Do atheists really believe that everything is the result of random chance?
Do atheists really believe that everything is the result of random chance?
I'm agnostic but it is possible that everything started from something random.
i do believe that i don't know how it all happened (yet?). i don't feel the need to go any further than that.
do theists really believe everything is the result of sky daddy?
that doesnt even make sense. if sky daddy created the universe, wouldn't something have had to create sky daddy?
usually this is the part where theists say the truth is too complicated for us mere mortals to handle
To play Devil's advocate, what created the big bang? What caused it to happen? What happened before the big bang?
An atheist is someone who doesn't have an affirmative belief in a deity. As an agnostic, you don't have an affirmative belief in a deity.
Or that God "exists outside the laws of nature" (how convenient).
The big bang is theorized based on its physical consequences, not on possible origins. The religions, on the other hand... Words. Just mountains of human-centered bullshit in a universe where humans are tiny specks.
The turtles got too heavy, so, boom.
any atheist who mocks religious people, yet claims certainty that no higher power exists, is retarded. if you're gonna not be religious at least be agnostic and admit you don't know
Even the concept of "random" is a concept that is part of reality. How could such a concept even exist without some kind source?
>at least be agnostic
what do i have to be when i don't know if santa exists?
There is an infinite amount of fantasy a human mind can produce. That does not necessitate each one's discusssion.
>wouldn't something have had to create sky daddy?
The bible seems to say he was 'always there'. Stupid as fuck
Why should I believe in something there isn't any evidence for?
I think the universe is in constant motion, after who-knows-how-long passes the universe will start to shrink and implode, soon creating another "Big Bang" that births a new universe, essentially wiping the slate clean.
more examples of how the average internet atheist holds a literal nigger tier grasp of philosophy
causality dictates that there is a finite chain of causal events that extends until you reach a point where there is something that has caused, yet is uncaused. you can ask all you want about "but who made god!?!?", but eventually you will reach an endpoint of creation. also, if something created "god", whatever created "god" is actually god.
>my explanation of existence doesn't actually answer anything
>this other explanation of existence is just dumb, I can't give an actual reason why, it just sounds dumb
santa can be disproven by going to the north pole. "god" cannot
I have two sets of beliefs. Not a physicist but here are my beliefs:
Nothing is coincidence and everything behaves deterministically and the fact that something has to have a start and an end is just an evolutionary selected illusion that helps us survive and gives us logical reasoning.
Or particles actually have "their own will" and can have multiple states every time they get bumped. Each of this states spawns a new timeline.
In the end we are limited by our brains, incapable of non-deterministic reasoning ( if things can behave non-deterministically) which are a result of billions of years of evolution.
no, you only proved that he doesn't live on the north pole
i agree with you. our perception is so limited that we cannot hope to grasp what reality actually is. but that makes me wonder, if it is this way for a reason. maybe there is some grander purpose for why we perceive things the way we do
Scientifically, this question is opeating under a false pretense. If you accept general relativity, then space and time are part of a continuum, and the manifold they create is shaped by matter and energy. In Hawking's work, he suggests a euclidian approach to quantum gravity wherein ordinary time is replaced by 'imaginary' (in the mathematical sense) time, which behaves like a fouth dimension of physical space. In that sense, the 'timeline' of the universe is a four dimensional curved surface. Like the surface of the earth, just with two more dimensions. The big bang is just a point on that surface. There is no boundary condition. In the earth analogy, it would be like a pole. There is nothing south of the south pole. To suppose that a foreign influencer made a decision for it to be that way 'before' it happened isn't condusive to science because that's not how time works.
but even if time has no end or no beginning, wouldn't it still have to come from somewhere?
no, everything is pre-decided by the first atom movement. until everything becomes a singularity again
i dont know what you mean with "grander". But the only purpouse a poor animal mind of a human could see via its deterministic mind is just basic conditioning.
> Be a Predator
> oooh something in the bushes is moving
> if something in the bushes is moving its probably an animal
> if its an animal it does have meat
> if i kill it i can get meat
> Ok lets kill it.
And its kinda funny, its a cyclic assumption. A mind capable of deterministic reasoning pondering about its deterministic reasoning skills.
Just because something has a creator does not imply that everything was intended
For example: something like Minecraft was created by a human, but not even the creator knows exactly what a world will look like when it generates. Perhaps our universe is the same way.
God granted us free will, so actually anything can happen and isn't predetermined you fucking stupid cuck
I actually sugested this to my friend over Discord a couple weeks ago after seeing how you could bild up cum by abstaining and then use it all up into pots or just jack off daily. Both conservatives and coomers wold have roughly the same amount of currency if produced responsibly; so more stable than gold, which can be mined.
The problem is that as the human popultion grows, more cum is produced and there is no cap to that; which is why I also suggested having "aged cum" (>a couple years old) be more valuable. It's quite obvious which cum is aged and which is new, and the market would constantly adapt.
Pack up gold and bitcoin. Cum is the new currency.
this is an interesting approach due to semen's expiry rate it has a pretty high liquidity so it would be harder to create wealth inequality.
Not to sound like an edgy teen, but I sure fucking hope so.
Small dick, cancer twice, legit social anxiety so bad I shake.
Retarded children, child illnesses, blindness, disease, suffering of all animals. (not vegan)
Shits fucked I hope someone didn't design this. IDK though.
>God granted us free will
maybe to you, i'm just following this script