If I do Intermittent Fasting will i lose fat? Or just water weight? I am chubby now and I need to lose weight.
If I do Intermittent Fasting will i lose fat? Or just water weight? I am chubby now and I need to lose weight
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just stop eating so much fatty.
If IF makes you eat less than your maintenance calories you will lose weight.
If it makes you eat less than before but still too much, then you will gain weight slower than before but still be gaining.
"water weight" is a fucking myth, stop thinking about that and just eat less you goddamn idiot
based cole robinson poster
you will piss out all your water first then work off fat until you eat again
Eat fatty foods, but lose the sugar. Fats you need, sugar is the main culprit in weight gain. Reduce caloric intake as well, it's amazing.
IM just helps you stop being hungry all the time, that's why it works.
Listen here buddy boi. Webmd and mayoclinic say its real. So it has to be real...
I like feeling hungry except I like eating more. If that makes sense.
this. was 155 pounds about a month ago and now im 142 after drastically reducing sugar consumption and eating in a calorie deficit. 5'6 manlet btw
Intermittent fasting is your schedule for eating, not what you're eating
You can gain weight with intermittent fasting if you swallow 3 pizzas in that short timeframe
What you're looking for to lose weight is the nutrition plan
Not a diet, diets are temporary - you need to fix your nutrition for the long run
If you just cheat with the diet you'll gain your weight back shortly after getting back to your shitty eating habits
And big changes shouldn't be drastic - you should be fixing your nutrition bit by bit and getting comfortable with each step
If you're forcing yourself to do it then you'll gain weight back shortly, it needs to become your new norm, not something temporary
I have been trying to eat healthier. It's hard. I like to eat. One of the only things I enjoy in life.
Will exercising make me lose weight?
I just started couch to 5k, but I still can't make it through the first lesson because my legs are too weak from being sedentary for so long but I am making progress.
Not really. Exercise burns calories obviously but it will make you hungrier, so ultimately you are making it harder for yourself.
Exercise is for gaining muscle, eating less is for losing fat. Anyone who lifts will tell you it's pretty fucking difficult to do both at the same time.
Start by eating less; then do exercise after that to build muscle.
>Will exercising make me lose weight?
Not as much as calorie control will for most people. Walking to lose weight is pretty dumb. Humans are built to efficiently walk long distances. It will barely do anything. However you should be exercising regularly anyways. If it feels bad or "hard" to exercise it means you're out of shape and need to exercise regularly until it's no longer an issue. Ideally you want things in your life that use your body anyways, negating the need to to useless exercise and making it so you don't return to being a weak and feeble human.
Additionally, muscle will make you gain weight, but it's good weight. You don't want to lose weight and also lose muscle because it looks bad and obviously also makes you weak. Tone is good. Exercise that does this will generally make you lose more calories, but as I said, muscle is weight. It just happens to be good weight that also burns calories just by having it.
In short, exercise anyways, but calorie control is how you actually lose most weight. It's not difficult. It's very simple. If you lack the willpower, don't buy into meme diets. Instead, just stop buying junk food. Set aside your alotted calories and stick to it. You will lose weight if you eat less calories than you burn. Doesn't actually matter where the calories come from. If you eat 1500 calories of carbs and burn 2000 calories in a day, you'll lose weight. If you eat 1500 calories of sugar or cake or hamburgers and burn 2000 calories, you'll lose weight. The human body can't keep on weight if it isn't being fed the calories to maintain that weight and activity level. If this fails, it means you were eating more than you were using, not because of some magical diet not working.
I'm going to have to do both. I badly need to improve my cardiovascular and respiratory health because I have been extremely sedentary for so long. I am eating a cleaner diet. I cut out sugary sodas and fast food. I am drinking protein powder with milk after I run/walk. I am eating mainly pan roasted vegetables and chicken, fish, etc. I need to get a blender with my coronabux so I can have a green smoothie for breakfast every morning.
I am not that overweight. I was 218 lbs but I am now 204 lbs. I need to get down to 170-ish.
use water with whey protein. milk just adds more calories. but really use it as a source of protein and not a main one. chicken and fish are better sources
Zune, pls.
is zune talking about intermittent fasting on her streams?
honestly at this point you should start with what is easiest for you.
From the sounds of it you are not extremely obese, but you are extremely unfit.
If it's easier for you to let up on the diet a bit to focus more on doing 3x week weightlifting routine to build muscle, that might work for you.
but on the other hand if working out requires all your willpower, you could ease on that until you get down to 170lbs, because the fatter you are the harder it is to do cardio.
oh, i am not a regular viewer. haven't watched much since her hawaii streams.
she also recently stuck a controller up her cunt
do you have any proof of that? i thought she was done with slutty stuff
>was done with slutty stuff
>"water weight" is a fucking myth
Gonna need a source on this
she has. she's been done with all that shit since MFC. she deserves to be held and loved
drink a lot of water and exercise to sweat it all out. eat less carbs. Fasting helps too.
if youre a boy, id keep bulking and not worry about it until you start cutting. get some muscle first though
stop eating smoke more dude
You're the same height as me and I weigh 155 now. What's your diet look like? I want to drop about 15 lbs. I workout but I struggle with eating right.
dr Younan Nowzaradan
best way to loose weght:
>eat once a day (max 800 calories)
>drink only water,black coffee (no sugar or milk) or green tea
>exercise daily
>buy caffeine (eat them when you are hungry or exhausted)
Have you tried this user? How much did you lose?
Does this mean I can eat 800 calories worth of chips and chocolate a day and still lose weight?
if that's all you eat (and only drink water) then yes
I did but i did it accidentally at first.I started new work and i didnt have time to eat so my stomach got smaller with time.I dont know how much i lost exactly but it may be 10 kilos in 3-4 months.Also look on /fa/thinspo they can give you much better instructions than me
this may help you aswell:
Also i recomment you to check To the bone movie i learned some good stuff from there
that's a pro ana shill
don't eat less than 1200 calories a day or you could damage your organs and shit
ah, a fellow 5'6 male, the optimal male height
i just cut from 207 to 180 but haven't been able to lift for over a month so i've lost 4 years of progress for nothing because of chinese people