Can't get laid all my life, am i really that ugly?
Can't get laid all my life, am i really that ugly?
Not really. You're probably very toxic though.
You have potential. First cut your neck beard, second try to lose some weight and hit the gym to put on muscle.
No. How old are you? Vol.51
You're definitely not chad, but no you're not so ugly as to no woman being willing to sleep with you. I'd say it's mostly your personality, I know uglier guys than you who have lots of success
recessed chin, incel eyes, shitty beard, no jaw, big forehead, mutt phenotype, incel lips, fat
kys op
i'm not toxic, just became bitter because i had a rough life
i feel crazy anxiety at the gym though it makes me shake and feel sick
damn i don't think my personality is that bad desu
oh well
this is why you don't post your pics on r9k
no, you are a 8/10 bulgarian BVLL
no one knows what r9k is in my country so it's fine desu
a bulgarian girl told me im ugly when i was 13 still feel hurt about it
every time I am impressed at the number of newfags here
stop saying that i wanted unbiased opinions and you are ruining my master plan
Ive seen this dude before but dont know his name, who is he?
Alright OP, I'll give you the good news first:
Your hair is great.
That's all I can say about your face.
Cons: Your chin is tiny, I'm talking ayy lmao tier, not chad tier. Your eyes aren't blue. They are some murky swamp color. The color around your eyes looks sickly. Your ears are lower than your eye brows. Your eyebrows wrap far past your upper eye lid. Your neck is too short. Your hooked nose is unappealing, so is the general shape of your nose. Your lips are okay.
Again, your forehead is good. Your hair is good. But your overall jaw region is underdeveloped and unrefined. Plus, your ears are tiny.
You can't be saved. Don't reproduce.
You look fine but you have some serious bags under your eyes. How much sleep do you get?
You'd look better clean shaven desu. Right now you kinda look like a stoner. Apart from that you're probably better looking than most guys here
You need to smile. With your eyes and your mouth.
Also shave to get 5 o' clock shadow look and you'll look perfectly good.
>Plus, your ears are tiny.
Yeah okay, monkey ears.
they call me stanley but that isn't actually my name
it's not like i ever wanted to reproduce, just wanted to fuuuuuuuuuck
my sleep has always been messed up, im always tired, nothing i tried ever helps
kinda like this? it's weird, some people tell me to grow a beard and others to shave
i used to do a shit ton of drugs but stopped because people abandoned me
it feels really weird to try to smile properly in pics i can only do it when it comes natural so i usually do this weird smirk thing
And how tall are you? Obviously original.
im pretty short, like 170/5'7 or maybe a little bit above that
You look better with the 5 o clock shadow. Being clean shaven or having a light stubble is the fashion these days. Most men with pube beards are blue checkmark onions boys and incels
I'm gay and I think you're hot
tl;dr: manlet
jokes aside, you just give off creepy vibes, not cool man
yeah i don't really enjoy having a big beard on my face but sometimes i get depressed and just let it run wild
no I'm kind of surprised, but at the same time 90% of people overcomplicate getting laid to the point they psyche themselves out and fuck up their rhythm
Your like a well rounded 4, less attractive than 80% of men. You shouldnt have to much trouble getting a gf if your socially functional but hooking up would be rare for you, maybe a couple times a year if your dedicated.
you look like a whimp. a little baby beta boy. probably annoying to be around with. you don't show any confidence or sympathetic characteristics. you look like every fucking white guy who studies CS
those would be my first impressions
literally only gay dudes say that to me, feels badman no offense
in my experience getting a gf is way harder than hooking up but if im less attractive than 80% either is impossible anyway, that would explain my sexless life
ooh a racist against whites attributing negative qualities to me because im unattractive, are you by any chance a woman? they do this a lot
Oh, I just saw that you were 5'7, which makes it make a little more sense because you look generic enough that most women could probably find a guy that looks like you at 6'+, which is unfortunate but that's life.
Still though, you probably just don't go out enough or something, I feel like if you put yourself out there somewhere public and decently crowded one or twice a week every week you'd get laid eventually, a lot of women actually don't care about height as long as the guy is taller than them, you just have to be more interesting/funny/charming than the taller guy. Maybe learn to dress as well?
Iunno, I have faith that its probably something you're fucking up because you're just a socially awkward retard, as evidenced by you posting here, but the good news is you're a decently pretty retard so you've got potential
hey that's gotta mean something
Nigga,that's the most defeated looking eyes i've seen ,second only to this .Hair is lit thought.
I've seen men uglier and dirtier than you getting laid regularly.
You look like a shithead/asshole other than that your not ugly. Maybe you have a bad personality or heart? Idk.
It's like that Syrian(?) girl from the Time's magazine.
i don't know man, im kinda autistic but also very aware of myself so i don't do the obvious mistakes, i've been out for some time before but girls are literally never interested all of them have some huge chad bfs who look like criminals and act like douchebags
yeah people say that to me a lot but i don't even see it in the mirror
how the fuck do they do it
im neither of those things desu
Just use tinder it's a lot easier than finding girls irl
You're better looking than me. You probably just don't socialize enough.
Interact with enough people in a positive way and eventually one of them will want to fuck you.
Well what kind of area are you in?
I feel like if you're stuck somewhere poor and urban you'll get cockblocked by a bunch of yoked dudes, try driving somewhere middle class where you being a little poor but still white and decent looking makes you look like a hardass
Gay male reporting.
You look decently attractive except for the look of abject depression and clearly need a better sleep schedule and better nutrition.
there are too few women online in my country and most of them are massive assholes
they never want to fuck man wtf
eastern europe, i mean most people here are more or less poor with some small exceptions and it doesn't help there aren't any other races too
the problem is depression makes me unhealthy and sleep badly and i can't stop depression without getting laid so it's really a cursed circle
wtf is that
is this realty dimitry posting?
I know a girl who talked to you on Skype and she said you were really boring and not engaging. that's surely a big part of your problem.