on her) it makes me feel really panicked and fearful and i just have to go away. Personally with my brain when im talking to somebody ill pause for a second and dialogue a conversation with that person in my head before I answer. Or there's times where i am trying to share a word with somebody and i completely forget what im talking about to the person. I am really distrustful of people sometimes to the point where i avoid some parts of friendships. it feels normal sometimes to isolate to not stress myself out. I'll feel depressed and hopeless or sometimes really angry and hostile with strong revenge urges. I feel like im in a state of hyper-vigilance at times and get scared at occasional loud voices and loud noises. When i go to bed i have sometimes a floating sensation that makes it harder to relax and sleep unless i tire my brain out, just insomnia really

But these are more of what i usually experience. I'm sure people feel it in other ways that make them feel something different. Its why sometimes when you think its just depression/anxiety but medicine isnt helping, its better to search deeper with therapists to see if you had a stress disorder. Medicine isn't going to cure everything but rather treat the symptom.

>emotionally distant single mother.
man i remember the times my mother would just up interrupt everything and drive off without anybody knowing when she'd come back. she's even attempted "self-harm" by getting drunk then throwing herself in some snow and not responding at times (lots of snow here during the winter)

yeah im pretty miserable since i wasnt shown much affection as a kid and just disciplinne, theres a bunch of shit i wont go into but youre right
i dont have relatives since my parents severed all relations with them by being assholes so im stuck for help there
i got no friends so i dont have that, at this age youre not really taken seriously for mental health issues so i either have to suck it up or kill myself
im so fucking miserable and i have no confidence or social skills so i cant do shit

>you should continue to live and be miserable because of the fact youre another poster on my fave imageboard

Get a P.O box (you can get one online) and order Nembutal with your coronavirus check, swig 10g and you're gone