Partner Expectations Thread

Partner Expectations Thread
here is mine
My requirements
>lives within around 250 miles of me
>will not ghost me
>likes to spend time with me and likes me.
>hates society
>is a girl
>is okay with me being a weird autist

Attached: based doll chan.png (949x1250, 688.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here are mine.
>Thinks I'm pretty cool
>Is cute
>Likes discuss things

not a colosal whore
not even slightly ok with polyamory
introvert (genuinely doesnt like going out loads, not one of those "hehe im such an introvert" type girls)
not a totally vapid snapchat/instagram/tiktok addic (these women do exist)
no onlyfans or porn etc
not dumb as a stack of bricks
not physically disfigured
no STDs

i dont think i have unrealistic standards

the not a whore part covered everything else you said

>is very beautiful and sexy
>likes me
That's all

>he cares about normalfags idea of beauty

Yes. Ugly and average looking girls are totally worthless to me. I don't enjoy being with them. My partner must be so pretty that just looking at her makes me happy.

My requirements:
Needs constant validation
Weird looking

Here's mine.

>Catholic, or open to converting
>Wants to be a housewife
>Slender skinny frame with anime tier legs
>Green/hazel/blue eyes
>Preferably straight hair/ or wavy, looks good with bangs
>Below 5'5
>Likes anime or open to trying it, interested in cosplaying
>Wouldn't mind me tying her hands or putting her in hand for sex
>Younger than 20
>Likes cold rural places over hot crowded places
>Wants children
>Wants marriage
>Cute face
Yes I deserve that and I don't care about your opinion

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You sound like me but your supposed to declare your partner expectations not describe yourself.

Okay virgin good luck with that.

Girls aren't virgins past 24 unless they're retarded.

Its not a joke one, I'm serious

Holy shit I hope this is bait

This is my only requirement but I must insist. If you exist then I might actually have to talk to you and I simply couldn't bear it.

>lives near me
>we find each other attractive
>we get along
>we have some similar interests and some that we can introduce the other to
>very affectionate

I don't think that's unreasonable. I just want love

get out of here normalfaggot desu

I never understood the virginity one

>has some autistic hobby
>very happy about autistic hobby
>scene/goth/punk or wants to be
>no stds

That's about it, only other requirement is they have to be feminine, a femboy, or cute transman.

Also if you want kids I have good eyebrows.

>Needs constant validation
>Weird looking
wtf literally me
>I never understood the virginity one
what? why would i want a used slut.

Because cute girls are still cute.

no they aren't cute when they have had a cock in them that wasn't mine

>Biological female
>BMI 16 - 24
>Average looking face
>Kinda Clingy
>Looks after herself and her property
>Capable of holding engaging conversations
>Physically affectionate
>Shares a few hobbies and interests
>Likes animals
>Gets physical exercise

>Shares most hobbies and interests
>Wants a big fluffy dog, like a Newfoundland dog
>Enjoys traveling, but likes doing it in places without a lot of people.

Mommy GF
>20 - 28
>BMI 23
>E+ Cup
>Slightly more extroverted than me
>More experienced than me but not complete degenerate
>Some form of tertiary education


>White or Asian
>Under 5'1"
>BMI 19
>A-B cup
>Nice Thighs
>Not an ideologue
>A little lazy and incompetent
>Slightly submissive
>Owns some form of plushy

Black(Particularly Nilotic) or White
>BMI 20
>Fit, abs slightly visibly
>long legs
>A - C cup
>Slightly curvy but thin
>Motivated & Hard working
>Not a neet

I think I'm finished,

>over the age of consent
with every thread my expectations get lower

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No one will ever read or reply to these if you're a male.

>Likes me
>Similar interests

>likes to cuddle
>female by birth
>not overweight
>sexually dominant (only some light stuff though. maybe handcuffing me and just generally taking control)
>likes to kiss my neck

>with every thread my expectations get lower
and you still get no adds so what is the point

>No one will ever read or reply to these if you're a male.
then what is the purpose to continue being alive?

I'm the opposite of a normalfaggot dude. I just want my partner to be beautiful. You can settle for an ugly whore that's okay we just have different preferences man

>I never understood the virginity one
Well, first of all, most guys on here are 19-23. Their odds of nabbing a virgin are still realistic, and sexual experience (or experience in general) is a masculine trait, so it stands to reason the most feminine woman is one who's never had sex.

But I can break the value of virginity down into four facets I can also refute them but nobody's interested in hearing that shit

Knowing your girlfriend's lips have been on some other guy's dick, knowing she's been covered in his cum, knowing your dick's been where other dicks have gone. Pic related illustrates it perfectly. Would anyone want my used jockstrap, fleshlight or condom? Even if I bleached them?

There's a fairly linear correlation between number of partners and just about everything bad: STDs, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, divorce rate, dissatisfaction with sex, and so on. Just the jump from 0 to 1 premarital partners is huge. If you haven't read the Scientific Blackpill, you're not a real robot:

Nobody wants their daughter inheriting your slut genes or their son to be bullied because his classmates jerked off to his mom's nudes online. This is sort of like getting a tattoo but a hundred times worse. People say incels and roasties are analogues, but your body count only goes one direction. I can undo my virginity. You can't undo these things.

When a woman gives herself to a man, she's calling him the best man. And then she does it again to another man. And again to another man. That mountaintop gets pretty crowded. No one wants a trophy that everyone can get, they want something exclusive. Her word that you're the best depreciates in value with every guy she sleeps with. Especially since there are more men than women, if a man never takes a woman's virginity, he's solidifying himself as a low quality man. Sex alone can't fix this.

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>likes me for who I am
>monogamy only
>healthy body weight
>focused on career

too bad she doesn't exist

Here are mine
>Not overweight
>No STDs
>Taller than me
>Gives me lots of compliments

It's not settling you faggot
and i listed virginity as a requirement
the less ugly you are the more of a normalfag you are.

Pretty vague, you forgot the part about hating jews to.


Dude I don't care if someone jizzed on something just wash it off.

>but bro you can't just wash out a bed

Exactly, and that's why leather is the only furniture you should be going for anyways. It's almost like girls don't just absorb semen and are tainted forever. Retarded comic dude.

I get the kids thing though that's an unfortunate from me dog.