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Boys ask girls, girls ask boys thread.
Ask a question specifically for the opposite sex.
No misogyny or misandry in the tone or content of anything posted. Post in good faith.
boys: have you ever developed a crush on a friend a long time after meeting her (i.e. 6 months or more)?
I keep hearing that guys know right away whether or not they like a girl and I'm curious to see if that's true
For girls:
What age do you start to consider a guy not ever having been in a relationship "creepy" or "odd".
What about having sex?
I found her attractive right away, but developed deeper feelings for her after getting to know her.
Guy here. I've had two proper crushes in my life. One developed two days after meeting her. The other developed not the first time I saw her, but the next time I saw her (after about 18 hours of in-person contact time).
I've never thought about it before, but no, I've not developed a crush on someone long after meeting them.
I'd say age 30 is where it starts getting weird but that's if you've never had either
if you've had one but not the other then it starts getting creepy at age 40 or so
Am girl. The reason why they have never been in a relationship is much more important than their age. Same goes for sex and their age.
Yeah. A long time ago. I didn't find her physically attractive at first but liked her a lot. Didn't wanna ruin friendship and she moved for college so it was never ment to be.
this is pretty wild for me to hear honestly
I've never had a crush on a guy before knowing him at least a couple months
I told a guy that i love him, he didn't respond back, is it time for me to move on?
Should i just stop talking to him?
What are are reasons that would be red flags and ones that would get a pass?
That's a lot to put on someone who I assume you weren't dating.
Going to need a short backstory.
Yes. After 4 years of friendship. But there's no way she will look at me the same way unfortunately. It's been 6 months and I'm still crushing on her, HARD.
The reason I think I'm like this is because when I meet someone early on, I have the thought "hey, it might be possible to get in a relationship with this person". With most people, after I've met them a few times I convince myself that they wouldn't see me in any sort of romantic way.
The people I have developed a crush on are the girls who are way more friendly, laugh at my jokes, don't seem immediately judgemental and aren't aloof (or in a relationship already), so I don't immediately dismiss the idea of a relationship. I've never acted on a crush though, so they usually just stay as friends and eventually find their own relationships.
About 28 or so. If he works constantly or something its less weird because obviously he doesnt have much time to meet girls. If he had offers but rejected them it makes him look less desperate and volcel. But then some women might wonder if he is gay or something.
Women deserve death and should be dismembered and raped.
we're just friends, we met last year (in person) but we've been talking almost everyday since september 19, anyways when i say that "i love you" it was more in a sense of "i like you that you are in my life and i'm greateful because of it" (a "te quiero" kind of thing) he left me on read, and even though we're fairly communicate on social media, he hardly knowledge me today.
not her but I think of it like this
red flag: celibate despite seeking sex from any woman who gives them the time of day, never been in a relationship because they wanted to play the field
pass: volcel (for whatever reason), never been in a relationship because they didn't meet the right person, haven't bothered with relationships or sex because they've been busy with work
basically if they're putting lots of effort into getting casual sex and no effort into getting to know people, I consider it a red flag
How much of a turn-off is it if guys have weird hobbies and interests? Not weird as in watching anime or something, I mean weird as in collecting 1970s desktop calculators.
what weird about that? nothing
honestly if you seems really into it, (as long is nothing illegal) i even find it cute, because you're letting someone to know you well
I honestly would not care as long as their interests aren't weird sexual stuff like fetish porn
I would find the desktop calculators endearing desu
Ah, that's the problem with texting these type of things. He may have misinterpreted what you meant. Maybe you can clear the air, and explain the situation to him.
Guys can be dumb with these kind of things. If he's anything like me, he probably felt really anxious and overwhelmed and doesn't know how to process it so he avoids it like the coward he is.
I wish I hadn't read this because now I have hope that my friend might like me back even though he was in a relationship when we met
hp45 you got one
>tfw have good social skills, can get along with most people
>usually considered funny
>don't have any friends and don't want any
>don't want a girl to have friends because they're apt to start shit, make trouble for me, tell her she can do better, etc
How much of a problem is this?
that's the problem, i said it pretty clear, it was between the lines (i'm paraphrasing) "i know i can be difficult dealing with me sometimes, but i'm happy i can count with you, i'll go to sleep, i love you" that's it
Guy here, but I hope I can chime in.
I'm interested in RPGs and 40k. Seems like girls are turned off by the idea of a guy liking these things.
The girls I'm friends with think it's a weird thing to like and is decidedly "uncool". I've been told I "own" my nerdiness/interests but they still are averse to guys liking it.
that means that you're looking at the wrong places user, i have plenty of girlfriends that are into that stuff.
honestly? that sounds like a huge red flag and like you have some major insecurities that you need to deal with
most people don't worry that their partner's friends would talk shit about them
it speaks of controlling tendencies that you wouldn't want her to have friends because of your own fears
i agree with HUGE PROBLEM
I don't know, the vast majorty of girls I've interacted with (90%+, both at school and university) have seen it as weird.
i can only remember that happening when i was like 10. i was friends with a girl throughout the school year, didn't have a crush on her, but i got a crush on her in the next school year. thats probably just initial puberty stuff though so idk.
but if i spent a lot of time with a girl i can see some attraction developing as long as she doesn't absolutely repulse me.
I'm too poor for HP stuff, dropping a couple hundred on a single calculator is a bit beyond my budget.
That's unfortunate, I feel like RPGs especially have a bit of a stigma against them because of how heavily D&D was associated with losers not long ago.
why is a guy really nice when his friends arent around but says horrible things to me when they are
i'm going with - 80% change he doesn't feel the same way, 20% chance he feels the same way but is too scared to respond or doesn't know what to say
>That's unfortunate, I feel like RPGs especially have a bit of a stigma against them because of how heavily D&D was associated with losers not long ago.
This is pretty much it. If I ask the girls who are averse for their reasons, they usually say "because it's for losers", but can't give any further justification for that. They've likely been socially conditioned to think that D&D etc. are for losers, rather than making judgements for themselves.
i think is time to start expanding your interests, i'm not saying you need to stop to do your things, i mean that in the long run, you'll find people that are also into the same stuff as you