Tfw bad at league

>tfw bad at league

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... and that's a good thing! play dota

dotas boring though.
>t. riven one trick

I used to be high diamond maining top, I literally cannot look at the game without getting extremely angry anymore

that game doesn't look fun at all. when I found out about it, how popular and even how many normies played, it gave me a big surprise.

This unironically, the game is so stale atm
>t. zed OTP who has been playing since S3

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Anyone else get really angry everytime they hear someone mention zoomer games like league, CS, fortnite, minecraft, dota etc?

yeah, i understand games like call of duty or world of warcraft even if i dont like them but i dont get MOBAs at all. Also, they hastened the decline of one of my favorite genres (RTS), so fuck em

commit rope you fucking cancer. Even worse than ranged toplaners.

i am not bad , but i am really bored when i start playing league
i have over 3k hours in this game and reached high diamond last season but now i am a hardstuck plat cuz its just so fucking boring and i react to the slightest provocation by my teammates and i start to int and flame cuz i cannot stand the grind , uninstalled the game several times but from time to time i download it again because i dont know what else to do , fuck this game , i want my teenage years back

how are league, cs, and dota zoomer games?

league is the newest one of those and it's over a decade old

i haven't played since like season 6 but riven used to be easily the most difficult champ in the game. i'm sorry i put more time into knowing my champ than u did. x)

it's not fun,i fucking hate it, but the feeling of making someone lose 30 to 60 minutes of their life just because you are better then them at the game is priceless. This is the appeal of LoL dominating a faggot over and over and over (seeing him complaining in chat is also a bonus) for the whole game. The game is hardcoded to feel you miserable if you are loosing , if you are wining however you feel like an unstoppable God. Thinking and seeing the flame your opponent is receiving and how shit he feels for wasting everyone's time is at the core of what makes this game enjoyable.
LoL is a game for pathetic people that failed in life . For 45 minutes they can forget about how much of a failure they are , and feel a brief rush of fulfilment , proudness and appreciation when the bot who went 0/5 in the first 12 minutes types " thx for the carry"
>t. Annie main

CS is without a doubt not a zoomer game

>been playing for three years
>peak gold 4 season 9
>currently hardstuck 50% wr silver 4
>support main because too bad to play any other role
>most games played on sona/janna/lulu

>0.5 second stun
>3 hit passive
>ult makes you big and you shout over whole map and do mobile game face
>copy paste 200 times
why are you doing this to yourself

can't say much about that then. I played in season 1 and 2 ,left and returned to season 8. Dominating at all stages of the game because you can press buttons is not fun. The only thing worse than riven is fiora. I play Teemo in comp btw an actual hard pick

Been there as well. OTPing my way up, addicted since season 3. But there came a point where I lost a normal and I was staring at the screen and thinking "no fuck this". Quit. If the game is only about being better than others, quit. You play to kill time in a somewhat enjoyable environment. If the game has been reduced to "am I good or not" its not an enjoyable experience anymore and you should dedicate your time to something else. If you cant quit cold turkey, just play arams until you finally had enough of this dumb fucking game. Its stale, its toxic and it evokes absolutely nothing besides anger and resentment.

I'm relatively new, but I'm getting pretty bored of it to be honest. Csing is so boring, trading in lane is a gamble, and there are way too many broken assassins that bully you in lane.

It doesn't help that I pick champs based on how they look and I never select fun or easy ones (currently main Sol and sub Anivia.) Maybe I'm burned out but I think the game's may be too boring to me.

>tfw it's the only game my online group has consistently played since 2013
I hate it and it's not fun at all, I do wish I was a high rank though so I could attract egirls and when I go to college I would be a god to the esports club

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its literally a game designed to make you forget how bad you are the second you do something wrong, and tell you how good you were for 10 years after you've done something flashy
everything is low cd, invisible when you miss and has sparkles all over the map when you hit
except everyone watches their own sparkles, and when they haven't seen sparkles in a while they look at you getting no sparkles and tell you how bad you are

Just learn from this chart and you'll never be bad again.

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>tfw bad at every vidya

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I never got Mobas. Everyone who plays them gets anger issues because of it. I swear, even my calm, docile friends in high school would scream and get angry when they lost. Like damn, it's just a game. If you're not having fun, why the fuck are you even playing?

Absolutely this.
It's because it's a shitty game with no balance overall, to really rank up you need a premade team, otherwise if you play in solo/duo it's automatically over for you.
Also checked double dubs

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I used to be that way years ago, now I try to play the better I can and I'm my teammates try to provoke me, I act dumb saying things like "Not my problem" or "You're right brother :D" usually they seethe so much. So either I have fun because I win or I have fun because I manage to make seething another person.
I hope my experiences could help you, see ya at Summoners Rift brother. HH

its literally just a switch that dispenses random amounts of pleasure/grief. some games are fucking amazing where everyone is playing correctly and even if you lose everyone got to play the game at the very least. but most games are just a mess of total retards wasting 20-40 minutes of your time by just existing. the good times are so rewarding that they force people to grind through triple the amount of bad times.

>tfw bad at xcom

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>tfw nearly 1500 hours in cs and only dmg

you deserve to suck

>some games are fucking amazing where everyone is playing correctly and even if you lose everyone got to play the game
For example? I want to play

what I'm getting from this is that every MOBA player will be a gambling addict eventually.

it's a weird feel when you're insecure about a fucking video game...

>tfw ~600 hours in PUBG
>still trash
>still panic in every gunfight
>still zero awareness
>still lose 80% of 1v1 engagements

pretty much all of my kills are just some unlucky guy running out in the open and getting shot by me, or just me kill-stealing. also I don't even bother picking up bolt action rifles because of my abysmal aim. my laggy laptop doesn't help either.